MovieChat Forums > Rorikon > Replies
Rorikon's Replies
Not really sure about the moderate part. Moderates would see the fallacy of Trump and the so-called chaos in the white house. I mostly see more alt-left/alt-rights than anything else. Most moderates I think don't want anything to do with this crap though I do think most moderates voted for Trump as anything but Hillary. I also wouldn't count on a Trump 2nd term as possible since dems have learned a lot since their lost. I could be wrong though but if they haven't waken up since the Trump win, they deserve to lose then since they seem to be so good at it. I'm also sure MSM garbage won't be reporting fake 98% win fields like they did with Hillary.
Should just be called Mostly Whites vs Mostly Minorities instead of dems vs repubs. One side wants minorities to take over or bring more in while the other wants to preserve the dwindling or somewhat stagnant white population. White's are going to lose this btw since they're not shitting out kids like gumball machines unlike the minority counterparts. From the year 2000 it used to be 78% white votes but is now down to around 69% in 2016. Probably will be 67% in 2020 and lower as the years go by.
"It's a stark reminder of the shifting demographics of the country: The Census Bureau projects that no one racial group will be a majority of the country by the year 2044. Republicans and Democrats looking to chart an electoral future as the country continues to grow browner and younger will have to take heed of these shifts."
To be honest I can't blame them for trying to save themselves I mean the facts/data are there for all to see.
Also, I hear blacks complaining that they built this nation. I wanted to ask, how so? You farmed the cotton fields and the Asians built the railroad, that's a bout it. Rest was mostly done by whites, no?
Old SNL was better or rather the previous cast. Current cast is like full SJW going after Trump, dipsy chick skits, and so on. I miss MadTV as well. Sigh, the good comedies of the past.
Florida just passed the Gun Control Bill. Only needs governor Rick Scott to sign it.
- Raise the age to purchase a firearm to 21 from 18;
- Require a three-day waiting period for firearm purchases, with some exceptions;
- Ban the sale or possession of bump fire stocks, which allow a semiautomatic weapon to fire more like an automatic weapon;
- Give law enforcement more authority to seize weapons and ammunition from those deemed mentally unfit or otherwise a threat;
- Provide additional funding for armed school resource officers and mental health services.
Seems pretty reasonable to me. The ones complaining seem to want to own a gun so bad at 18-20 or that it's taking their guns away (clearly they're mentally ill).
Happy international mothers day. 22 countries celebrate this mothers day on March the 8th. Ours is the second week of May.
"DACA expired. Northern District of California injunction expired. 9th Circuit cant rule on DACA. Why? National Emergency declared. When POTUS declares National Emergency no powers or authorities can be exercised or enforced in the event of an emergency without consent of POTUS.
National Emergencies Act of 1976 also known as 50 US Code ยง 1631. National Emergency declared on December 21 2017, included Immigration. Injunction only allowed due to public interest standard. Congress cant get a bill done, DACA rescind can re-begin. Trump wins again. #Winning"
Interesting... never knew it was a reference to this movie. Whelp, time to add it to the 'to watch' list.
Cabaret also had a chair dance scene.
Hollywood and Liberal men in the future. :D
Hope they all cut off their penises so they can stop reproducing soy boys.
I just had a thought... with all the diversity, it just means less liberal whites getting rewards for anything they do. Isn't that great? DIVERSIFY AWAY!! Then white liberals will be the minority and will be crying later on down the road.
Depends. If you're living below the poverty line, you pay no taxes so you get no tax cuts (though I think there are tax credits?). If you're a extremely wealthy individual/company (Cayman Islands, tax loopholes, etc.) you can also pay little to no taxes and still get a tax cut.
I'm curious what your response would be if I said the exact same thing you said but with Obama instead.
Remember, all these 'inexperienced' people were hand picked/approved by a 'very experienced' businessman.
I think most have joined it, just not everyone. It'll take time though. I think the reason for backlash is due to remaking old movies with a more lets say 'diverse' cast if you will rather than just moving forward with newer original movies with a diverse cast.
[url][/url] (shortened version)
You ain't seen anything yet. :p
Won't be long before you can't tell what's real or not in general anymore.
Try what again? Topic here is those leaving his white house in record number not what's he's accomplished or not accomplished.
Eh? How so? For example, those making $23,000 annually only get about $40 with the tax cut in effect. With the rise in price for all goods made with steel/aluminum, any purchase made has an increased price tag be it very minimal or noticeable (as well as increased prices from foreign goods as the trade war starts). So in turn it cuts into the tax cut savings they got in return more or less depending on how much they're spending/month on said steel/aluminum goods. Anyway, the whole point is the poor and middle class are getting even less savings due to this tariff in place since the rise in costs offset the amount saved for those with stagnant wages (excluding those with increased wages to $15/hr).
I didn't check the budget, how big is it? I heard Netflix is spending like 6-7 billion on shows for 2018 or something like that.
As might be expected, the network is doing everything it can to ethnically cleanse white people and men from the cast, but it's a hard proposition, given that in the original series, the story focused on Professor John Robinson, a white man; his white wife, Maureen Robinson; Major Don West, a white man; Will Robinson, a white boy; and Dr. Zachary Smith, a white man.
The show-runners started by replacing Dr. Smith with a woman, Parker Posey. Yes, Dr. Smith is now a girl (in much the same way that Britain's Dr. Who is now Nurse Who).
Then Major West was replaced with a Hispanic character, played by Ignacio Serricchio. Okay, Major West is Spanish now. Maybe he should be called "Major Oeste."
But the most confusing part is that Judy West is now being played by black actress Taylor Russell.
In the show, Judy, Penny, and Will Robinson were the biological children of John and Maureen Robinson. Since John and Maureen were white, it was pretty much a given that the children were, too.
In their endless quest for diversity, the diversity-mongers in Hollywood are about to rewrite the laws of genetics. I see three possibilities:
1. John and Maureen Robinson adopted Judy. Why, we don't know.
2. Maureen had an affair with a black man who impregnated her with Judy, and the helpless cuckolded John Robinson forgave her and adopted Judy as his own.
3. Judy actually started out white but had a bad encounter on a planet of aliens whose touch caused her to become black.
"Diversity" has come to mean that minorities must be in every television show, even remakes of ones that never had them, even remakes where the cast had to be white by reason of family relations.
Amusing read.
$909 mil now and not even the end of the 4th week. Judging by the trend, it should reach 966 mil or more by the end of 4th week. :o
Tell that to the Oscars. It was a cringefest of self-racelations/gender.
Well the way Canada is turning full SJW (especially the Prime Minister and his East Indian garb of appropriation), I dunno man...
Where dem Asians at?