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I hope the Avatar sequels beat Avengers at the box office.

I'm sick of so many Avengers fans talking about the films as if they're high art and criticizing every film it passes at the box office. I hope at least one Avatar sequel surpasses the final amount Endgame makes.


Although I don't really care about the box office results, I agree with people talking about these movies as amazing works of art. Box office doesn't always mean quality. There are a few gems in the MCU, most of the films are fun and entertaining, but for the most part they are just a cookie cutter type of movie. However, how can you blame them? Critics give every Marvel film such high scores that they must be good.


I don't care about box office either, but I hate how fans are rubbing it in. I hope Avatar shuts them up.


I don't see that happening.


Neither do I but I hope.


Neither do I and I don't really care.

I loved Avatar (in 3D) and tried to watch in 2D (TV/flight) but didn't enjoy it one bit. Quite frankly, I don't care about any of the sequels to Avatar.


The best films are rarely the top box office films, but you can only blame audiences for that.


I agree. I understand people occasionally wanting to watch a popcorn flick, but week after week the top ten is almost never something like an indie film.


Cameron is so rich he could probably just pay enough people to go watch it.


I heard they pushed back the Avatar sequel another year. Ridiculous.


Yeah. I think it was a Disney decision in terms of releasing it at that specific time, rather than the movie not being able to be completed in time.


I hope they crash and burn.

