MovieChat Forums > samoanjoes > Posts
samoanjoes's Posts
I just noticed LetThemEatCake hasn't posted in months.
Hownos appreciation thread.
I hope the Avatar sequels beat Avengers at the box office.
What movie setting do you wish the real world looked like?
Is Adam Sandler the best living American actor...
R.I.P. Malkovich (not the actor)
Has anyone seen the Neon Genesis Evangelion movie?
What are your three desert island movies.
What are your thoughts on the Sonic the Hedgehog trailer?
Apparently there are people upset that there are no LGBTQ characters in Avengers.
Jordan Peele: "I'm not going to cast white males in leads. I've seen that movie before."
"Stars you may not know passed away."
Why is this being made?
Can people stop saying the college cheating scandal was white privilege?
I don't understand the transgender argument that some people give.
She's pretty stupid.
Ava DuVernay is a bitch.
He is the exact reason why you don't immediately take a side.
Are there any films on IMDb's top 250 that are directed by women?