Obesity in Hollywood?

I don't mean to be rude because I really think everyone is beautiful in their own way but what I don't understand is obesity in Hollywood. Two of the current funniest women are Rebel and McCarthy, who are both quite overweight. I do feel bad for some people who are obese or overweight because of thyroid problems or disabilities or as food being a way for them to cope with depression or never having time to workout because they work so much but I just don't understand why people in Hollywood would be overweight.

Why don't I understand?
Well, because they obviously have plenty of money to spend on personal trainers and dietitians and workout plans and fresh, healthy food. That just seems lazy or greedy or selfish of them not to get better. I'm not talking about looks, either. I'm talking about the fact that obesity is a HUGE health issue and you're hurting all of your loved ones by not taking care of yourself and you're not setting a great example for America.

I don't believe that everyone should be 100 pounds because everyone is built differently and there's nothing wrong with being overweight.. as long as you're TRYING! As long as you're making an EFFORT to be healthy!

I don't know if these women do try or not but it's hard for me to believe that with all of their money and resources that they can't find anything to help. I guess it just bothers me because I know so many working class women who are so insecure about themselves and try so hard to be healthy and keep weight off but it's hard for them when they're working full-time and raising kids and they can't afford fancy healthy groceries or have the time to cook healthy meals.

That being said, I do love Rebel and McCarthy so SO much! They both crack me up and put a smile on my face. It just makes me sad that they aren't taking advantage of the resources they're very lucky to have.


The answer is simple, these women obviously don't care to change their bodies, or don't care to do the work required to get into shape, because it is a *beep* ton of work regardless of the resources they can afford. The biggest obstacle is overcoming an addiction to food, which like any addiction is no easy task.
You don't just hire a personal trainer and chef and eat salads for 6 months and then you're fine, an entire psychological transformation is required, and that's something you have to be ready for, along with a deep need/want for change (for many this epiphany comes with a big health scare. As I said, it's an addiction.
These women have found massive success despite their size. Perhaps they have also found true happiness and they don't feel a NEED to change, so why would they until they make that decision for themselves?


you guys are both missing the point completely :(


Having money doesn't fix everything if you're broken on the inside. With that said, these two women do a lot of physical comedy and now that they've "arrived" so to speak why rock the boat? Their size is probably a big reason why they're here. I couldn't tell you how many thin comics I find funny, maybe a handful if that. Everyone that makes me chuckle has some meat on them.

McCarthy and Wilson found a niche and worked it to their advantage. Not that they were the first (Roseanne springs to mind) but I know Rebel tried losing weight before by joining Jenny Craig but when she filmed Pitch Perfect the producers refused to let her lose weight because it was in her contract that she stay the same size and then more projects came along as well as creating Super Fun Night. And McCarthy has been pregnant twice in the past 7 years which is a poor excuse to let yourself go but it's much harder to do when you have children to take care of. When she was pregnant in 2010 her career really took off with Mike & Molly and Bridesmaids so why mess with a formula that guaranteed success? She's playing lead female characters in a genre dominated by men and she's done it all by being a much bigger size than her male counterparts.

I think they lose (no pun intended) it all by losing weight at least right now. I'm sure a few years down the line they might want to seriously consider it but right now their success kind of depends on it. I'm not saying they're nothing without their size they're both extremely talented but would Melissa McCarthy be half as funny if she were a size two? She would just be a thin woman who screamed obscenities she would come across more annoying than funny. Look at John Goodman, would he be half as funny if he were thin? That's the true moral debate isn't it? If we truly asked ourselves this question the answer is pretty clear. No. They would not. Their size is relatable because we know people who look that way and it makes them appear "more real" in a sense. Overweight/obese people have their problems like everyone else, we all have personal demons but fat people reveal their lack of self control on the outside, it's there for the world to see so of course they look more honest and convincing on screen. You can hide a drug addiction, a drinking problem. You can't hide your size.

Both of these women work really hard and it's taken a lot of time for them to get where they are. Rebel Wilson wrote and created this show, we don't know how much stress and pressure they're under either on top of it now that they're money-makers. I'm sure their lifestyles pre-fame didn't help much either. The life of a comic is just like that of a rockstar (minus the fame and fortune); living out of cheap motel rooms and keeping odd hours, eating when it's convenient, sleeping when you don't have a gig. That doesn't leave a whole lot of time to exercise. Those habits are hard to change. On top of pursuing a career in comedy and films Rebel Wilson earned her law degree, she literally is a lawyer, talk about working your ass off! Juggling both couldn't be easy.


Very well said, HaddonfieldMemorial! I can't stress enough how well written and thought out your post was.


regardless of how hard they work, exploiting their weight for jokes and the tired cliche of the obese woman trying to be sexy does not help them or their health. We don't make TV shows were alcoholics or drug abusers are held up as admirable people.

Don't hate on contrarians



breaking bad
mad men
the simpsons



We don't make TV shows were alcoholics or drug abusers are held up as admirable people.
breaking bad
mad men
the simpsons
Who is admirable in those shows?

Walt? Nope.
Nancy? Nope.
Don? Nope.
Sam? Nope. Norm? Nope. Cliff? Nope.
Homer? Nope.


Thank you!

Don't hate on contrarians


homer isn't admirable???

i'd accuse you of not having seen the simpsons, but i know thats impossible in this day and age, so i'll just accuse you of being obtuse instead


homer isn't admirable???
You aspire to be an alcoholic who can barely provide for his family, nearly cheats on his loving wife, and is one step away from losing his job?

Clealry YOU have not seen "The Simpsons"... or are just obtuse.


regardless of how hard they work, exploiting their weight for jokes and the tired cliche of the obese woman trying to be sexy does not help them or their health. We don't make TV shows were alcoholics or drug abusers are held up as admirable people.

What's wrong with exploiting their weight for jokes? They got where they are because of talent but if networks want them because of how they "look" than why not? It's the same as wanting a certain actor or actress because they're "hot" pin-up material that could draw in a certain audience. It's shallow any way you slice it. And McCarthy and Wilson are not trying to be "sexy" and if they are, so what? Are big people not allowed to be sexy or want romance or sex? Are they supposed to be locked in their homes without being allowed out unless they've dropped enough weight to be considered "sexy" by the fashion industry? How does it not help them? If you feel confident with yourself and happy others will respond. Lots of big people have it all, they work, date/are happily in a relationship or married, have social lives and etc. Do you think they shouldn't try because of their size? You have to live your life whether you're big or small. I'm not advocating obesity but than again it's none of my business any way.

The thing is, weight you can lose if you have the will-power. It's much harder to kick an addiction such as being an alcoholic or drug user. And a lot more people are overweight than there are addicts. Sorry these chicks don't give you a boner but they have just as much of right to be on tv as Sophia Vergara, probably more so.


Do you spend time wondering how people in Hollywood could possibly be alcoholics, smokers, or drug addicts when they have plenty of money? How they might have anorexia or anxiety disorder? Why their marriages end when they can clearly afford couple's therapy?


any time I read of an actor/actress over-dosing, I do wonder why they do this despite their money.

Obesity can be beaten with proper diet and exercise. Obesity cost this country billions in health care.

If Rebel Wilson, Melissa McCarthy, Gabby Sibordehe (the girl from Precious) were to get onto a program of diet and exercise, they may inspire many others.

We don't need to fat shame them, but praising them for being "comfortable in their own skins," or "owning their weight" is counter-productive. They can afford their own health care bills. They aren't on medicaid or getting subsidized health care.

Don't hate on contrarians


if everyone started working out constantly, twisted ankles and tennis elbow would be costing this country billions in health care instead...

you need to look up the definition of insurance if this concept confuses you


The "healthcare" excuse well now with Obamacare you don't have to worry about it anymore. Now you can literally not have to worry about what others do with their bodies because it doesn't effect you anymore!! I have to love that fake argument just come out and say "I hate fat people they're subhumans who don't deserve happiness, success, love or feeling attractive because they're not my idea of what beauty is". I've seen plus size models with more personality and beauty than the sticks in NYC during fashion week.


Obese people should not be shamed, but they should not be celebrated nor should they be held up as role models.

And how happy will they be when they get diabetes, hypertension, bad knees and hips, and have to use a hoveround when they're only in their 50s?

Don't hate on contrarians


have you SEEN rebel wilson dance? apparently not...


Oh I have definitely seen her dance! ? ;) I also just seen a couple videos where she played in a tennis match. She is very quick on her feet and has no trouble getting where she needs to be quickly. She impressed me!! She talks about exercising. And according to her performance she must legitimately get some exercise in somewhere. Size isn't anything but a number. And I think she is gorgeous and performs beautifully!


Size isn't anything but a number.
Huh? There are numerous heart and internal health issues associated with size. Including bacterial and yeast infections.

I agree with you that Rebel has talent and is quite the physical actress, but to pretend that there are no medical issues associated with size is ludicrous!

Feel free to ask your primary care physician for more information.


Who's "celebrating"? Just how many obese people do you see in sitcoms and in movies? Less than 1 percent? Get over yourself. And I'm all about "celebrating" diversity of all kinds. You have a remote, use it.

It's not my concern whether or not they get diabetes, hypertension, bad knees and hips, and have to use a hoveround when they're only in their 50s. It's not my health to worry about. If it doesn't apply to me why should I care? I've known some pretty healthy people just drop dead without a single clue that they were sick. There are some people who are overweight/obese through no fault of their own so before you go off on a tangent try to think why that person is obese or overweight, there's a lot of underlining issues and it's not that simple one size does not fit all. They have mirrors they don't need you to worry about their weight. Take up a cause that's beneficial to you and get off your soapbox nobody cares.


"as long as you're TRYING! As long as you're making an EFFORT to be healthy!"

"I don't know if these women do try or not but it's hard for me to believe"

Okay, I'm usually not mean, but I had a serious wtf moment when reading this.

Why does it bother so many people to see even one fat body? TV land is full of beautiful, often unobtainable body types. So why is it that when one fat person appears, especially if it's a woman, people are so freaked out? Fat people exist. Them being on TV or in movies won't make you catch a fat cold, just like watching those same movies with thin actors can't make you thin via viewing.

Is obesity such a big issue in Hollywood now that TWO people who have come into recent fame need this kind of attack on their weight? Seriously? Is it? Is anorexia not a bigger issue? Bulimia? Drug abuse? Drug abuse to maintain a healthy appearance? Alcohol abuse? People dying young is a bigger issue in Hollywood.

Guess what? They don't have to try. Not for you. Their personal weight issues don't affect you. If you don't enjoy their brand of comedy, then that's one thing - but you do so what's the problem?

Telling two overweight women in a scene well known for its cigarette, cocaine and laxative diet is just unnecessary.

And if they are trying, you still don't believe them anyway.

BTW, let's face up to this. Funny woman are usually not beautiful. If they were, they would be taken less seriously as actors and probably in films that require them to take their clothes off - comedienne Sofia Vergara, for example, hasn't escaped from this. Every slightly attractive actress is asked to do this, no matter how high up she is. Even Helen effing Mirren has been asked to take her clothes off for a magazine. If weight prevents these women from having to be dumbed down or bear their butts, then I'm on board with them.

