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Who Likes The Zoo

I sure do yessir!
Those penguins and their silly who doesnt adore those well dressed little guys!?!


As long as it's more of a preserve and less of a prison for animals....


Oh the best accomodations for sure!
Acres for the pretty Zebras...
A walmart parking lot sized field for the mighty least a 20 gallon tank for those weird blind cave newt things!!


You're onto something. Zoos are generally depressing af.


Oh those monkeys and their crazy antics.
Throwing poop and everything.

Groundhogs anyone?
Also love the otters.


ALL fine know what youre dewing!
Well done


I see what you did there. Nice.

The bird house is too much for me.
Too damn noisy.


Speaking your language i suppose
Chirp chirp tweet tweet and so on
Go and fly off with your people little winged friend...


You mean chickens?

Do chickens have large talons?


You are Dynamite g


Now I'm hungry for tots.

No worries. Just follow your heart. That's what I do.😉


I once lived just a couple of miles from my local zoo which was situated atop a huge hill and I was in somewhat of a valley from there.

I can remember summer evenings when I would sit on my back terrace and I could hear the lions roar, which seemed to be a habitual pattern of theirs for that time of day. What stands out in my memory was the resonance, power of that sound as it carried over that distance. It was almost like I could feel it ! No wonder that animal has been proclaimed, " King of the Beasts . "


Ive heard them ROAR at the zoos...chilling!!!
Thats a wonderful memory im sure but that would freak me the hell out tbh...
How did you sleep??
Id lie awake nervous one was breaking out:o
