MovieChat Forums > Chris Pine Discussion > I used to hate this guy...

I used to hate this guy...

I remember when he was in that Princess Diaries sequel... and that rom-com with Lindsay Lohan Just My Luck... and I used to think he's nothing more than a pretty face.

But after Star Trek and Unstoppable... he started to grow on me. And Hell or High Water is his best film! Hopefully, he'll continue to do films like this.


I'd like him to work with Martin scorsese, i know he is a dream director of he's.
Christopher Nolan i love his complexity.
I love the fact that he is and has worked with two female directors back to back so I'd love to see him work with more women directors.

"Some of the worst things imaginable have been done with the best intentions"


I first saw him in The Princess Diaries which I liked him in but even though I also liked him as Kirk in Star Trek, I wasn't exactly impressed nor did I have a crush on him. He was merely ok. He just never made that type impression on me.

But that all changed when I saw him in Hell or High Water, and it's like I saw him for the very first time. I also have just come back from Wonder Woman and he was the highlight in that film, so charismatic and riveting. I think I have a raging crush on him now, lol.
