Underdog_73's Replies

Is that your comprehension? Really? You can see it? And that means......???? See reply to maul. No, I simply explained the non-joke to you, and now you're attempting to sound intelligent. A joke is supposed to be funny, dipshit. Or at least clever. This failed on both counts. I get you were going for the Jack Nicholson/Heath Ledger thing, but you failed miserably. You simply came across as an idiot. Nothing like pretending people said shit they didn't say..... Finally..... a sane comment from Jim Carrey.... I agree 100% with Lowell. Did he really clone the phone though? They were working together. He could have simply been using her phone. And the first attack was her. She was using her own phone claiming to be someone else who cloned it. I thought it was supposed to be Brian. Clearly no one here ever saw the unreleased 1994 Fantastic Four movie. Superman IV is Oscar worthy in comparison. She was 16 when fiming began and 17 when it was released. Clearly you're confused by the term "TV movie of the week". Is this a joke? Their criminal histories are irrelevant. They're only brought up in an attempt to get the ignorant to comprehend the simplest of facts. The first guy, who's a pedophile, attacked him and tried to take his gun. He's now dead. Completely justified. The second guy chased him down and beat him with a skateboard while Rittenhouse was on the ground. Second guy dead. Completely justified. The last guy pulled a weapon and pointed it in Rittenhouse's face. He got shot as a result. Completely justified. I'm just sorry Rittenhouse's aim wasn't better. I get it now. You're an 8 year old passenger on the short bus. You still can't see you're embarrassing yourself? That's the reply you're going with?