As most of you know, Kelly Marie Tran, who plays Rose in The Last Jedi deleted her social media after hateful, racist, sexist, you name it, comments. We need to show miss Tran that this is NOT who we are. The small minority of crybabies and haters is not who we are or represent. We start a campaign called #forceforkelly, where we leave a message of love and appreciation for her and we apologize on the haters' behalf. Sound good?
Regardless of your opinion on the new films, wishing death on someone is never okay. Hateful comments towards an actor/actress because you don't like a character they played is never okay. Wishing someone out of a job because you don't like how they run things (Kathleen Kennedy) is never okay.
My parents raised me to be a gentleman, and that precludes bullying young actresses on social media for no other reason than accepting a part and reading their lines.
I agree with your first point. I don't understand your second about not wishing someone out of a job who shouldn't have it for various reasons like incompetence, embezzlement, sexual harassment, etc.
Bill O'Reilly, Charlie Rose, Matt Lauer and John Lasseter were fired for sexual harassment which is a good thing.
Kathleen Kennedy is just plain incompetent and is creating a toxic environment surrounding SW which didn't exist before she arrived.
It is truly sad behaviour. But she should take solace in the fact that everybody who made the comments are nerds with no lives.
To obsess over a science fiction work to that extent is to cross the line of nerdism by a mile and means that any word you ever utter is instantly cast into the void of irrelevance.
And, yeah, her character was uninteresting and badly written but their was nothing wrong with her performance.
Benicio Del Toro on the other hand, who has hitherto been an actor of distinct legend, was awful in The Last Jedi. I bet those same haters made no such terrible comments to him. Not that they should. Just pointing out that they seemed to have singled Tran out unfairly.
Criticism isn't the same as harassment. Second the customer has a choice of what they see. You dislike it or her character don't watch it problem solved. I don't eat at McDonald's because I know it's crap. Why would I continue to go back if I know their food is trash? Some don't like the new Star Wars therefore quit supporting it. Thing is neither you or them will do that. You will spend money then proceed to moan and groan about how awful it is.
I didn't say you couldn't say what you wanted. I said you have a choice what you see and what you don't. So if someone keeps supporting trash who is to blame? The consumer or the supplier?
No answer the question. I asked if cyber bullying existed in your eyes? I didn't ask about proof of it happening to her. You made a statement that alludes to the fact that you don't believe in cyber bullying.
aggressive pressure or intimidation.
"they face daily harassment and assault on the streets"
synonyms: persecution, harrying, pestering, badgering, intimidation, bother, annoyance, aggravation, irritation, pressure, pressurization, force, coercion, molestation; More
As per the definition, she wasn't harrassed she was criticised for the performance and character. The media pushed harassment, she pushed harassment and then she immediately played the race card to win even more victim points. No one forced her to close her social media, she made that decision.
99% of comments were about the crap character and how bad Star Wars is but like anything these days, you criticise you are racist or sexist.
The media and white knights will spin it every single time to play the victim, every single time.
Simply really, if you put yourself in the publc eye you will recieve criticism for every performance. You cannot complain when its bad but then praise yourself from the same fans when its good, doesn't work both ways.
Just know this she has more money and is more successful than you will ever be. That should help you sleep at night. The fact that people dislike her character makes me like her even more.
I saw a lot of those posts first hand before they were deleted. Yep it was her decision to close her social media account, thing is it was due to harassment. What has happened is you dislike her character therefore any injustice that is done to her you justify simply because you dislike her. It was the same thing when Lloyd got bullied people denied that also. So spare me the b.s. you are selling I'm not buying it.
How many performances has done as Rose as of this moment? One because episode 9 isn't out yet so people have not seen her performance. How can she reevaluate when people have only seen one film with Rose? Answer that that for me.
If people still pay money and show up in droves why reevaluate? Who is to blame the consumer or the supplier?
People have complained about Star wars ever since after Empire strikes back. Return of the Jedi got complaints as did the prequels so it is nothing new. If I were her I wouldn't change a thing. People will show up in droves either way so no point. Second I think she acted great. Change up a performance just because some whiny people online don't like it?
Nah i think she can carry on and if people don't like it quit watching. Who is to blame the consumer or the supplier? You won't answer it because you know it destroys your argument. Since you are so passionate about Star Wars you go and direct a Star Wars film. I would laugh to see that ever happen because it would be trash just like your taste in films. Thing is though it won't ever happen lol. Sit back and let the adults make films while you whine in the corner.
I'm so glad you hate her character it makes me actually love her even more. I think her acting was far better than anything in the prequels which are trash films you think are good.
Your arguement is so pathetic an childish, it really is.
You are basicaly saying, don't like it, go away and stop watching. That is not how criticism works.
That is basically saying, you will like what we do otherwise go away and never say anything. You are just as bad as the tantrums Lucasfilm and Ruin Johnson went on.
Everyone and i mean everyone has an opinion, good or bad. You cannot stop someones opinion.
By saying you enjoy something more because another random person you have never met and will never meet is again childish, what are you 5. Heres a thought why not show some proof of harassment, actual harassment and proove your side of the story.
You are basically doing what you are compaining about. Your first reply was an attack, not a counter argument, you were ataganistic from the getgo even though the post you repied to was a decent reply. Shown below.
"I think Kelly Marie Tran and the rest of the people pitching a fit need to grow up and start acting like mature adults. If you can't even take a little bit of criticism you need to just go home and stay out of the public spotlight. We didn't like her character that doesn't make us sexist."
Your reply
"Criticism is different from harassment. Of course I don't expect you to know the difference."
What was that reply based on. I believe you are just so bias towards Disney Star Wars you will say absolutley anything to validate your point no matter the counter point or if you are even right or wrong, again are you 5. Stamping your feet and screaming until everyone agress with you.
Again. Criticism is NOT harrassment maybe you don't know the difference. See how that works. I'll await your reply where you just reverse what ive said instead of any actually inteteligent thoughts.
Where did I say someone couldn't criticize? I think McDonald's is a terrible fast food restaurant. I know this therefore I don't go to it. Why would I go back when I know it sucks?
People continually complain but then shell out the bucks for these films. Who is to blame the supplier or the consumer?
If you really want things to change stop supporting what they are selling it's a rather simple concept. Thing is people won't do that. They just want to complain. Oh and yeah I do love these movies more because of lame entitled fans. I get so giddy when they say it ruined their childhood. I hope it continues to do that. It will make this trilogy possibly my favorite trilogy of all time if it does that honestly. Learn to spell prove smart one.
Also yeah I admit it was antagonistic however you cherry pick what you want to hear. I've been called a shill by him and the people I disagree with constantly simply for enjoying the Disney films. Therefore I'm not playing nice. I also don't respect you either. You blindly agree with anyone who dislikes the Disney films which I shouldn't be surprised that is quite common among these fans. I never once said you couldn't criticize I said harassment is not ok. I said stop supporting it that is all. Now be on go crawl back in your hole bud.
Due to the fact the people who are complaining are Star Wars fans, thats what fans do, complain and criticise. They do not just stand around and accept what tripe is laid in front of them. How do you not see that. They are not gonna suddenly stop watching Star Wars, talking about Star Wars and criticising Star Wars, this happens because they are fans.
Fans are not the ones going to see the films, it is the normal general public who do not care one way or the other, they just watch the film. So no, by not going, nothing will change as it is not the fans who are going anymore.
I didn't hear anything, i read it.
OOh you are not playing nice, oooh scary. It is a discussion, what is to be played. Sorry i am discussing, you are just blindly following Disney and being atagonistic to anyone who doesn't conform to your ideas.
You are atagonistic, you are bias, you are uninformed, you make assumptons based on nothing but your opinion, you do not use any facts of any kind, you are again basically a shill.
I don't blindly agree with anyone, i just disagree with you, who is cherry pickng now.
Kelly Marie Tran was not harassed in anyway shape or form, you will not provide any evidence to cntrary because none exist except the rablings of shills like yourself and bias media. Go check the twitter archives.
Criticising her character is not harassment.
Calling her charater the worst since Jar Jar is not harassment
Calling her character poorly written, boring, one dimensional is not harassment.
But because something negatve was said about her, she used the woman of colour part for more victim points, my god the woman is as white as i am. She played victim the moment anyone said anything negative about her character, not her, her character.
That is critiscim not harassment.
And i was right, you didn't give any counter arguements, you just reversed and spun what i said excatly as i predicted.
You contradicted yourself twice and showed your ignorance.
Fans aren't going to stop seeing star wars then in the next paragraph fans are not the ones going to see these films. Lol wow dude for real?
Also I'm a fan of the originals I went as is filmbuff so boom another contradiction. Empire strikes back grossed less than a new hope I guess that means people lost interest in the series right? Interesting as Empire is considered the best one.
Fans will attend this one also. Learn to spell also by the way. I provided proof of your foolish contradictions where as you have provided nothing. Go on back to your hole and keep quiet.
Here is the proof you were so desperately asking for.
Just like if your favorite band gets a new guitarist that sucks, the criticism will come like a wave. Great fame teeters on the edge of being clapped in the pillory. I don't wish for the poor girl to be sad. I'd give her a hug. But the role sucked and it's a high profile role. Cookie crumbles thus.