MovieChat Forums > Reaperscout > Replies
Reaperscout's Replies
Plenty of horror movies or movies you'd expect to see be popular around the Halloween season or are must-watches for the Halloween season have released post-Halloween in November and December. The Johnny Depp Sleepy Hollow released in November. I think Scream 1 and 2 released in December as well. Then the Christina Ricci Addams Family movies both released in November. The list goes on. So there is nothing off about Nosferatu's release date. Plus I heard there is Christmas trees in the background in a couple scenes, so the movie is pretty much set around Christmas. Also, I remember back in 2017 that everyone was rooting for IT 2017 to release on DVD, Blu-Ray, and 4K in December 2017. A lot of people wanted the movie as a Christmas present. And it was possible to get movies that soon back in 2017. Kingsman 2 released a few weeks after IT 2017 (IT was early September 2017 and Kingsman 2 was towards the end of September) and was already on DVD, Blu-Ray, and 4K in November 2017 or early December. There was huge disappointment when IT 2017 released on DVD, Blu-Ray, and 4K in January 2018. So yeah. Horror is still popular and stuff in December and even November. And I listed a bunch of 90's movies, so it's been going on for decades. It's not something that is happening/happened recently. People will still watch horror in November and December and horror still makes money in November and December.
I heard the movie is already done filming, or at least all his scenes have been filmed already. He'll be in it still.
This sucks. I just recently bought Candyman on Blu-Ray too from Scream Factory. But I guess it's a good thing I got it when I did. It's possible either the Blu-Ray is going to go up in price, or everyone will start buying it because of Tony Todd passing away. I can see all the scalpers wiping out all physical copies and trying to resell at a higher price just because of Tony Todd passing away. But I can see people buying it too just to have it because of him passing away, or because they want to check out the movie or even re-watch it without having to turn to a streaming service.
Yeah, okay. Every horror nowadays and the last couple years gets slapped with the title of best/scariest horror/scary movie of all time, the year, the decade, the century, etc. That is pretty much what is being said about this new Nosferatu movie from that article. It's just being worded differently. But they are pretty much saying it's the best/scariest movie of the year like what was said about every other horror movie released throughout 2024 and the last couple years. That means it probably won't. Of all the horror movies I've seen between 2022 and 2024, either they are meh/okay at best, suck/terrible/waste of time, nothing special, forgettable, a mix of several other horror movies that did stuff WAY better, are one-time watches, or are Jumpscare City movies. So it's going to take a lot to convince me this Nosferatu movie is good. I am kind of interested in watching the movie after seeing the trailers, but I was also interested in Longlegs after watching the trailers. Longlegs ended up sucking. I guess I'll just have to watch the movie myself to see what I think. I can't believe what the critics and moviegoers are saying. And what the article says does not have me more excited. It has me leaning more towards the movie is going to be meh/okay at best since it's getting too much hype that a lot of previous horror movies get, which I thought all weren't as great as everyone claimed. And saying it's better than the rest of the 2024 horror movies isn't saying much since I thought the other 2024 horror movies I saw sucked. It's always possible though that Nosferatu could be my favorite horror movie of 2024, but right now it's hard to believe until I actually see it.
It was supposed to originally release in 2020, but a certain virus delayed it a year. Halloween Ends was supposed to release in 2021 as well. That got delayed a year also. Plus I think the original plan was to set 2018, Kills, and Ends all on the same night, but they changed that. The whole time jump between Kills and Ends is why I prefer the theatrical cut. The ending of the extended cut or whatever you want to consider it sets up that Ends picks up where Kills left off. So the time jump makes the extended cut's ending obsolete.
I the movie slightly more. Just because it has someone to root for. There is no one to really root for in The Penguin. They are all bad guys. Plus at times it would be nice to see Batman pop in and mess with stuff. Also, I just sit there thinking "Oh, wait until Batman returns (since it's said he's gone MIA after the events of the movie) and starts messing up everything you guys are doing in the events of The Penguin." Actually, I like both The Batman and The Penguin, but I have to go with the movie more. Just because the movie has someone to root for. I root for Batman more than the villains. The show is making Penguin an interesting character (I think I've accepted Riddler is my favorite Batman villain, and not because of The Batman either), but I kind of want The Batman 2 more. Also, The Batman is NOT boring. It's a really fast 3 hours. Plus it was The Batman that made me want to watch The Penguin. If I didn't like The Batman, I wouldn't be watching The Penguin.
I didn't mind it. And it landed exactly where I thought it would. I prefer the book and original miniseries more, but it's better than the Rob Lowe miniseries/movie. I predicted it would go book, miniseries, 2024 movie, and then Rob Lowe miniseries/movie. Also, I was just glad that they stuck to Ben and Mark being the final two survivors. I was worried they would kill Ben off and let someone else survive instead. When I heard they were changing the ending for the 2024 movie, I immediately went to either Ben dies or maybe Susan lives and there is three survivors. I wasn't expecting things to take place at the drive-in instead of the house and have some big fight at the drive-in. I know the Rob Lowe one kills off Ben at the end, which I didn't like, and also why I immediately went to/assumed Ben dies in the 2024 movie when I heard they changed up the ending/third act/finale. But they kept the two survivors the same from the book, so I appreciate that, and that's another plus. But yeah. Overall, I didn't mind it. I also liked it more than that Midnight Mass show. Oh and I would rather watch Salem's Lot 2024 again than that stupid Abigail movie.
I don't think it's actually said, but we can just assume they are white in the book, especially around the time the book was written/released. But I've seen the movie. Nothing to make a big deal about (and I've read the book and REALLY enjoyed it, one of my favorite Stephen King books). The main kid is race swapped and then I think the doctor character was both race swapped and gender swapped to a black female (I think the character was a white male in the book). But the movie never really focuses in on that stuff. If there is, it's near the beginning of the movie when the boy is being bullied at school. I'd have to re-watch that scene again, but from what I can recall, he was just being bullied because he is a new kid and his family just moved to the town. There is nothing like that related to the doctor character. But I'd probably put this race swap and even gender swap in the same category as making Kingpin black in the Ben Affleck Daredevil movie, or making Gordon black in the 2022 Batman movie. They really don't make the skin color or gender the main focus of the characters. They are treated like every other character, especially those that are white. Also, I'm pretty anti-woke too and didn't have a problem with the race swap and gender swap. This was pretty much race and gender swap done correctly. I think that if someone has problems with race swapping one character and race and gender swapping another character (at least for this movie), they have serious issues.
I gave her attitude a pass. I wouldn't say she was a bitch. Just pregnant. Pregnant girls/women can be a little scary. Women/girls go through a lot during a pregnancy. One moment they can be all nice and stuff, and then the next they are (figuratively) biting your head off because the smallest thing triggered them. I wouldn't say that's a myth either. I've been around pregnant girls/women numerous times throughout my life. Plus I've observed them as well when out & about. One second they are all nice and then someone does or say something wrong (or I've done or said the wrong thing around them) and they flipped out. So her behavior was pretty much the pregnancy taking over and making her so easily triggered.
Also, the movie didn't lose me like it did a lot of others when it got to the halfway point. I think my only major issue with the movie is that there wasn't more of a single person army to the movie. When I read the plot summary/synopsis, it sounded like she was going to be defending the diner and stuff from a bunch of bad guys and taking them all out with creative kills. It really wasn't like that. So the lack of that kind of ruined the re-watch factor. Not so much once the twist is revealed. Also, the ending was kind of weak. It just randomly ends and leaves it with sort of a cliffhanger ending. They should've wrapped stuff up a little better than just leaving it to our imagination on what happens next.
It's Wesley Snipes. And no it's not archive footage.
I don't know what movie they watched. I was able to watch it early (not saying how), and it was a waste of time. I didn't care about any of the characters, it was boring, VERY slow paced, the tornado chasing wasn't all that exciting mainly because you don't give a crap about the characters, and there was no plot. First half is a bunch of tornado chasing for just because reasons and so the supposed "bad" tornado chasers can do dumb stuff like driving into the tornado and shooting off fireworks to get followers/subscribers on YouTube/social media, and then the second half is pretty much trying to get the main girls device to work or something (I gave up on trying to figure out the plot an hour in and was just watching the rest of the movie to say I watched the movie), plus a town trying to survive a tornado. Plus the main girl, her friend, and the YouTube/social media tornado chasers trying to get everyone into the town's movie theater to survive the tornado (the movie theater gets destroyed, but a lot of people still manage to survive). Oh and then there is some kind of love triangle between the main girl, her friend, and the leader of the YouTube/social media team. But the movie sucked. I think this movie was just made to make me appreciate the first Twister movie more. I don't care for the first Twister movie just because of the whole divorce thing and Bill Paxton's fiancée. I hated the fiancée. Most annoying character of the movie. If they got rid of that whole thing, I would like Twister even more. But watching the new movie, I was wishing I was sitting through the divorce/fiancée stuff. At least there is some fun hating on that. But there is no fun hating anything in the new movie. At least I liked some of the characters in the first movie. Oh and then there is the steak and eggs scene. Nothing like that in the new movie. So yeah. Not sure what movie they watched/reviewed. The movie I watched was god awful.
Every horror movie is considered THE scariest or one of the scariest movies of the decade/century/year/last couple years/last 5-10 years/ever/of all time/etc. Especially everything released in 2022 and 2023. So it's hard to take this seriously. And all those movies getting that title, they were nothing special. Either you can think of another movie that did stuff better, it was already done before, it's a mix of several (better) movies, come to the conclusion that the person never seen a horror movie or it's their first, or it's just a Jumpscare City movie (a jumpscare every 30-45 seconds, or pretty much every scene). I am interested in Longlegs, but come on. EVERY horror movie nowadays gets slapped with being called THE scariest or one of the scariest movies of whatever nowadays. Either it's the scariest or one of the scariest, or it's considered one of the worst horror movies. There is no in between. Either it's a 10/10 or a 0 or 1/10 (the 1/10 is for something like IMDB where they don't allow 0/10's and 1 out of 10 is the lowest you can go). But there is no such thing now as 2/10 to 9/10. It's either the greatest or worse. And as I said, I'm interested in Longlegs, but I will wait until I see the movie. Pretty much all of 2023's horror movies have been a letdown, and the only horror movies I liked in 2022 were Halloween Ends and Christmas Bloody Christmas. I liked maybe 2-3 2024 horror movies, but they get slapped with a asterisk of something like "I liked them, but I'm not going to praise them like everyone else, or I liked them, but they still have tons of issues and could've been WAY better." Also, I'm not a big Nicolas Cage fan. The only movies of his I like are The Rock and Con Air. So with him being in Longlegs, I'm kind of iffy on stuff, and it's holding me back from being REALLY excited about the movie or getting my hopes up it'll be good.
The tie-in novel also has that as well. I was a little confused by stuff until I looked into it and saw they changed it. Mostly in post-production. But I think they did have some minor reshoots to show Russell Casse in the cockpit of an actual military plane. But the plane we see in the movie is pretty much CGI or a model they could swap in. It looked CGI to me. I think the original footage is on YouTube. I remember seeing it once or twice.
I don't know about that. David was the one that came up with the virus idea. And he was Jewish. Plus Steven Hiller/Will Smith was black, and President Whitmore didn't look like a redneck to me. I wouldn't classify Russell Casse and his children to be rednecks either. Sure, they lived in an RV/trailer, but I don't categorize everyone that lives in those as a redneck or trailer trash. I happen to have a friend that is into RVs and all that, and he's no redneck or trailer trash. He's far from it.
I always thought the primary weapon was exposed and not shielded no matter what and if the aliens got the shields back up, the humans could still get them from there. And I want to say once they (Steven and David) blew up the main ship, the smaller ships could still find a way to bring up their own shields and had some backup system in them. And the shields were supposed to be down for a matter of minutes (like 5-10 minutes is what I'm guessing) since the aliens' technology was so advanced, it would take minutes to use some antivirus program against the virus. And by the time the other countries got word on how to take the ships down, the shields should've been back up. But by the looks of it, they were successful on bringing down every alien ship. So with that, I always believed that the ships could be taken down no matter what if there was a shield or not. I always considered the primary weapon's shield to be the doors/hatches. And once the doors/hatches were open, the primary weapon was naked/exposed. I always thought of Star Fox 64. There is an Independence Day like mission in that game. The ship was shielded, but when the hatches opened ("the hatches are open" was the major quote from that mission), the primary weapon was exposed and could be shot at and that's how you defeated the ship. So since that level/mission screamed Independence Day, I just figured the logic in that applied to what happens in the movie. But maybe I am wrong and the shields went back up after a few minutes and David would have to resend the virus or create a stronger one to bring them down again to expose the primary weapon, but he solved that problem when he and Steven blew up the main ship in space. But I always thought each individual ship on the planet had their own backup system to fight the virus even if the main ship went down. The aliens were supposed to be highly advanced. And someone had to be piloting those smaller ships and weren't drone-like.
The game/game series I see the most being mentioned is Mass Effect. In all the Mass Effect Facebook groups I'm a part of, everyone keeps saying how similar the movie is to the games.
I'm hearing it's more similar to Mass Effect than Titanfall. I'm part of a few Mass Effect Facebook groups. A lot of people in the groups are watching the movie and bringing up all the similarities and possible references to the Mass Effect games. Some are going as far as saying that the movie is an unofficial Mass Effect movie. Even the protagonist of Mass Effect 1, 2, and 3 is named Commander Shepard. Atlas though spells the name Shepherd though, but there is a lot of people spelling Commander Shepard wrong in the groups. I've seen Shepherd, Sheperd, and Shephard. The terrorist group in the games called Cerberus even have mechs, which are called Atlas or Atlas Mechs. They are in Mass Effect 3. There are a few levels/stages/missions where you get to pilot them, and if you do things correctly, you can even kill the pilot and hijack them. Oh and Commander Shepard can be male or female. They let you pick the gender when creating your character. So Atlas could be making an unofficial Mass Effect movie with a Female Shepard (Male Shepard is supposed to be default and the one used for 95% of the marketing). Also, from what I've seen in pics, the mechs in Atlas do look a lot like the mechs that Cerberus has. Only different colors. So yeah. I'd say the movie is more Mass Effect than Titanfall. I actually haven't watched Atlas yet, but I'm seeing a lot of similarities. I plan on watching Atlas eventually though. It's just not top priority or a mood when I go to watch stuff.
I'm catholic/christian. Doesn't bother me. I swear all the time. I say pretty much every swear word except a certain c-word that is slang for a part of the female body between the legs. I have cut back on swearing over the years. To me it seems a little childish and immature to swear, but I usually swear if I get mad enough or if I fall back into who I was/what I was like in junior high and high school (every other word I was saying back in the day was the f-word). I'll also start swearing like crazy if I'm hanging out with my friends. Mainly because all of them heavily swear. But with as much swearing as I did and can do, I could fit perfectly in a Rob Zombie movie. I actually think I could outdo Rob Zombie if I wrote a screenplay/script for an R-rated movie. Also, I watch a lot of R-rated movies (well, I mainly watch a lot of movies that are either PG-13 or R-rated). Lots of cussing in R-rated movies. Plus I heavily quote Bad Boys 2, Scarface, and Pulp Fiction (mostly Samuel L. Jackson's stuff), and those three are R-rated movies with lots of f-bombs. I also listen to a lot of Rap music. Oh and when an R-rated movie is on basic cable, I refuse to watch it because all the f-bombs are edited out. I hate edited for TV. So I definitely won't watch a TV edit of Scarface. Oh and my favorite George Clooney movie/role is From Dusk Till Dawn. George Clooney is constantly swearing in that movie. I actually wish we could get more protagonists like him and go back to those days of Hollywood instead of what we get now for male protagonists where they can't swear or kill. Only villains can cuss and kill. So yeah. Swearing doesn't bother me, and I watch a lot of R-rated movies with tons of swearing. Atlas is only PG-13.
Somebody did point out exactly in the car flipping where John Cena could've ejected and he rolled off the road offscreen before the car blew up. But going further with the nobody dies stuff, I don't know why the Gal Gadot reveal was such a big deal. I've been waiting for her return since I saw the beginning of 7. When we saw Statham's brother in the hospital at the beginning of 7 and then moving around/helping out Statham during the final fight/action sequence of 8, I was questioning where Gal Gadot was. She had a similar "death" to Statham's brother, buth Statham's brother I think had a worse/painful "death" than her. So I was actually expecting Gal Gadot tor return in 8 or 9. And since Statham's brother survived, I'm fine with her surviving. Also, when they revived Han, I was like "Okay, they have to be bringing back Gal Gadot and are more than likely bringing her back. There is no way we are having Han without her."