That scene when you see the look on Ravi's face when the girl says she never saw Star Wars was priceless. One of the best moments in the entire show's run.
So....if a girl you really like turns out to have never seen Star Wars and you clearly get the vibe she doesn't ever care to nor will she like it if she ever possible GF status immediately thrown out the window?
I say yes.
Have you ever noticed that the people who say "DC is for adults and Marvel is for kids", are kids?
If you're just looking for a hook up, No it's not a deal breaker.
Having things in common is pretty important in a long lasting relationship though. It would help their relationship a lot if they are at least somewhat interested in the same kind of culture. Be it geeky pop culture or otherwise. I've seen relationships fall apart simply because neither person was interested in doing the same things so they never did anything together despite how easy they got along on the surface and how physically attracted they were to one another. They just found each other boring.
Not to mention the strain of emotions it puts on your partner when you show lack of interest and support for something they are passionate about.
Absolutely! I'm a huge Star Wars nerd and I would never date someone (I'm a woman BTW) who had never seen Star Wars. Lucky for me, I married a Star Wars nerd, so it's all good here.
Yes, things like that can definitely be a deal breaker, not necessarily that on it's own though, you can give a potential partner 2 or 3 strikes before you realize "Nope, this ain't happening."
I met a nice girl once, turns out she had never seen Star Wars and was not interested in seeing any of them, I let it slide since I was having a great time with her, as the night progressed, she ended up also stating that she had no interest in seeing ANY superhero films whatsoever, I almost walked out at that point, but decided, "No, I'm a mature adult, they're just films, whatever." Later, we started talking about music, and her taste involved all the pretentious, talentless mainstream singers of today, she seemed oblivious to any music that was released before the year 2000 and the absolute final straw was when she honestly didn't know who Jimi Hendrix was. I got out of there like The Flash on speed wearing Sonic's boots.
It's interesting to me how we live in a world where EVERYONE, both male or female just HAS to see "the coolest" things by male artists or male filmmakers. But anything that's cool or awesome or considered classic by women is sadly considered "only for women". So it's a deal breaker that she never heard of Jimi Hendrix, but would it be "unheard" of if a woman refused to date a guy because he only liked mainstream crap and had never heard of Janis Joplin or even Grace Slick?
I don't know how or why you have derived anything gender-biased from my statement, it leads me to believe that you're one of the many crazed feminists running amok these days. You're reading into something that simply isn't there, this has nothing to do with gender, the same points would be made if Star Wars was directed by a female, it makes no difference in this instance, especially regarding my points.
If the women of which I spoke had not heard of Janis Joplin, rather than Jimi Hendrix, it would have had the same effect on me.
But anything that's cool or awesome or considered classic by women is sadly considered "only for women".
I don't know who is feeding you this garbage information, but they are certainly not worth listening to.
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The biggest deal breaker for me would be to date a guy who has no interest in seeing a film that stars a woman, or has mostly female characters or even written and directed by a woman, who would never read a book written by a woman, or has a female protagonist or flat out says that female characters are worthless. Or not interested in female musicians. I'd be gone.
It's kind of like Star Wars is the wall between a generalized mass of people that aren't into any geeky stuff whether it be hobbies, music, tv shows , movies etc and a generalized mass into popular music/typical life etc. Since Star Wars is the most popular of the geeky mass of stuff, it's like someone saying they've never seen or had an interest wouldn't have any interest in anything on the other side , therefore there would be a ton of stuff not in common.
But since these are generalizations they of course aren't a certain lock. There certainly are people who don't care about Star Wars who are into a lot of things that would be on the geeky side.
As far as being a deal breaker for me I think there would have to be more context. Have I already established various other geeky things she's into? Or has she only seemed interested in stuff on the other side of the wall?
I'm more of a Whedon kind of a girl, but if a guy says he's never seen any Joss Whedon films/series and he doesn't care to, no that wouldn't stop me wanting to date him. Cutting a potential future partner out of my life because we don't like the same films seems over the top to me though I suppose if you are really into the fandom and cons and all that stuff it might be more of a deal breaker. I can always go and see films with my friends instead, or even on my own.
As for Ravi, he is so cute and funny I would probably still be interested in dating him if he told me he had a collection of those creepy china clowns, was a Brony, liked to wear women's underwear and had a foot fetish.