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Keelai's Replies

He doesn't like China either. Perhaps a G2 with just Russia. "I’ve been a fan since 1977 and the only people who “hated” it were CRITICS. Ebert preferred “Close Encounters of the Third Kind” and called Star Wars “corny”." Finally! Another witness! When I say that Siskel and Ebert gave SW a thumbs down, most don't believe it because Ebert later pretended to have always loved the movie and years later created an updated positive review. Other critics did the same. Lucas is brilliant, but he's better with constructive criticism. Perhaps he didn't seek it out enough for the PT or there was too much hero worship around him or he just didn't listen. The writer doesn't know what he's talking about. Hamill and Christensen didn't quit acting. Hamill's acting career was hurt because of a few movie flops. He instead did a lot of voiceover work. Christensen is still acting even though his movies aren't as well known. Ridley became a proponent for gun control which caused her to be attacked and leave Instagram - not her SW role. I don't believe for a minute that Kennedy and Johnson are fans or they wouldn't so quickly and easily have destroyed SW. I believe that fans can be too nitpicky especially in the past, but Disney's greed and incompetence is what's destroying SW. Show was surprisingly good. Normally I hate reboots, but it differs enough from the original to be interesting. The characters are well written and most of the acting was good. I agree with your first point. I don't understand your second about not wishing someone out of a job who shouldn't have it for various reasons like incompetence, embezzlement, sexual harassment, etc. Bill O'Reilly, Charlie Rose, Matt Lauer and John Lasseter were fired for sexual harassment which is a good thing. Kathleen Kennedy is just plain incompetent and is creating a toxic environment surrounding SW which didn't exist before she arrived. The problem is that Kennedy wanted Luke's heroism destroyed and then killed off. Trevorrow wanted to use Luke and Snoke for Episode 9 and asked if they could be kept alive, but Kennedy said no and then fired him. If he had been working on Last Jedi, then he would've still butt heads with Kennedy's goal and been fired. But, I don't think the overall movie would've been as incoherent and amateurish. They speak Basic which is a universal language. Luke had to use a translator or C3PO to understand RT-D2. And in the Cantina scene, Luke didn't understand that alien who hated him. Jango spoke to Boba in a foreign language that Obiwan didn't understand. C3PO translated for Jabba. Just a few examples. It's a bad movie. "And people who claim they won't see it still will." But will people "pay" to see it? I plan to wait until it's at the library so I can borrow it for free. I know a number of fans who are also boycotting. No reason to see this without Luke, Han or Leia. It's Star Wars in name only. Worldwide box office for Episode 9 - $400-500 million max. I cringed when Rian Johnson said that Star Wars needed to be fixed in order to thrive. Lucas was able to keep the franchise popular for 40 years. Johnson and Kennedy's believing something was broken ultimately destroyed Disney SW. There are people who also hate JJ Abrams and he's still around. If toys and merchandise aren't selling because of the bad movies, then it could effect the parks also. Disney is over-saturating the market with mediocre Star Wars films and future TV series. I don't think people are sick of SW yet, but it could happen. They want it to be like Marvel with 2-3 movies released every year, but I stopped watching most of them because I'm bored. I know other people who have done the same. There are some fans talking about a full Disney boycott. I think they're still in the minority though. I disagree. They're not just movies. They're 40 years of George Lucas' legacy. His life's work. His art. Something we all enjoyed. When he sold his company to Disney and named Kennedy as president, he said he trusted her with his treatments for the upcoming sequel trilogy and 100s of books and resources for future movies. She said that she would protect the characters and they would collaborate together for future films. He's still a creative consultant. Instead, 40 years of EU work was tossed in the garbage, he was kicked to the side, his characters killed off and hacks were hired to destroy the stories which in turn has destroyed the merchandising, marketability of the films and fandom. Lucas has no power. Hamill and Trevorrow fought and failed. Only the fans are left to fight for Star Wars. Lucas gave the fans 40 years worth of entertainment! I think of this fight to restore Star Wars to what it had been as a huge thank you to Mr. George Lucas. You're welcome. Rumor has it Kennedy may be gone soon. I refused to watch Indy IV because they had a "young guy" to costar with Harrison Ford for a younger audience or to replace him. I hate when they do that. I'm not into Spawn at all, but I found this interesting. [url][/url] A new Spawn movie starring Jamie Foxx. The budget is $10-12 million. I t should be interesting to see how the movie turns out with a small budget. Solo isn't a good movie. Yes, some fans are boycotting. But general moviegoers have rejected this film too. Bad word of mouth. Not a good film at all. I watched Lost and then stopped because Abrams never answered riddles that he created in the show. In an interview, he confessed that he never had any answers because he thought the show was going to be cancelled the first season. Obviously, he had no answers to the questions he created in Force Awakens because he wasn't planning on making any more SW movies. Episode 9 will be his making it all up as he goes along like he did with Lost. Last Jedi woke up many fans like myself who now realize how flawed Disney Star Wars is. I get my Luke, Leia and Han together again in the Lucas EU books. Obviously, the next generation will be their children. I would've loved to see it played out in movies, but the books are a fine alternative. I don't consider anything Disney does to be canon anymore. I disagree when you say that Rogue One and The Last Jedi took chances. None of the Disney films have taken chances and they borrowed heavily from the OT. Disney is not adding anything new. Both JJ and Gareth just copied the story and artwork that Lucas created 40 years ago. One of the main reasons I can enjoy the prequels is because visually there is so much new art as well as a new story. What would've happen if you replaced these writers with Disney hired writers during the middle of their storytelling? Would the quality and creativity remain the same? George R. R. Martin - Game of Thrones; J. K. Rowling - Harry Potter, J. R. R. Tolkien - Hobbit and Lord of the Rings. Of course not! Lucas needed to finish his story. I agree with this video that says why Star Wars can't thrive without Lucas. [url][/url] I'm lowering my box office estimate to $300-350 million worldwide. "It is about fantasy and friends." This is what Kennedy hasn't figured out. Episode 7 should've had Leia, Luke and Han united in one place together. Even Episode 8 had the new characters of Rey, Finn and Poe separated. Fixed That For You You're alone therefore I'll call you Solo doesn't = great movie.