MovieChat Forums > Underdog_73 > Replies
Underdog_73's Replies
Did the discussion change from actual age to specific birthday? The age, in years, is unchanged whether the birthday is in the beginning, middle, or end.
Maybe I misunderstood. It sounded as if you questioned whether or not he was older than 90, since his debut could possibly have been prior to Steamboat Willie. That other possible debut also occurred in 1928, so the age would remain the same regardless of which title you believe was first.
Plane Crazy also came out in 1928. The debate whether or not it was first only goes back 6 months, to mid 1928, so either way, the year remains the same.
Um......he's 90. It was a valiant effort though.
Exactly my point. It has nothing to do with gender.
Take a breath before you type. Maybe then your feminist anger won't get in the way of you forming an intelligent sentence.
People are allowed to dislike other people, male or female, without it being about gender.
Remember, this forum is in the real world, not your "girl power, man hating" land of nut jobs. If you advertise your crazy here, that's all you'll accomplish; Looking crazy....
[quote]So why is it exactly that so many female characters must be hated for their flaws but male characters flaws get overlooked?[/quote]
What nonsense are you spewing? This is the longest and most ridiculous leap I've seen in a while. No one said anything that would make any intelligent person believe this has a thing to do with gender.
Foggy is hated as much as Karen, if not more, and the posts over the years have made that clear.
People like you are a blight on society. Despite the lack of evidence you want to turn simple issues into discrimination. Grow up.
Haha... Best comment I've read all day!
Provided it was meant sarcastically. I can never tell nowadays.
I agree with you regarding the term "racist". It truly lost all meaning. Worse, most people don't even use it correctly or understand the definition.
As for the comparison, it was definitely to the ape face and not the actress. Whether or not race was a factor is all conjecture.
[quote]...who was not actual ape. The person she was referring to is not an actual black person.
Therefore it was never racist but a random comment made on another person's looks, a person who actually resembles in full-detail Zira from The Planet of the Apes.[/quote]
What are talking about? She didn't say she looked like the person who plays Zira, she said she looks like Zira. That means she is comparing the looks to the full make up of the ape Zira. Otherwise she would have said she looks like Kim Hunter, which makes zero sense.
Didn't go over my head at all. Maybe you're lacking comprehension when it comes to perception. People always argue and get petty. Always. But to say that's the real war when you're being annihilated is moronic. Maybe that flew right over your head.
Only a true piece of shit would put a spoiler like that in the subject line. Poor lowly, degenerate scum, your life must be so empty.
It was sarcasm, like the other poster said. More so since the WB and CW are pretty much one and the same.
He didn't play the game of politics. As a result, he fell out of favor. After that, they had no problem cutting him loose.
Wow. How could someone so uneducated type so many words? Your misunderstanding of the electoral college is astounding. How does someone so clueless earn the right to exist?
As for only Republicans being a fan of it, you missed the mark there too. Maybe you shouldn't make assumptions about random people on the internet. It's makes a fool, look like a bigger fool....
And who exactly did I call an idiot? You just can't seem to get anything right, can you, moron? As a matter of fact. The only one who called anyone an idiot in this thread was you. Talk about batting zero. Keep swinging. Maybe you'll get something right sooner or later.
How will I ever go on living? HOW??!! Does all caps somehow make the word more ominous???
Yet, you feel it's completely justified to whine about someone else's complaints? It stands to reason that's much worse. I'm bashing a show. You're a low life needlessly starting an argument. Follow your own advice. Move onto a different post.
If you're truly 48 years old, I wouldn't advertise it. Putting aside the fact you can't generate even one intelligent, let alone coherent, sentence, your whole argument is childish at best. No well rounded, educated adult would be caught dead saying half of what you've said.
So to save yourself further embarrassment, let everyone know you're really an emotionally and intellectually challenged 6 year old who rides the short bus to school every day.
I can't disagree. This season was horrible. I'll admit, I don't remember additional buildings being left to Barry, just STAR Labs. Though, let's say he did sell a building, that money would disappear pretty quickly. I'd bet their power bill alone is thousands of dollars per month. Unless they also have a machine that produces unlimited free power!
Hire them with what money? Even if there was some imaginary nest egg, it's going to run out. No income is being generated.
I was behind in watching Legends of Tomorrow, but I finally caught up, and "creepy hair" is back. Seriously, does he use a funhouse mirror, or does he simply not know the definition of "ridiculous"?