MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > How does American mentality differ from ...

How does American mentality differ from other European and foreign ones?

In both good and bad ways, if the point isn't mute, how does American mentality in general differ from that of other European and foreign general population and otherwise, mentalities?

I notice, for one, as I come from Russia, on the internet, on various issues from politics, to social issues, domestic violence, sexual issues of various varieties, films and film themes as such, the Americans, who seem to arguably maintain and use most of the internet forums, tend to look at, discuss and approach a lot of these issues in discussion differently to Russians, regardless of whether or not they agree or not, as in, Americans often tend to put their own kinds of spin on certain issues and also, some people tend to react differently to different things in life as well, oh well, NO ONE is the same.

But in general, what's American mentality like?

P.S. I often hear how Americans are often very prudish to sexually related matters but I see other places that have approaches even WORSE on THESE matters, besides, America has most of soft core porn and movies and sexuality in general available without much legal or societal restrictions and institutionalized injustice exists not JUST in America but many OTHER places have even WORSE problems on those fronts.


Plus, it kinda goes with saying, that in Russia for example, such distinctions as feminism, r*pe culture, this and that phobia etc does NOT seem to be, as widely in America for instance, recognized and debated upon by various users online, regardless of whether or not its a good or a bad thing, people just talk around those types of things a little differently.

Even certain politically correct or incorrect terms in Russia for someone's nationality etc are often nowhere near as stigmatized as they are in America for instance, although many civilized people recognize and don't embrace say racism either.


I'm not american or russian,either.


same here



I'm not an American and not Russian either so I can't comment on topic. But hey, it's nice to see some Russian here. I'm looking forward for World Cup Russia 2018! Yay!

It's gonna be lit. No Italy and no USA seems a bit dissapointing though.


Yeah, even though I was indeed born in Russia, I have lived most of my life here since I came in 1993 when I was 6, before the October 1993 Constitutional Crisis events and yes, let's see how 2018 Football turns out.

And what nationality are you action man, and what is the mentality of your place of origins?


Also, how come the internet has much more American users and people giving their voice, publishing articles and engaging in discussions on forums than people of other nationalities, why is internet so popular in and among Americans?


Because we're freaking rich.

The word you want is "culture," not "mentality." It is culture that creates a group's thinking, not genetics. For individuals, yes, genetics and home environment. For a nation, culture. If you are not clear on your terms, you will not get clear answers.

PS The word you want is "moot," meaning "irrelevant or unimportant," not "mute," meaning "silent." You should know this after almost a quarter-century of living in a country whose dominant language is English.


Do you understand what this guy is talking about?



Interesting topic. I look forward to reading the replies.


Have I spoken (again) about too many things at once?


So I also take it that not all humans are the same and we are ALL CULTURALLY divided, hence why, for instance, in different countries there are different approaches to various human things, traits, traditions and ways of thinking, even if in general human terms, most people do have common goals to work on and common ways of thinking?

ALSO - in VARIOUS online discussions, besides (justifiably) complaining at say existence of various offenders, particularly if the perpetrators are men and calling them all manner of bad words, I STRANGELY ENOUGH, ALSO notice how overall, when people DO decide to settle down and talk about things INTELLIGENTLY, including on provocative or even taboo topics as such, those people do NOT simply look at things in terms of good and bad or even good and evil, and recognize that sadly yes, all or most humans are indeed capable of evil thoughts and evil deeds, but no, we cannot just defeat evil and on another note, education and upbrining are just as important to preventing crime as law enforcement and if necessary punishment.

But, despite many people's, civilized ones as such, years of often emotional thinking, is that piece of news really groundbreaking?


I don't know enough about Russia to compare but I believe people are people. Russia is no doubt full of good people who want to be productive and raise families and probably a few bad apples, just like everywhere. People don't change, but culture changes and is different everywhere. If Americans grew up in Russian culture they would behave as Russians behave.


Not "mute", MOOT.


Oh yes, sorry, I meant MOOT, it was more a misprint really.


Apology accepted, but why not just go edit it?


The biggest measurable difference between Americans and the rest of the countries in the world is religion. Because there are so many religious people in the US we have a system that is easily twisted in a fascistic direction, like Islam.

Americans have contempt for education, science and facts. Lots of us do not believe in evolution for example. The strong attachment to religion makes Americans self-righeous, violent, and closed-minded. Now, that is mostly Americans in the middle of the country. They are basically stupid. Again, obviously, not all of us, but religion is most prevalent in the non-coastal states.

That is why they are so easily manipulated and so many of them voted for Trump.


But many, and some in particularly one sided and evil ways, places on Earth are even MORE religious than America, and often use it as excuse to do selfishly terrible things.


Russia too on more ways than one is a very religious country.


The inner conflict is that the losers are the most religious and ignorant people. They resent the ones who are not religion and call them evil, but they are the innovators. There are lots of smart people, scientists who are religious, but it is a different kind of religion, not dogma as you find in Muslim countries. And a lot of fundamentalist Christians ignorantly blame the Jews for the world's problems., but the Jews are mostly secular now, and kind of ignore the orthodox.

The places you talk about being one-sided are far from where America is culturally. Religion is just a big negative factor for the intellectual lives and culture of America. At least America has some sensible counter-balance to its relgious fundamentalists.


Here's the thing, why don't we all one day just unite under the banner of humanity theoretically?


"why don't we all one day just unite under the banner of humanity theoretically?"

The key word is THEORETICALLY.
It's a nice thought.
John Lennon said it best in Imagine.
Looking at the news each night, I can't see it happening.
Sad, but true.


I don't know why, but I know that since it hasn't happened in 20,000 years of civilization, it probably is not going to happen soon, and I'd guess there is a reason.

I think one reason is we always feel we have to do stuff. Someone gets an idea, or invents something, and whatever the effects are, they feel they have to do it, or have the right to do it. And it messes up their fellow man, or the environment, and big as the environment is, that programmed in way to behave has become a habit that we cannot get over.

Human beings are pretty bad. What do you think that has not happened?


Human beings are pretty bad.

Nah, speak for yourself. I'm pretty good.


Tribalism, I'd say. That word is covering a lot as explanation lately. But it is what it is. Simply put, we like our exclusive clubs. We like us versus them. We wanna win, or if we lose, we wanna come back better and beat the winners. There has to be sides for that. If we're all one, then there are no sides.


why don't we all one day just unite under the banner of humanity theoretically?

What do you imagine that would look like?


That's simply not universally true. It's a sweeping and distorted generalization in the extreme to claim that "Americans have contempt for education, science and facts." If you really believe that, you've been hanging out with -- or reading the posts of -- the wrong "Americans."

American institutions have made some of the breakthrough discoveries in the sciences. Many American universities are considered among the finest in the world alongside the likes of Oxford and Cambridge. Most Americans I personally know in real-life 'meatspace' are the most highly educated, intelligent and well informed people I know.

And that's not just restricted to the coasts geographically or culturally. "Middle of the country"? That's another gross generalization. There are intelligent, educated people ALL THROUGHOUT the states, and amazing cities and seats of education all throughout.

I'm really, really tired of the grossly exaggerated assumptions people make based only on the worst kind of person and the stereotypes. Remember too, that only bad news and the worst, most sensationalizable people make the news and thus arrive in your awareness. All the millions of regular, decent people aren't "news." Or don't even post on forums.


You want me to take a poll and list all the Americans who do and do not have "contempt for education, science and facts" ... is that what you want. Try to read the meaning behind someone's post when they do not have the time or energy to qualify every little thing they say. In general my opinion is that is the difference between Americans and other developed countries, and it is born out by the facts. Fundamentalist religion.
