Actually Like the Show

Although I agree with some of the threads that most remakes are terrible (MacGyer is one), I actually like Lethal Weapon. Must be my age group (over 50). My sister and father do too. The show is both funny and dramatic.

*Captain,(pointing to numbers written on a board): Do you know what this number is?
*Riggs (the smart ass): Number of words in the book of Genesis?

That's funny.

Speaking to the thread about Riggs being unclean, dirty hair, etc....Murtaugh has addressed it in various conversations with the captain (Murtaugh: "...and why he tucks one pant leg in a boot, I don't know)

The dialog is fast; it's easy to miss the quip.

However, I think the writers are leading up to Riggs going on the wagon and beginning to let go of the pain from losing his wife. His dirty clothes and greasy hair are very realistic. Letting go is not easy (try letting go of an opinion). Hitting bottom is not pretty and doesn't happen over one or two episodes.

Like the movie, there is a balance of comedy and drama - which is how life is most of the time.

I don't have the money to subscribe to HBO type channels or subscribe/stream shows from the internet, so I have maybe one show a night I look forward to and this is one of them.

This is just an opinion...and you know what they say, opinions are like a--holes, everybody has one and no two are the same. Agree or disagree, but please be respectful.


I really like the show too. Haven't missed an episode.

For me, however, it's more of a guilty pleasure type show than a great show. When I watch it, it's not like I say, 'man the writing and the performances are top notch'. Those kind of comments are reserved for shows like Fargo.

There is a lot of true quality TV out there nowadays. TV shows on the Big 4 networks (ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX) have to step up because, for the most part, the best shows now are on HBO, Netflix, Amazon, BBCA, AMC, FX, etc. The Big 4 really need to step up the quality of writing, direction and performance or they will become irrelevant in the medium.

I have a very small handful of shows on the BIG 4 that I watch. This is one of them, but I'm not sure I can say it's a great show.


I like it too. The blend of comedy and dark cop stuff is just really well done. I think people too often overlook the quality of comedy, especially where comedy is part of a mix of elements in a show, and will write the show off as being too funny, or not serious enough, but the timing is just spot on.
