MovieChat Forums > Wint3rFir3 > Replies
Wint3rFir3's Replies
Good on you. For the few people around, it must be a real gift to get to see lights. Hope the woodland creatures appreciate it.
Since we were kids, my mother would drive me and my siblings around during all of December to look at some of the best Christmas light installments on people's houses. We still do it.
Some, yes.
Lol I think it works because you may think you're getting iPhone treasure but it's just iPhone ok.
I can sense that it is, I just can't do it. Maybe in another 10 years...
Scarlett Johannson in almost everything. Like seriously, give the girl decent hair.
Same, laptop only.
You're onto something. Zoos are generally depressing af.
She seems a decent person, but for me it's a no to her acting. She's not even that great in roles where she is a secondary or background character. But your opinion is yours, so glad you get something out of her performances.
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
John Carter
Peter Pan (2003)
Shawshank Redemption
Rise of the Guardians
Most of the movies I like are movies that were flops at the time, but later gained much deserved success, like Citizen Cane and It's A Wonderful Life. I think there's a lot of reasons for those movies to have been flops, but honestly some are unexplained mysteries to me. Like Rise of the Guardians is funny and well told and visually great and appeals to both kids and adults - I can't think of a bad thing to say about it.
Tribalism, I'd say. That word is covering a lot as explanation lately. But it is what it is. Simply put, we like our exclusive clubs. We like us versus them. We wanna win, or if we lose, we wanna come back better and beat the winners. There has to be sides for that. If we're all one, then there are no sides.
Yes double standards are a bad thing. Is that the question?
The world would be a better place without them.
We shouldn't assume that, in a family, if the father is the homemaker, he is a lazy bum, or if the mother is the breadwinner, that she's emasculating her poor man. Being older doesn't necessarily mean being out of touch and stubborn, and being young doesn't necessarily mean being privileged and narcissistic.
Double standards suck. Who do they help?
I can't say I hate her because I don't know her, but I definitely understand it.
If you look into her background, there's too much not to like. The most obvious example is: She makes very odd, unsettling statements about her younger sister in her book. Example 1 - she states that she used to get turned on by and masturbated with her sister sleeping in the same bed as her, this while she was 17 and her sister was what (don't quote me) 10 or 11? That's just 1 example; there are others that are creepier.
But even on the surface, her feminism comes ofF as very fake, very privileged, very exclusively 'women's rights' as opposed to 'equal rights'. And that is heavily reflected in Girls - the only 'feminist' thing about it is that it stars female leads. And that's it. Is Sex and the City feminist? Not really, no. But it's probably more feminist than Girls, which is literally about privileged adult babies who happen to be female.
Case in point.
He's doing a movie with Margot Robbie about figure skating, so I know he's at least alive.
Not a fan of porn, but I like how Traci Lords moved into film and tv. Nothing amazing, but I still kinda liked her.
You're right, but at the same time...movies, man! Movies.
The thing is, everything could be made today, but it will just get Disney-fied or put on Nickelodeon. I remember watching Adventures in Babysitting (1987) as a kid - that got remade last year, I think. It definitely wasn't the same movie - a movie for teens and adults became a movie made for ten year olds and under.
Isn't that what we're always saying - Hollywood has no new ideas? Everything will get remade, but made worse usually.
He has a decent performance? Sorry, I really am not trolling, I just have never seen him in the magnificent light everyone else seems to shine upon him. He's okay, I guess.