What is Jesus doing in my science fantasy?
Oh, kick-€$@&%!-ass! I got a MasterCard!
Huh? It's historically accurate. This was around the time that Christianity was taking over and converting the Norsemen. Well. It's not entirely historically accurate, because it might be a little too early for it.
I'll bring the BEARDS.share
I've been lacking faith this whole time for nothing! What a waste!
How come the priest dude didn't recognize Kainan as our saviour? He should have sensed the spirit of the one and only!
In all seriousness though, I find the connection rather interesting. :3 In The Passion of the Christ he portrays the Christ; here he portrays a character whom a priest has little to no faith it, if I recall correctly. I believe he was really wary of Kainan, perhaps even associating him with devilry? My memory of the movie is a bit fuzzy.
Oh, kick-€$@&%!-ass! I got a MasterCard!
The tradition of ultimately self-destructive priests goes back to that minister in George Pal's WAR OF THE WORLDS, walking toward a Martian warship while holding a Bible and chanting a minor prayer. Or more recently and in a similar setting, the village priest in DRAGONSLAYER who thinks the dragon is a demon he can drive off with a quickie prayer.
Not so much a slam against the delusion of religion but rather an example of yet another local who has absolutely no idea how to deal with the crisis at hand.
These guys don't get it. YOu are right, but I don't find the cinematic tradition of Priests making 'bad decisions' any kind of indictment of religion in general. These men lived their lives adhering to a certain set of beliefs. When they are presented with something completely OUTSIDE of the realm of the natural, their immediate and understandable reaction would be "Okay, this is a test from God". I don't laugh at their deaths. Though misguided since WE the audience KNOW what these terrible entities are, these priests in the context of their times do NOT. Thus they are 'walking the walk' so to speak. They are facing "devils" with the power of their faith. It is to their detriment that their nemeses are not devils in the biblical sense at all, but physical creatures from either this world or another. But they don't know that.
These men died bravely. It takes a special type of man to risk his life based on his faith. Now if these phenomena WERE devils, demons and other religion based creatures, then prayer WOULD be a weapon.
Dr. Kila Marr was right. Kill the Crystalline Entity.share
I always love the scene in War of the Worlds where the minister gets toasted. Always cracks me up. You can't beat awesome fire power or a giant monster with a book - faith doesn't stop bullets.
share"faith doesn't stop bullets" true but Christian priests never believed that. The "witch doctor voodoo" talismans against bullets have only been practiced by obvious tribal or pagan worshipers in Africa and South East Asia.
It's kind of a cheap shot against men of faith. In their eyes, they could not believe what they were seeing (at least in the proper context) so they 'thought' they were fighting demons and devils. And as you well know, in movies where the hero is fighting the DEVIL, guns and explosions won't do the trick. It's usually faith or talismans or incantations.
Their only mistake was to 'misidentify' the type of enemy they were facing. Other than that, I just regard them as incredibly brave but misguided men.
Dr. Kila Marr was right. Kill the Crystalline Entity.share
Isn't the story Jesus just a fantasy? So...
Once upon a time, we had a love affair with fire.
Why, that's actually a good point!
Sad story. You got a smoke?
There is strong evidence that a Jewish priest by that name was crucified 2k years ago, so no.
sharei'm happy he made this film