Wint3rFir3's Replies

I saw Beauty and the Beast with an 8-year-old and she was bored the whole time. She saw Lego Batman and loved it. So Lego Batman has my vote. I'm not a huge fan of the animated version but Robbie Benson by a landslide. Wow I'm not the only one who found the clock the most interesting lol! But I think underwhelming is a good word to use here. It wasn't terrible, and it did a lot of good things - I actually thought Emma Watson's singing was okay, much better than I expected. But I found both her portrayal of Belle, as well as the Beast's performance, very unremarkable. Like, nothing stood out to make me say 'perfect Belle, perfect Beast.' Agreed - not to mention, they probably would've been executed for speaking against the king. Agreed, agreed, agreed. The look was very weird and very jarring. They were never in on the enchantment or working together, and they definitely weren't into each other, so whatever they were trying to imply, sorry, implication fail. The whole village being against Belle and her father to such a great extent that only one person was really fighting Maurice being locked up in an asylum on a whim made no sense on many levels - mainly because they didn't really establish Maurice as the town nut-job. They just set up Belle as kinda weird. So the turn around at the end, when you find out they're all part of the enchantment, it's not like, 'oh it makes sense that they were all d*cks!' - no it doesn't. Pere Robert - exactly! Where did the only nice character go? And why? Was he crushed during the Gaston fall and we all just brushed it off? imo, Gaston isn't watered down so much as drastically changed. He's written as one character - a nice one - until he suddenly isn't. I never saw him as a bad person until his character did a 180 and randomly became a d*ck. And it was random - he was willing to travel through the woods to help Maurice up until Maurice seemed to demonstrate an unreliable memory. Understandable that Gaston would be getting annoyed. Completely not understandable how he reacts, given what we've seen of his character previously. He's narcissistic, sure. He's saying things to a girl to get the girl to be into him - not exactly rare for anyone to do when they're trying to hook up with someone. But to turn around so completely just to meet the requirements of the film after being written as a half-decent human being sucked. I thought they might actually do something different with his character and I was looking forward to it - but no, they just didn't know what they wanted to do with him and it showed. Just, everything agreed. Everything. How horrible could the father have really have been, though? All the people that were part of his father's life when the cruelty was taking place are still in his life, before and after the enchantment is broken, and none seemed much changed by it. That was my thinking anyway. Plus, what was so twisted about the dad? He liked extravagant parties? Agreed, bland is exactly it. Just saw the movie, and I was pretty much doing this the whole time. I always wanted it to be Emmy, but really, even if it had been a talented unknown, I would've been happy. Emma Watson was okay. Her singing was definitely a lot better than I imagined. She wasn't terrible. But I found her kind of unremarkable. Not legally. But who was going to dob them in? Miss Honey ends up the principal and Matilda's teacher, so there's very little chance of anyone complaining about paperwork. If you're asking how to invoke Menol, sorry can't help you there - no idea how accurate that was. I do know that the actress who played Nancy - Fairuza Balk - was a practicing wiccan and a consultant on the film before being hired over Angelina Jolie to play Nancy. She even bought the witch shop that was blown up in the movie after shooting ended. How did it make me feel about magik? I think it portrayed it as both positive and negative. It showed how flawed people are at their core and how power is almost always misused because of this. And, true to its name, it really honed in on the fact that witchcraft is like any skill - a craft - that you have to be careful with and practice wisely. Also, it definitely made me and many people my age curious about witchcraft at the time. It opened that door for a lot of people. I think every girl who saw the movie tried 'light as a feather, stiff as a board' at their sleepovers. And I mean every single girl. As for the music and costumes, these worked really well in appealing to the intended audience. Not only were they dressed well, but they weren't wearing valley girl costumes - they started the 'cool modern young witch' style and still maintained each girl's individual personality. And the music is still good, which is why it was used later in Charmed and why, when you hear it, you remember the movie instantly. It's because they were drunk on power - going back to that "ultimate power corrupts ultimately" quote. It was the first time these very extremely powerless girls were getting a taste of being on top and, with no previous experience, they didn't handle it well. And plus, they saw Sarah as a threat, as the one person capable of taking it all away and returning them to their situation before, so they were protecting that. Nope, but you might be thinking of Neve Campbell who plays Bonnie. They do look and act similar. Sorry if this triggers, but she slit her wrists. It is mentioned - Bonnie says how she even cut the lines the right way. Sorry no simple answer from me. I like all of Sofia Boutella's moments in the trailer. But I don't like Tom's moments, since he's just being Tom Cruise. So, 50/50? I'm torn about watching it too because of no Brendan and Rock. But, on the flip side, it does have Sofia Boutella. I disagree - I don't think he's a bad actor, definitely not as bad as Nicholas Cage. But he does play Action Man/Tom Cruise in everything, which is not really acting. It's not interesting. Even Nicholas Cage, who is terrible, is still different and surprising in every movie he's in. 1. X-Men (or any superhero franchise) 2. Step Up 3. Men in Black 4. Night at the Museum 5. Rush Hour 6. Anything else coz she's amazing. I'd love her to be part of the franchise but not as Mystique. I checked it out and might keep watching. Good review. So true. Tim Curry was terrifying, in the best possible way.