Towelie_Towel's Replies

Elden Ring is a superior game. Nice one. Emily Blunt star of Oppenheimer? People probably don't even remember she was there. The star of Oppenheimer was Nolan. After Nolan, it was Cillian Murphy and Rob Downey. Some would even say Matt Damon and Florence Pugh were more of a star than Emily Blunt in that movie. True. *should have It worked ok, far from being "greatest of all time". That sounds a bit simplistic. You are saying he enjoys his life so much that he is crying because he'll die and stop enjoying it eventually? I believe he was happy and sad because that's what life is. He clearly had a sad background, with family problems, that were the cause of his isolation. He enjoyed his life and isolation, but still feels bittersweet about not having a family, not being "normal", seeing people around him coming and going. As his colleague said at the beginning, it must be lonely sometimes. I've never been banned, I'm just stating some facts that have been of public knowledge for everyone. Exactly, good point. The message reeks of propaganda. Still an interesting movie. It was good. I'm just more concerned on the milking of the cow side of it. Fury Road worked because it was such a "singled out" story in the middle of this crazy universe. It started fast, ended with closure, and that was it. Why do we need an entire prequel on a story that worked so well without any background? What are the odds of this movie being good? You mean the most successful rapper of all time? Clearly Greece. Mykonos. Shaky cam came with Supremacy and Ultimatum. The director was different. That was Mykonos. Reddit has a big percentage of transgender mods. That's not entirely true. I wouldn't consider this a comedy, but it had many lighthearted moments. Jerry from Rick & Morty was pure comic relief. Thadeus was also comic relief. Max and Lucy did many nonsense things and dialogues. The robo-brain trying to inject the kid was also humorous... Many moments were purely silly. No... They literally said that peace conversations were going well and, at this rate, their companies were at risk of losing some money because WAR MAY NOT EVEN START. And that is the whole reason that they decided to drop the first bomb themselves. 😂