I didn't know anything about Ava DuVernay's background until I did a quick Wikipedia search about an hour or so ago (admittedly, it's not exactly the most thorough type of research). But I was intrigued to find out what type of background DuVernay came from since another poster had advised me that she had attacked Liam Neeson, a working-class Catholic raised in Troubles era Northern Ireland, and Melania Trump, who grew up under Communist tyranny in an apartment block in Yugoslavia, and whose family were required to hide their Catholic faith from the secular/atheist regime, for white privilege.
That is not to say that Neeson and Melania Trump don't possess some form of white privilege, being white and all, but I also suspect that relative to Ava DuVernay, the daughter of an educator, who attended a private girls' school, and was born and raised and was able to make a successful career in California, without having to move abroad, Neeson and Melania Trump are relatively underprivileged.
As for Brie Larson, my understanding is that she entered acting as a child, and was enrolled in a theatre school as young as six, and began professionally acting during her youth. She's only 29 now, and already a big star/Academy Award winner, so compared to most people, I'm not sure she has known much failure and professional hardship. I'm not taking anything away from her here. She's talented and deserves her success, but in that respect she's also very fortunate compared to most people, even within the acting community.