Iconoclast321's Replies

Women look good with a little weight on - just helps the curves. Men - not so much. No, it was his half of the profit - as stated in the contract. I'm sorry - what's wrong with moviechat.org? I.e., the site you are on right now? It has people, it has comments. It is not empty (unlike TMDB). I'm happy right here. Yep. They fvcked our entire community. I was on their boards for 11 years. Fvck 'em. Totally didn't recognize her. She looked good. If I chose my movies based on who agrees with my politics, I'd have nothing to watch. What a stupid way to live. IMDB are pussies. It had nothing to do with the trolls. It was all about their inability to tolerate free speech (insults included). If the trolling really bothered their pretty little heads, they could have just gotten some (hopefully sane) mods. It was really about a desire for control. And now they lose. I agree with you. I totally agree with you. It's not b/c of a few trolls. It's because the people at the top can't deal with free speech. And they think we are snowflakes just like they are. Well, we're not. We appreciated the boards -good and bad. They hurt us, but in turn they are destroying themselves, because of the backlash and b/c people just won't go to imdb at all anymore. I was on the boards for 11 years. They betrayed our community - fk them. I looked at a few other boards, but this one seems to be the closest to Imdb - no comparison really, however. I was on Imdb for what, 11 years or so? And many were on longer than me... Such a shame that all those posts are no longer around.... Stupid decision by a few people at the top - just because they either wouldn't moderate properly or wouldn't ignore the trolls. Destroying a many years old data and community resource because you can't stomach a few trolls (or won't take the trouble to moderate) is so foolish and unfortunate. And they think they won't lose traffic? Anyway - here I am and here we are. Let's build this back from the ground up. She reminded me of me - so maybe we would have been friends! :-) vadra guru padma sidhi om I very much related - to her character, to the whole 'feeling more comfortable with adults over my peers' thing, etc. Except for her finding Edwin (Erwin?) hot. No way. Sorry. And his movie was super-lame. Sorry bout that too. But, yeah - totally related. I was pretty okay looking when I was a teenager. And I had all sorts of issues. Including lots of issues fitting in/finding my place. I was a misfit who only felt comfortable among misfits. Nowadays I use that word as a compliment. So - no - it's not true that only really plain girls get in that position. I checked out all the movie boards, so far moviechat is the most similar to imdb. I am so glad that it is here. It still does not compare by far with Imdb (amount of posts, long history, etc etc) - but at least it's somewhere to go. It's my soda-shoppe by the theater where everyone hangs out afterwards to discuss the latest film they just saw.... :-) FIMDB (you know what That stands for!) Thanks :-)