
I am a new fan and I have done lots of research about him recently. Some stuff I read and quotes from him make me wonder if he might be an introvert. I am suggesting this very cautiously. And there is nothing wrong with being an introvert, I can assure you, because I am one myself. Being an introvert doesn't mean being anti-social or shy. It basically means you need alone time to recharge your batteries. Introverts also tend to overthink things.

In his case what made me wonder is that he obviously has the strong need to protect his privacy, that he once said he often ends up on the sofa reading and that 'me time is as important as us time'. And he also said he is more cerebral than he wants to be.

I am afraid in our western cultures introverts are often misunderstood. An introvert is not always available, he can't. So if he sometimes isn't in the mood for photos or autographs or entertaining paparazzi, he has good reasons.

Just some thoughts.


Not really.

I wouldn't call those people that posts 100+ pics a day on all their social media sites as introverts. They're not introverts - they're extroverts that try to show everyone they know what they feel, like, & etc.

This is the me-me-me era if anything. Look at me, pay attention to me, angry me, happy me, etc.

can't outrun your own shadow


Those people are definitely not introverts, lol!


I'm an introvert myself but based on his interviews he came across as an extrovert to me. Robert De Niroand James Cagney otoh could be introverts.
