MovieChat Forums > MAGolding > Replies
MAGolding's Replies
Who is Oola and did she have a plan to choke Jabba to death?
But it turns out that Robert Butler (born NOvember 16, 1927) is still alive. He directed "The Cage".
He was older than cast members like Susan Oliver, Leonard Nimoy, Majel Barrett, Peter Duyea, Laurel Goodwin, Adam Roarke, Malachi Throne, Felix Silla, & Serena Sande, but has outlived them.
Here is a link to the Guinnes World Records record for the heavest pair of twins:
In November 1978 they weighed 337 kilograms (743 pounds) and 328 kilograms (723 pounds). And they are sitting on motor cycles in the photograph. So they should have been at least a tiny bit mobile while weighing about 7/8 as much as Dale the Whale.
so the writers could have looked up them and other weight records in the <i>Guinnes Book of World Records</i>, And the detectives in the episode could have looked them up. Thus putting in a line that police doctors agree that Dale is immobile and couldn't get out of bed would have made the imposible crime seem more impossible.
I saw "The Hungary Sea" again early this morning, Feb. 27, 2022, and think I might have remembered the orbit describing scene wrong.
This morning I saw Robinson point at a stone near one end of the elliptical orbit and say that the sun of Pripanlus was near one end of the orbit. And that would be correct in the case of such a narrow elliptical orbit. And in my post above, I accused the creators of "The Hungary sea" of putting the sun of Preplanis in the center point of hte elliptical orbit. Maybe I remembered that scene wrong for 56 years.
See <url></url>
In high schol spanish class I happened to mention the wife of Ulysses, but I had only seen the name written, so I pronounced it "Pen-el-lope". And was told it was prounced "Pen-al-o-pee", which was a name I had heard spoken but never seen written.
And how could I know that a name spelled "Penelope" would be pronounced like Calliope instead of antelope?
English spelling and pronunciation are often weird.
Did you ever notice the Robinsons calling for the kids? "Will! Penny!"? I wonder what the cast thought about that when the movie <i>Will Penny</i> was released in 1967.
In the episode on Feb. 25,2022, Griffin suspected that Mrs. Barker was Savannah grown up, and when they talked to her in the institution she called them Harry and Hermione and said it was good to see her again.
All rapid dogs and other rabid animals die from rabies if they aren't killed. And very few humans have managed to survive the final stage of the disease, even with intensive modern medical care.
Don't forget The other.
So seemingly the ghost of Grace has made peace and ascended to heaven or something.
But there seems to be another ghost or "ghost" involved, the one who checked itself into room 205.
Added 02-19-2022
I note that late in the first season the kids believed that a ghost was rocking the rocking chair which rocked itself in 2020. And in the last episode of the first season, Griffin, Harper, and Savannah travelled to the Tremont in 1930, when it was a farm owned by the Tremonts, and saw someone rocking in that chair upstairs, and fled, thinking it was the person who would become the ghost. And if that was Elijah Tremont, possibly after he died he was reunited with his dead wife Grace, and they haunted the Tremont together.
So maybe Elijah Tremont's ghost was away from the Tremont for the latest few episodes of the second season, on some ghost equivalent of a business trip or a vacation, and retunred at the end of the latest episode on 02-18-2022.
If that is the case, I wonder how the ghost of Elijah Tremont would feel about his wife's ghost ascending to another plane of existence, or whatever she did, without waiting to say goodbye to him.
Cattle on cattle drives from Texas would be driven hundreds of miles to railroad stations and then taken in cattle cars to stockyards where they would usually be fattened up, and then taken to slaughterhouses in cities like Chicago to be slaughtered. So at least some western railroads sometimes had cattle cars.
As more and more railroads were built, it became more and more common for the US army to transport soldiers by rail from one assiignment to another. And when those soldiers were cavalry their horses would also be shpped by train. So there should have been some horse cars used by western railroads. The army might have had special legal arrangements mandating that the railroads gave passage to troops, which might have required having cars for cavalry horses.
i once read a factual account that about 1890 or 1900, when all the warrior tribes had been settled on reservatons, two warriors from a plains northern tribe bought tickets on a train going south to the Indian Territory (modern Oklahoma) where there were many reservations for tribes they had formerly raided. So at Indian Territory they entered a reservation of a former enemy tribe, killed a man guarding a horse herd, and drove the horses to the train station, where they bought tickets back home and passage for the stolen horses in horse cars. Thus using white man's technology to make a raid much easier and faster than in the old days.
So I get the impression that some railroads in the old west did have cars for horses, which might have been the same cars they used for cattle at other times.
Feb. 11 2022.
When last seen Savanahh was alive and well living in 1962 aged about 14. Technically the last time she is seen in the latest episode she is in 1930, but coming attractions show her in 1962 in the next epsiode.
Being about 14 living in 1962, Savannah will have an effective birth year of about 1948, about 30 years before she was actually born. So she should be about 72 in 2020 if she doesn't do any more time travel. So Savannah could have died by 2020 and become the ghost haunting the Tremont - if there is a ghost haunting the Tremont.
It is possible that Savannah might be the old woman, Mrs. Barker, seen in a few episodes set in 2020, and so is still alive, and so is probably not the ghost, unless she dies after 2020 and uses the time machine to come back to haunt the Tremont.
In the second season Prestion and Harper suspect that Grace Tremont (died 1929), the wife of Elijah Tremont, mother of Daisy and Sam Tremont, and great great grandmother of Harper and Topher, is the ghost.
the latest episode and coming attractions suggest the possbility that Sam Tremont will die in 1962, and if that happens he could be the ghost of the Tremont.
Who knows, maybe Savannah, Grace, and Sam all haunt the Tremont, and can't agree on what to do about the Campbells.
[Feb. 12/13 2022. In "It's About Time", Feb. 4, 2022, a foreman told one of the workmen to nail a slab of wood over a weak area in the front porch near the railing. A minute later Bennett Campbell stepped through the weak area of the porch. And his son noticed that the slab of wood was now on the side of the porch next to the front wall of the building. It had moved without them seeing it.
If the starship <i>Enterprise</i> was orbiting above, they could have used a tractor beam to pull the nails up and then life the slab of wood and move it over a few feet. But maybe that would make too much noise and people would look to see what was happening there. Or maybe the <i>Enterprise</i> could have used the transporter to beam the wood slab away and then beam tit back a few feet from where it had been.
Tractor beams and trasporters are very advanced science fictional technology, which many scientists would claim are impossible. As so far as we know none of the living characters has any technology more advanced than 2020 technology, though Sam's time machine seems very advanced for 1962.
Thus it seems probable that the wood slab actually was moved by some sort of supernatural means, perhaps by a ghost.]
So today I saw some scenes from previous episodes, and in one of them the title of Sam's science fiction radio show was mentioned. And I forgot it already!
[02-12/13-2022. The radio program was called Man Out of Time, I think.]
Sam's book of science fiction stories is <i>Tales of Space and Time</i> by H. G. Wells. It has three editions listed in 1899, and one in 1900, and no other editions listed until after Sam throws his copy in the springs in 1962.
The first and third 1899 editions have the same pattern on their hard cover, but the first one is brownish like the one in the episoode "Crunch Time" while the third edition has a more green cover.
I am rather upset that the producers damaged a 120-year-old book.
Of course the transcontinental railroad - the Union Pacific/Central Pacific line - was finished in 1869. And since then no part of the trans Mississippi west, except for southern Texas, should have been more than 500 or 600 miles from the transcontinental railroad during the 1870s and early 1880s. And during the early or mid 1880s a southern transcontinental railroad and a northern transcontinental railroad were completed.
So after that no place in the west should have been more than a "mere" 250 or 300 miles from a railroad. So that should have helped shorten a lot of trips in the west.
And on the Mavarick thread I did comment on how surprisingly far the Mavaricks managed to travel back and forth in the west during the few fictional years of the series.
Some people feel sorry for the monster, some do not.
Did you feel sorry for King Kong when he fell to his death?
It was speculated that the alien might have been an intelligent being, a person. An evil person by the standards of the crew, but still a person.
It was speculated that maybe Mars once had a civilization that fell, and the few surviving Martians became savage hunters to survive.
Possibly you should read "Black Destroyer" by A.E. van Vogt, which is considered to be a possible inspiration for movies like <i>It! The Terror from Beyond Space</i>, <i>Planet of the Vampires </i> (1965), <i>Queen of Blood</i> (1966), <i>Alien </i>(1979), and the <i>Star Trek</i>, episode "The Man Trap" (Sept. 8, 1866).
Do you fell a little sorry for Coeurl?
Did the ship's captain, Col. Van Heusen, die?
I saw the movie a long time ago and again on Feb. 5, 2022 on Svengoole.
The spokesman at the end said that only 6 out of the first 19 people on Mars survived. The first expedition had 10 crew, the 2nd had 9 (deliberately leaving some room on the ship for possible survivors of the first expedition?).
With Carruthers from the first expedition, there were 10 people on the ship on the return voyage. And I hope that they wouldn't have had to leave any additional survivors behind on Mars, but instad had room and supplies to take all 10 back to Earth if they were found alive.
I wasn't certain who lived and who died so I checked the cast list.
Col. Carruthers, protagonist, 1st survivor.
Kim Anderson, protagonist's love interest, 2nd survivor.
Joe Keinholz 1st victim.
Gino Finelli 2nd victim.
Bob Finelli 3rd Victem.
Mary Royce 3rd survivor.
Eric Royce 4th survivor.
That leaves 3 men with two survivors and one victim among them.
Lt. James Calder.
Major John Perdue.
Colonel Van Heusen.
One ot them, not the colonel, was wounded in the head by the alien but was in the group of spacesuited survivors, though he might have died later from the effects of his alien wound.
One of them, not the colonel, wore a spacesuit and was trapped in the lower levels by the alien, using a blowtorch to fend it off. His helmet was ripped up, but when the alien headed for the upper levels he was told to hop for the airlock on the lower level. So he might have suvived letting all the air out of the ship. Or he might have died.
Colonel Van Heusen was wounded in the leg by the creature and was very sick, apapently with lukemia. He seemed to think that he was doomed. He fell down in the final confrontation with the alien but I didn't notice anything that might have killed him. He might have died then, he might have survived to die from his wound, he might have made it back to Earth and been curied.
On balance, it seems like Colonel Van Husen was the one who died somehow in the final confrontation with the alien, sacrificing his life to let the air out of the ship. After all, he was the former love interest of the protagonit's new love interest so him dying would be a normal movie cliche.
I saw it, see my post.
"Death to the Daleks!' A sentiment that everyone can agree on.
Of course, as historical stories, go, "The Gunfighters" happens in an alternate universe to our history. You can't count on any plot event in it geing correct any more than you can in Star Trek"s "Specter of the Gun".
I remember the song partially.
When Warren Earp was killed the song included the phrase "They've done for poor Warren", even though Warren Earp didn't die for another 19 years until 1900.
And one time there were the lines:
"When the Earps meet the Clantons, the lead it will fly.
When the Earps meet the Clantons, young men they will die."
and that is historically accurate enough, I guess.
Warning! Spoiler Ahead! Don't Read!
Of course my favorite part is when Johnny Ringo checks into the hotel, being called in for the gunfight. Charlie says he can't wait to see Wyatt Earp's face when he hears, but Ringo tells him not to warn Earp. As Ringo goes upstairs to his room, he turns and tells Charlie he knows Charlie won't tell Earp, and then shoots Charlie, who slumps dead over the counter.
And the song says:
"He knew Johnny Ringo, and he spoke his name aloud,
so Charlie the barman has gotten a shroud."
And the next episode beings with the Doctor and companions comming downstiars and seeing Charlie slumped over the bar and assuming he is sleeping off a binge. Some doctor!
I have never seen it, but descriptions of "The Celstial Toymaker", William Hartnel doctor, make it seem very weird.
I have also read that "MInd Robber" Patrick Throughton doctor, was very weird.
Among the weirdest I have seen were "Ghost Light" and "Warriors Gate".
Here is one possible list:
1950 Destination Moon
1951 The Day the earth Stood still.
1953 The War of the Worlds
1954 20,000 leagues Under the sea
1955 This Island Earth
1956 The Forbidden Planet
1957 The Mysterians
1959 Battle in Outer Space.
And there are a few candidates from other years for the two missing.