MovieChat Forums > Wint3rFir3 > Replies
Wint3rFir3's Replies
Agreed iZombie is legit amazing and I can't wait for the next season, either. Also Arrow is pretty bad.
I think you replied to the wrong person lol
Does that go the other way?
If a guy is into Star Wars, should that be a deal breaker for the girl who does not care for it?
Peyton. I like the idea of her character, but it really feels like they don't know how to write for more than one female character. Ravi is beloved by all, Clive is pretty great, Blaine has some dope moments. They want us to like Major so they do their best with an eh character. But I feel like Peyton is written badly and is just there to hook up with or be ogled by the guys.
I don't watch Z Nation, sorry.
There is a lot of small humour and big humour, if you know what I mean. Those tiny subtle chuckle moments and gut busting laughter moments. And they're all used pretty well, never taking away from the gravity of a scene or the overall darkness of the show.
"as long as you're TRYING! As long as you're making an EFFORT to be healthy!"
"I don't know if these women do try or not but it's hard for me to believe"
Okay, I'm usually not mean, but I had a serious wtf moment when reading this.
Why does it bother so many people to see even one fat body? TV land is full of beautiful, often unobtainable body types. So why is it that when one fat person appears, especially if it's a woman, people are so freaked out? Fat people exist. Them being on TV or in movies won't make you catch a fat cold, just like watching those same movies with thin actors can't make you thin via viewing.
Is obesity such a big issue in Hollywood now that TWO people who have come into recent fame need this kind of attack on their weight? Seriously? Is it? Is anorexia not a bigger issue? Bulimia? Drug abuse? Drug abuse to maintain a healthy appearance? Alcohol abuse? People dying young is a bigger issue in Hollywood.
Guess what? They don't have to try. Not for you. Their personal weight issues don't affect you. If you don't enjoy their brand of comedy, then that's one thing - but you do so what's the problem?
Telling two overweight women in a scene well known for its cigarette, cocaine and laxative diet is just unnecessary.
And if they are trying, you still don't believe them anyway.
BTW, let's face up to this. Funny woman are usually not beautiful. If they were, they would be taken less seriously as actors and probably in films that require them to take their clothes off - comedienne Sofia Vergara, for example, hasn't escaped from this. Every slightly attractive actress is asked to do this, no matter how high up she is. Even Helen effing Mirren has been asked to take her clothes off for a magazine. If weight prevents these women from having to be dumbed down or bear their butts, then I'm on board with them.
Her comedy is so deadpan, it needs to pair up with something bright and bubbly, like Mindy. I also like it best when her storylines lean more toward friendships rather than romance, so whatever show is less on the romantic side. I could also see her as a techie in something serious, like a cop show, but with comedy. Maybe like Lethal Weapon or something?
It's very comfort-food equivalent, not amazing, not horrible, just something to stay in and feel amused and comforted by.
Thanks. There's so many more. I'm too easy to irritate I guess.
Side note: Is a pickle station actually a thing? Sounds delicious.
To be completely honest, I never really sided with most of the good on this show lol. My guilty pleasure was supporting the bad characters. Or maybe I just never really liked the "good" characters.
I mainly felt sorry for Theresa and Kay, I felt like they actually put in effort, whereas Charity and Gwen just showed up and were adored by their respective boyfriends.
Admittedly, I did feel sorry for Pilar and Sheridan. Pilar's kids were obsessive weirdos and Sheridan - just, poor Sheridan.
All soap operas are kinda cheesy, kinda dumb, but also formulaic. When I first caught this randomly on TV, I was struck by how much this show embraced the cheese and took it to another level, but still took itself seriously. The actors didn't (for the most part) write it off just because it was insane. So it was able to be insane and yet still totally believable somehow.
Also, I was shocked that this soap allowed cursing. I still find it amazing when I recall the scene of Theresa hiding from Gwen in a bathroom, and mentally uttering the S word.
Oh man, this is all bringing tears to my eyes - of laughter. This is such an underrated movie.
Theresa, with Ivy a close second. This show was ridiculous (which I loved) but both actors committed whole-heartedly.
I like it too. The blend of comedy and dark cop stuff is just really well done. I think people too often overlook the quality of comedy, especially where comedy is part of a mix of elements in a show, and will write the show off as being too funny, or not serious enough, but the timing is just spot on.
I'm lovin it too.
Tom Lennon is legit one of my favourite comedians. I love this.
If we're talking shows that started out okay and hooked you, then that's why (damn you Pretty Little Liars you piece of-). But if we're talking a show that came out recently, no idea. Just stop watching, time is precious.
Just fyi, I like this show. I didn't expect to, but was pleasantly surprised.
I'm not gonna twist your leg, but the adaptation is really well done and you're missing out.
Agreed, loving this show and hoping it keeps on going.