MovieChat Forums > vicky_lc2001 > Replies
vicky_lc2001's Replies
Changing their race? Lol, both Spaniards and Italians are Caucasians, Mediterranean, there is an overlap between them.
Bobby Cannavale is also half Cuban. Cuba before the revolution was 85% white, most of them migrated to the US after Castro. The ones left in Cuba are mostly the minority population now.
I'm watching this for the first time and I too want to do a JB marathon now, lol!
He still looks good IMO with a great head of thick hair. I liked his look in Tron Legacy.
How did they describe him exactly in the book?
Or Montgomery Clift? Lol!
Racist? He was ranting at everyone including his family, friends, and himself. Sigh.
Chad doesn't hate women more than men, he equally targets men like Howard and that intern as he did Christine. He was spouting misogynistic bs to lure Howard's insecurity towards women.
Chad doesn't hate women, I don't even know if he hates people necessarily but he derives pleasure out of hurting and manipulating people. He's a sociopath. Evil even.
Her lies weren't petty though. And no, I don't think he loved her, infatuated perhaps, but love no. Besides he needed to have a politician's wife, he thought he had it in her until the revelation. She would be the last one you would marry if you want to enter politics.
^^^This. Completely agree btw.
Augie met Dwight.
Danny found out that his mother knew all of the illegal things his father did. She was not as ignorant as she pretended and she was equally to blame as the father for embezzling so many people.
He didn't seem prone to being abusive to me, if anything Ginger might be prone to being abusive towards him as he loves her more and readily forgives her cheating.
You seem overly upset and prone to name calling. Sorry but you're exhibiting the very behavior you detest. There are circumstances and Chili's behavior while gregarious was understandable given what he was going through.
Who hates Chili? IMO Chili, the ex husband, and the son were the most likable characters. Sure, Chili wasn't classy, wasn't rich nor highly intelligent or an intellectual, & yes he wears his heart on his sleeves but are those the only definition one has for a loser? And ripping the phone off the wall, IMO, I found that understandable tbh, given his expressive character and his frame of mind ( the thought of losing someone he loved). I mean, he was crying in the supermarket begging her to not leave him, the guy was head over heels in love with Ginger. How many times did Jasmine insult him and he simply took it & shrugged? And taking back a woman who discarded and cheated on him because she believed her sister and labeled him as a loser herself, he must've loved her more than a lot of men/women love their pride. Besides, the sister wasn't exactly a great catch, she wasn't highly sophisticated nor educated herself, & IMO Chili was far more attractive than she was so it's an upgrade for her to marry him. & I see nothing losery or bad about the ex-husband either, saving up money to have his own construction company, so he seemed hard working and wasn't on a spending spree (gambling or drugs or drinking or anything frivolous). There was no indication that he either cheated on Ginger nor mistreated her either. TBH I don't like Ginger all that much and it's clear she does not love Chili as much as he loved her.
I'm looking forward to all of them especially Pacino & Bobby Cannavale too!
Both British and Germans are Caucasians? What about both Filipinos and Native Americans are Mongoloids since you're using that argument.
Earlier you said LDP is Filipino, now he's white?
LDP is half Filipino, second he's an American actor, not a Filipino actor.