Iconoclast321's Replies

Simple, romantic, slightly faith-based, Hallmark-style, sentimental, 'country', etc. I'm 26 minutes in, and am trying to decide if it's worth it going any further. I think my life (real life!) even doing nothing is better than watching this... Rest in Peace, Dorothy Malone. Passed at age 94. agreed I assume he did live, but it was too bad that the movie showed Brian thinking he was dead (seeing him lying in the truck), but did not show him finding out he was alive. Maybe it got left out in the editing. What do you mean by the movie failing? What's your evidence that he was an asshole? Curious. Just watched the movie, and did not care for it (dull), but not sure what you're talking about.... Hmm - thanks! Yes! You should change your title to take out the spoiler and put a spoiler warning on the post. Yes, exactly. And kill him eventually. Plot is overly simple and not much happens. Having said that, I loved Hell or High Water. Argh - can you repost his suggestions (if you have record)? Thanks! Nice comment. I also liked the ambiguity, and could have even done without the tacked-on ending - but it's the decision of the filmmakers, and in real-life the character it is based on did marry the sister (and did have a fling with the brother too, btw). Depends on your definition of 'going after' war criminals. Are you condemning only extra-judicial, vigilante-type killings (like in the movie), or are you also against having them go to trial in the legal system? At least in the US, there is no statute of limitations for murder (how much more so, mass-murder) - should there be? Dunno. Axel gets his whole family to dance to an Israeli folk dance. Maybe the filmmakers decided to get an excuser/denier to act in a film repudiating the holocaust. It would be nice to fix your title - it's a semi-spoiler in and of itself. Just a suggestion, hope you don't mind. What a strange question Thank you for saying this (writing this from Tel-Aviv). It wasn't him leaving. It was the way he left and the fact that he abandoned them all after that. She supported him leaving (and would have gone with him), but she did not support him basically abandoning his family and friends completely. Totally agreed. and it was so well-written (god is an absentee landlord!)