Underdog_73's Replies

Clearly you're the piece of shit. You're simply too stupid to comprehend it. Just based on your post, there's a lot more than just "Americans" that you don't understand. Automatic weapon??? Where??? I think you forgot to take your meds. I actually found the R1 DVD on walmart.com . Thanks again. I wouldn't have known to look without your info. Thanks! I was really disappointed with episode 2. The dialog is what got me. It's as if it was written by 3rd graders for an audience of 1st graders. I'm sorry you have to pay for it. This might be the most idiotic post I've read in a long time. Clearly written by someone who longs to touch boobies, but isn't man enough to attract a female. He lives in China. What's he supposed to do? Passenger seat: "Someone might die out here tonight. What do you reckon, Dill?" Back seat (Dill): "Yeah. Maybe, eh?" Horrible, unsatisfying finale. Nash turned out to be just as much of a hack as his talentless brother. Too bad too, since this was an awesome series, ruined by a horrible ending. So you're claiming John Larroquette is a zombie? Wasn't there an episode years ago where Liz got Red's DNA, had it tested because she thought he was her father, and it turned out he was no blood relation? Regardless, if they move forward with this "twist" they'll reduce the show to a parody. You may want to redo that math. 24,000 MPH is not 1/8 the speed of light. FAR from it. I'm guessing you mixed up miles per hour with miles per second. I want to say right movie, wrong girl. My memory could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure it was Betsy Russell on the horse. This question is moot. Seems like he's already cancelled himself.... Literally. It was just a "meh" finale. Not horrible, not great. Definitely not as bad as Lost or Dexter. That said, I think the penultimate episode would have been a better ending point. Since when do people eat turtles on Thanksgiving??? :-) Two years later and you still miss the sarcasm of the OP. Apparently wisdom didn't come with age. And no, the Three Stooges aren't funny, in my opinion. Clearly you're just as bad at drawing conclusions as you are at picking up on humor. Her character is completely unlikable, but to call her unattractive is simply moronic. Great white privilege?