I thought this had to do with the Oscars last night, which I did NOT watch! It's been many years since I watched overpaid celebrities congratulate themselves for how "talented" and "brilliant" they are! The icing on their political cake is when they lecture their fans on how we should think and believe.
Shove it up your arrogant a$$es folks!
This morning I watched a bit of news (on Fox of course, I admit it!) where last night's know it all, holier than thou celebs lectured US on the evils of guns. Really "amusing" since they had hundreds of armed guards to ensure the safety of their pathetic, on so important loser a$$es at their award show.
The rest of America, oh no! We have no right to protect ourselves.
I would dearly LOVE, LOVE,LOVE!!!!! to see Hollywood collapse. No movies, no TV shows. (I'll go back to reading books!) Then, these no talent ass wipes would have to get actual JOBS for a living!! ha ha
Yeah, but when celebrities like Trump, Reagan, Heston, Ben Shapiro, Dennis Prager, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and others mouth off you don't say anything, do you? Because these people echo your values and therefore can mouth off all they want. But, Heaven forbid, when a Clooney or Lawrence use the Oscars to express their views. We can't have that, can we? Personally, I don't give a shit what Rush, Clooney or any of them have to say about anything. I think they're all a bunch of narcissistic gas bags and will gladly ignore them by turning the station whenever they feel it's time to set the rest of us straight. Maybe you should do the same thing: change the channel. Or better yet, take the Shapiros to task as much as you do the Clooneys -- which I'm sure you won't. Oh and it's called: "freedom of speech." They can say whatever they want. And you can respond to their rants in any way you deem necessary -- except in the way that silences their right to mouth off like an ass.
Thanks. You just made my point, Turnip. Nobody should CARE what these celebs say, Right or Left. And yes, if you disagree, just change the channel.
And don't worry, nobody is trying to infringe upon anyone's freedom of speech here. That woman was simply expressing an opinion. She was making to attempt to silence anyone.
But don't you see? Eastwood is a celebrity that reflects the values of the average PragerU supporter and therefore can mouth off all he wants. It's the Lady Gagas of the world who don't adhere to the rigid worldview of PragerU that are the problem and should shut up.
But don't you see? Eastwood is a celebrity that reflects the values of the average PragerU supporter and therefore can mouth off all he wants.
And Trump... I'm talking about before he was elected. Of course, he also won the election with zero political experience.
It's a bad time for a video like this to be badmouthing the politics of (most likely liberal) celebrities, after the Republicans just elected a celebrity (who likes to mouth off) as President.
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Can I just say that I find it really ironic that this woman is talking about how no one cares what celebrities think, while making a video, published online, probably hoping to get as many views as she can, all about what she thinks.
Also calling out celebrities for the same crap that both sides of the spectrum, (Well, all sides, as I don't see the political spectrum as linear.) spout on Twitter daily. Look at all the people who said they were going to move if gay marriage became legal.
Also, if Americans don't care what celebrities think, why do you keep electing them?
If you don't want to hear what someone has to say, don't listen to them. Don't support them. Don't spend your money on them. They will either shut up, or go into politics.
But he was NOT elected because any celebrity told us to do so. He was elected because we agree with his political philosophy, and also because we couldn't stand the thought of Crooked Hillary as president.
And NOBODY is telling anybody to shut up. That's the specialty of the Left. They were taught by their hero Saul Alinsky that if you can't win a debate with logic, then smear your opponent, and try to silence him/her.
The woman in the video is simply telling the celebs that we don't CAR what they think about politics, or anything else other than their artistic gifts.
Laura Ingraham recently told LeBron James "to shut up and dribble" so apparently it's not just the left who employs this tactic. Both sides want to silence the opposition, which is why our culture is so bankrupt and divisive.
That's the specialty of the Left. They were taught by their hero Saul Alinsky that if you can't win a debate with logic, then smear your opponent, and try to silence him/her.
That is far from being a left-wing tactic. It's a human tactic, and is just as readily used by right or left. Like Trump and so many others with their Birtherism for years, that was nothing but an ongoing desperate attempt to smear Obama and make him seem foreign.
Casting the "Left" as followers of Saul Alinsky who smear their opponents, THAT is smearing everyone with a political view you disagree with.
"The woman in the video is simply telling the celebs that we don't CAR what they think about politics"
But who is she speaking for? Everyone in the country? Celebrities are citizens too, and they speak their minds. If they vote, then they have a political view. It's not their fault that they reach a wider audience than non-celebrities.
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Nope, still not. Even with that article, you'd have to demonstrate that the negative coverage was dishonest in order to relegate it to "smear tactics," but then after that, you'd be facing the fact that "the media" is not "the Left."
It's not a worthwhile comparative debate, anyway. All you'd be trying to do is prove a generalization, and that won't accomplish anything... Especially not when you're discussing it with a capital-a Anarchist like myself =)
I like! However, not to nitpick, but Anarchism is Capitalism, since Capitalism is human nature. Lots of people (like me) even tend to call it Anarcho-Capitalism.
Now, that joke would be really good with Communism! I might have to use that.
That woman is NOT a celebrity, and she is NOT trying to convince you or me to do anything. She is simply expressing an opinion, ssissg. Are you familiar with the concept?
As to why we Americans do anything, may I be so bold as to inquire where exactly you live?
I am very familiar with expressing an opinion. Which is what I am pretty sure that celebrities do and are being told to shut up about, and that is the point I'm trying to make. If this woman, was a celebrity, shouldn't she be telling herself that no one cares what she thinks? Why the double standard?
You're not getting the point, sslssg. She is not a celebrity, or if she is one, I didn't know about it. And she is not trying to convince you on a political point. She's just expressing the opinion that nobody cares what celebrities think.
So there's no double standard here. Am I getting through to you?
You don't have to be rude. You aren't getting the point that I'm trying to make either.
Why should it matter who gets to express their opinion? Just because someone entertains for a living doesn't mean that they have any less of a right to express an opinion than you or I, or this woman.
Her opinion is that no one cares what celebs think. Great. I don't really care either. I just find it funny that her opinion is that celebs shouldn't use talk shows for opinions, yet she puts out a video for people to see. To me, that's a double standard. If the video goes viral, will that make her opinion worth less because she would be an internet celebrity? Does this only apply to actors and singers?
If her opinion had only been about concerts that a celeb is making money at, like the Lady Gaga example, I could agree. But I don't agree what that someone doesn't have a right to express an opinion during an interview, or on a talk show.
I also asked the question that if no one cares, why has the US had two celebrity presidents? Both Republican. I think that that's a fair question to ask considering you said
No one except Lefty Loons, and nerdy, boot licking Hollyweird sycophants that is.
You don't have to agree with my opinion, I'm not your enemy. I was simply stating my opinion. And since I'm not a celebrity that should be ok.
Didn't mean to be rude there, sslssg. Sorry. And I know I don't have to agree with your opinion, and vice versa. I'm just trying to comprehend your position. And no, you're not my enemy. If you were, you would know it.
So where are you from? Is this a deep dark secret? If you told me, would you have to kill me? Or would you be killed by the security forces from your country?
PS And NOBODY is telling anyone to shut up. This woman is just telling these narcissistic celebs that nobody cares about their political opinions. Are you comprehending this, sslssg?
And btw, why are you reluctant (or scared?) to tell me what country you're from? You know that I'm an American
(but don't hold that against me), with both faults and good points.
So where are you from sslssg? It would help me understand your thoughts and opinions. That's one of the coolest things about MC, conversing with people from other parts of the world.
Outstanding! I have very warm feelings for your great country. My late father served in WW II in The First Special Service Force, which was a joint USA-Canada unit. In fact their unit patch is a red arrowhead with USA-CANADA in white. I've attended three reunions of the FSSF Association, one each in Helena MT, Rome, Italy, and Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Alberta is simply a gorgeous Province!
Oh cool! My souvenir from Edmonton was a hockey puck from the Oilers. It rests in a place of honor on a shelf in my living room. One of my bets bud from the FSSFA and his wife and child live there.
Croft, old buddy, old pal. I need your help. Somehow I got locked out of FilmBoards. I keep trying to get back in, but when I try to change my password, the site will not let me. And when I try to get Help, they ask me to log in, which is what the site won't allow me to do. Rrrrrrrggggggg!!
Could you please get with one of the Mods over there, and get me some help?