MovieChat Forums > Underdog_73 > Replies
Underdog_73's Replies
When he first told his parents, he just came back from simply sitting in one spot. And your suggestion that if he, alone, moves from one spot to another only works if the broadcasting signal is stationary. As he stated, it wasn't.
That still doesn't explain how everyone supports themselves....
You're making the intelligent choice. This show will only anger you.
It's really pathetic how these fanatics with their agenda want to paint this country. It's sickening.
This show would have you believe all white Americans are Nazis and all black Americans have no chance at a decent life. Let's invent a social disease. People need something to champion so they create victims.
Does racism exist on an individual level? Sure. That doesn't mean we all don't have the same opportunities. You can't stop individual hate, but all the right laws are in place to ensure equality under the law. The fight is over. Stop.
People will always hate other people whether they're black, white or any color of the rainbow. People will also hate other people because they're short, fat, dumb, ugly, Christian, Jewish, gay, etc....the list goes on and on. Stop whining about it and accept that degenerates will always exist. Learn how to be a grown up and stop making victims of everyone. What a weak society we'vee become.
[quote]I'm pretty sure you already know this and just like to argue or cause trouble..[/quote]
First, you initiated this. Not me. No one forced you to involve yourself in a post you don't agree with. That was your choice. So any trouble starting would be directly attributed to you.
Second, you're pretty sure I know it? Why, because in your misguided mind, you're correct? You're not, and trust me, what I do know conflicts with what you know, but I have facts on my side. You simply want to twist things to support your inaccuracies.
It's a shame so many people want to start a debate based on what they think and not what's actually true. They then spend so much effort trying to find things they can twist to support their stance. It never works. Simply do the research first, and make sure you understand it. Then join the discussion.
As for your comment saying they're not in the middle of space, what's the difference? You're the one who said vehicles fly through space using the same navigational tools as airplanes. Your words. Are you again misunderstanding what "space" is? You can't fly through space with just the navigational tools an airplane uses. Do a little research for once. You now seem to be debating your own comments as well as mine.
More miscomprehension? There's nothing wrong with the definitions. Please show me where I insinuated that.
The problem is your inability to interpret them correctly. You seem to have the same shortcoming with everything. Even my posts.
I can live with the ending. My point was that the show was faltering and provided a good episode, only to have been cancelled when I finally wanted to get back into it. I guess that's the point of going out on a high though.
[quote]Airplanes don't fly in space, but other aircrafts do, and they are going to follow many of the same navigational tools as an airplane.[/quote]
Wow....maybe you want to research that and amend your answer. With exceptions, there's a common belief that there's no up or down in space. But we'll just dump you in the middle of that space and tell you to go west to get home. I'm sure you'll make it.
Yes, certain tools are used in all navigation, but with just the tools you speak of, you'd be lost forever.
[quote]That's the same thing as saying that if you are flying in an airplane you are not in the sky because it can only be called the sky if you are standing on the ground.[/quote]
That's not even close to the same thing. A plane is still in the atmosphere. Did you even read what I said? You've now misunderstood the definition of "sky" and completely missed what I said. You're also misunderstanding the MW definition because you want it to mean what you think it means. You're incorrectly attributing the use of the word "space" in the definition. They don't mean outerspace. They mean simply "space". Like the space around you. Don't argue a point, without first paying attention to what was said, and understanding what you're reading. They were not in the upper atmosphere or right above it. Not even close. They were way out in orbit.
And it doesn't bother me "so much", it was simply wrong. That was it, it was wrong. Nothing more, nothing less. You're the one who wants to somehow make it right. No one asked you comment. It's odd, and that's actually what's bothersome. Needlessly replying without comprehension. There's no point in having a discussion if you don't first actually pay attention. How you could possibly use that "plane" example is simply astonishing. Especially after what I said about the atmosphere. You do know planes are still in the atmosphere, don't you?
The Earth wasn't destroyed. That future doesn't exist. The people that brought them to that future no longer exist. If they don't exist, they can't retrieve them. If they can't retrieve them, they don't vanish. If they don't vanish, Fitz doesn't freeze himself, since they're never separated. Even Robin said "something is different".
It's really not a debate anyone can win. Sincesbitsball basedbon theory. As far as I see it, it makes no difference whether they jumped aheadbor not. At that point they all caught up with one another. Time is now current for all the original team. They then come back. The same Fitz that was in the pod came back. He can't still be in the pod.
Regardless, even if that doesn't work for you, they changed that future. It no longer exists, so they were no longer taken, so Fitz never froze himself. No matter which current acceotable theory of time travel you choose, it doesn't work.
Airplanes don't fly in space. Whether or not they're using Earth as a reference doesn't answer the question.
That's a Google definition that's specific to a scenario where one is on the Earth's surface, looking up. Once you're out of the atmosphere, that definition is null and void. The definition you're choosing to quote is no different than to say "he or she looked toward the heavens". It's not a true definition. The sky is below you when you're outside Earth's atmosphere.
Why would there be a double of Fitz, and no one else? Two Fitzes existed in the present, but only one of everyone else?
Not to mention the fact that since the timeline changed, there should be no Fitz in the chamber because now none of it happened.
[quote]Now this is the tricky part, the key is that the team was sent back to a time after Fitz had been frozen and launched. So the Fitz that was left behind and then froze himself is the one they are looking for.[/quote]
That theory doesn't work. I'm not saying that's not where they're going, but it doesn't work. The Fitz that came back with them is the same frozen Fitz. He reached them via the long way. Now, upon returning to the present, if there is still a Fitz frozen in space, there would need to be doubles of each and every person who came back. It just doesn't work.
[quote]I saw this a long time ago, so I don’t remember it well. Do they keep him unconscious the entire voyage back? That has to be a long voyage, at a minimum 10 days. I don’t think a large mammal can be kept unconscious that long. In a human, it would cause neurological damage and other health issues.[/quote]
They don't show the voyage back in the original. Whether or not he wasn't sedated the whole time is just one guess. As for the harm, back then most people didn't care that much about animals in general. In this case, Kong was just a way to make money. I'm pretty certain they wouldn't care about any neurological damage as long as he survived. Regardless, we don't know if he was kept unconscious.
If you've ever seen an Arby's roast beef, before it went into the oven, you'd know why. I worked there in high school and I will never eat their roast beef. Ever. I've worked in other food places and Arby's is the only one I'd ever avoid based on what I saw.
The meat isn't solid meat. It's like Play-Doh. It's formed into the shape of a cut of roast beef, but it's like solid slime. It can be molded into any shape. If you poke it, your finger will go into it and leave a hole.
To this day, I can't understand how it comes out of the oven as meat.
Does it really need to be spelled out in the original? They knocked him out with gas grenades and put him on a giant cargo ship. It's not a leap to assume they kept him unconscious. Though there also could have been a section of the ship that could hold him.
It think it was greenlit for a fifth and final season. Only 13 episodes. It doesn't deserve the renewal
All that very well might be true. But that's not what were talking about. We're talking about the fact a chief justice said getting a case on the calendar has already influenced its outcome.