Poor little Ronny Howard

Poor Ron has to be the Fall Guy for why this thing has made so many $ less than its recent Disney-produced bullshit.


The Last Jedi left a very bitter taste in the average Star Wars fans mouth, I suspect that is the reason for 'apparent' bad Solo numbers. None of my friends went to see Solo, except the one who actually likes TLJ for some weird reason. Everyone else said TLJ sucked and that they didn't want to support Disney anymore.

Solo itself is good, a fun adventure, but had this come out before the Last Jedi the numbers would have been way better.


I agree. Releasing Solo so soon after the awful The Last Jedi was a serious blunder.

And yes releasing Solo first would have been better, but better still would have been to have made The Last Jedi a decent film that didn't drive Star Wars off a cliff.


Solo isn't a good movie. Yes, some fans are boycotting. But general moviegoers have rejected this film too. Bad word of mouth. Not a good film at all.


It's not going to be on his shoulders. The #1 factor hurting Solo's box office is the crap heap that was TLJ. By most accounts, Solo ended up being a decent film. If it weren't for the reshoot costs necessitated by Kennedy's inability to manage a studio, Solo would have gone from a $50-80 million loss to a thin profit.


You might be correct. I haven't heard much criticism of Howard as director for Solo. Far more ire continues to be aimed, however, against Abrams and Rian Johnson for perceived missteps in this franchise. I myself have lost all interest in any of these films. These aren't the same films I loved when I was younger.



Hopefully all of those progressive fans will cough up their $$$ and keep this franchise going ..... oh wait.


Ron hasn't made a good film in 12 years. This is just more proof that he has lost the juice.


Wrong. Rush is an amazing, carefully detailed, film.


Of course these aren't the same films you loved when you were younger.lmao...Thats the reason so many hate on these films. They wanted the exact same experience. Not gonna happen. Even if you DID like the new films they would never ever become the nostalgia thing the old ones are for you. You will be far to old to enjoy nostalgia by the time these films are 40 years old....😂😂


I can't believe people camp out on the sidewalk for days to see this stuff. Amazing.


At midnight launch, only 1 cinema screen showing it and was < 20% full.

Sad state of affairs for a SW film.
