Hemsworth talks Fury Road/Furiosa
shareWhat are the odds of this movie being good?
share75% chance IMHO
I thought Fury Road had a terrible story with great action. People love it.
Considering that and my lack of interest in this, I'm sure it will do well.
IDK. I fear this might actually be the fever dream peak of wokery. Whatever they do, this story ends with Mad Max propping up a completely busted Furiosa at the end of Fury Road. If they make her too magically gifted at killing 300 pound muscle heads, that's not gonna ring so true. I'm really impressed with how much money they're burning promoting this thing. It's everywhere. But that don't mean it's good. Scifi fantasy loves the lady heroes, but you have to do handle it right. Can this movie show a woman kicking ass without her mugging the camera and treating the male audience like a bondage slave? Don't know.
shareI'm just more concerned on the milking of the cow side of it.
Fury Road worked because it was such a "singled out" story in the middle of this crazy universe.
It started fast, ended with closure, and that was it.
Why do we need an entire prequel on a story that worked so well without any background?