Towelie_Towel's Replies

Reminds you of Denzel Washington in looks, only, for sure. In acting abilities he's like the opposite Denzel Washington. Interesting. But for a game so "unloved", it seemed to have the major focus of the series. Even the theme was always playing. I've also just played this recently. I enjoyed it very much. The main thing I want to complement is how polished it is. Everything is well made and flows very well. However, I didn't enjoy how much backtracking I had to do, and how easy it was to get lost. Especially at the beginning, without map, without compass, it was too much. Dark rooms and dark scenarios, I would get lost way too much. The pantheons and some of the areas (white palace) were too much, also. Hunter's journal -> could be cut. All in all, 9/10. I don't disagree with anything you said. Anthony Mackie was a great side-kick. Now to the topic being discussed - Anthony Mackie is going from side-kick, to main character. He doesn't have that charisma or even acting ability. Worse than that, he goes from side-kick to straight up using the name and franchise of a previously known and loved character/actor. Clearly he is out of his league. Star Wars prequels looked like Toy Story when compared to Dune. So he's going to start playing male roles? Or will this be another case of a man taking roles that should go to women? I understand that he may get something by being a producer. But as an actor, if they gave him a gun and they told him the gun was clean, how is it his fault that he had real ammunition? Marvel Comics has done everything and a pair of pants. That doesn't mean that all is taken seriously. Captain America is not this guy, and nobody cares for him. This movie will be a flop unless they bait people with something, like a big ensemble, a famous villain or someone returning. She's a bland character. It seems you are just unable to accept the fact you made a stupid point and then tried running circles to deny you made a stupid point. Keep your ignorance and calling the others stupid to make yourself feel better. So if 2 different people make the same interpretation to your post, you decide to assume that both people are stupid instead of acknowledging that you said nonsense? 🤣 I read the post of the other user, I wanted to add my own answer to highlight better how poor was your post. It was. Your post doesn't make a lot of sense. The fact that she has the finest legal representation is yet another reason she SHOULD keep talking and defying this crazy mob. What are you saying, that when something is wrong and when you have the means to fight and speak against it, you should just stay quiet so that the "others" can follow you and maintain the silence and the injustice going? His looks are starting to become more and more manly, I think - his face, I mean. Did you know that Indiana Jones had no impact whatsoever to the plot of the Raiders of the Lost Ark movie? It's not only the weight. You can maintain the same weight but have fat deposited in your organism, reducing blood flow. In addition you have less testosterone. Less blood circulation there. 🤣 Yes, that is probable. Still doesn't really address the question. I don't know, I am asking you. I haven't seen the movie.