MovieChat Forums > vicky_lc2001 > Replies
vicky_lc2001's Replies
He was 16 in the beginning but not by the time he gets to prison.
Brown isn't recessive though.
You can be blonde and have native ancestry but Nevada Smith is supposed to be half from his mother's side. If both his parents were half breeds, then he could've been blond. Unless good mother was mixed, I can't see him having blond hair and blue eyes.
Although I encountered a half Filipina with a white American father and supposedly pure Filipino mother, and she had very startling blue eyes and brown hair. Now the mom could've carried the blue eyed genes despite not looking mixed.
Blond hair & blue eyes yet he's half Native? Unless good mother was mixed herself, I don't see how he could've gotten blond hair & blue eyes.
She looked 10-15 years younger than McQueen tbh.
Lol, I agree. Just swimming at that depth, I would've lost all the O2 and needed to go back up and may have drowned even.
And yes, Kannan is human.
There is strong evidence that a Jewish priest by that name was crucified 2k years ago, so no.
The wendel were supposed to be left over Neanderthals actually and no they weren't an army but a tribe.
I notice Mamet's dialogue is never realistic, it sometimes comes across as disjointed and artificial. Sometimes I like it but sometimes I can never get into it.
I disagree, that third film is my favorite of the new Star Trek films, I find the second one to be the weakest and the most excruciating.
His earlier films were certainly not something to recommend but I imagine breaking into films allows such things.
I do like the ff though:
Star Trek 1 & 3
Hell or High Water
Jack Ryan Shadow Recruit
Wonder Woman
Those people are definitely not introverts, lol!
I'm an introvert myself but based on his interviews he came across as an extrovert to me. Robert De Niroand James Cagney otoh could be introverts.
I first saw him in The Princess Diaries which I liked him in but even though I also liked him as Kirk in Star Trek, I wasn't exactly impressed nor did I have a crush on him. He was merely ok. He just never made that type impression on me.
But that all changed when I saw him in Hell or High Water, and it's like I saw him for the very first time. I also have just come back from Wonder Woman and he was the highlight in that film, so charismatic and riveting. I think I have a raging crush on him now, lol.
You should watch Star Trek 2-6 before you make a decision. Personally I thought Shatner was fantastic in the films than TOS, I couldn't stand him in the latter. I also prefer Pine generally over Shatner though I think Shatner's a better actor than Quinto.
I also prefer Nimoy over Quinto any day.
You should watch the IP Man films and The Raid. Others loved The Raid 2 and Dredd as well.
I also liked:
The Bourne films
Run All Night
The Accountant
Casino Royale
Old Boy
Kings men
Captain America 2
Iron Man
Mad Max Fury Road
The Book of Eli
The Equalizer
If you like anime:
Shinjeki no Kyojin
Depends. If you love Unbreakable, go with Split. If you can't even remember that Shyamalan film, go with JW2.
Personally, I'd go for Split.
Caviezel is a good and dedicated actor but he wouldn't have taken such a role.
Cruise is charismatic and has the same dedicated physicality as Keanu but his age has caught up with him while Keanu looks relatively young still.
The reason this film is a hit is because it isn't a flashy action film with 10 cuts to climb a fence. Keanu himself put himself through rigorous training and physical accomplishments for this role and that's why it worked.
And honestly I can't imagine a Schwarzenegger beefy type of guy in such a role. I see a thinner and more flexible agile body type like Keanu's.
Perhaps it's just guys who like her but I didn't find her all that remarkable to appear in the sequel.
I think I disliked both him and Adele the most.