MovieChat Forums > Underdog_73 > Replies
Underdog_73's Replies
It's fine to be different, if you're talented. That wasn't the case here, and that's where the blame lies. What's more bothersome is the fact this script won best screenplay at the Saturn Awards. Whatever those are. Clearly someone made a giant donation to buy the award in the hopes of mitigating this tragic failure. Sadly, it was simply another failure.
As far as I'm concerned, those are the only three. I've removed The Godfather
Part 3 from my reality in the same fashion. Some movies are just too terrible to exist.
Not even a little bit similar. Regardless, they didn't do that.
If the Saturn Awards were ever credible, they just made certain they'll never be again. I don't know what the agenda was with this bullshit, but it's actually offensive.
That's neither here nor there, and not the point being debated at all. It's moot.
Regardless, calculations were made, and the plan worked. Easy as that.
You definitely fell asleep. It was on TCM this past Saturday, 6/23/18, and that scene was definitely there.
OK, but to marry him in what must have only been weeks? Especially with a kid?
It wasn't started on Trump's watch? I don't ever remember the UN accusing the US of human rights violations on anyone else's watch. If there are examples of this happening prior to Trump, I'd honestly like to see some them. You can't give him credit for stopping a travesty he started.
You misspelled Democrat. I know it can't be intentional because all members of the KKK are extreme conservatives. Not an opinion, it's a fact that's disputed by no one. So you might want to try a new insult.
As for the family separation, regardless of anyone's take on the matter, it wasn't fake. It was happening. Maybe the word "fake" is confusing you?
I offer no opinion here, and I couldn't care less who insults who, but if you're going to do it, at least get your facts right and make the insults accurate, otherwise you just look foolish.
Whether or not the clock tower time was accurate is irrelevant. Doc would set his clock to match the time on the clock tower, and we already know the lightning hit the clock tower based on the time it displayed at that moment. Accurate or not.
What's funny is I actually almost used a wrench as my example, though it would have been more like throwing a monkey wrench into the works. The reason I chose a hammer is that it can't fine tune things like a wrench and using a hammer on everything makes the results all banged up and and unrefined. Like this writing.
The writers don't have any imagination at all, let alone enough to fill a decent amount of episodes without going back to the same basics. When your tool box is empty you have to use your hammer for everything. It's amateurish.
Exactly. It was just really odd. And you're right, even if the word was used correctly, The World of Henry Orient is definitely no "jam".
I'm not seeing the correlation.
I can't even say, with any certainty, WTH happened this season. I want to say nothing, but how is it possible to pump out 10 or 11 episodes and provide zero story? I'm dumfounded.
I really believe the writers feel 10 hours of no story, littered with endless LSD hallucinations, followed by one lucid 12 second scene is enough to keep people watching. The scary part is they may be right. This season was a new level of arrogant ignorance.
You have nothing to apologize for. That was one of the most unstable, whack job replies I've seen in a while.
Are you some kind of nut? All the poster did was correct the OP's incorrect assumption that they were being portrayed as Jewish in the movie. They weren't. Your reply is so off the charts abnormal that you seriously need to seek professional help.
Exactly. So the fact they showed him on screen, overpowering a helicopter trying to take off, is ridiculous.
Who said Captain America had super powers?
As far as the super soldier serum, it does not give him the strenght to overpower a helicopter attempting to take off. He grabbed the helicopter, then grabbed the building and stopped it from leaving. I've seen nothing in a Bruce Lee, or Arnold, movie more ludicrous.
As far as the serum wearing off. That was never part of the story for most of Cap's history. I've read over 50 years of stories and that was never mentioned. I can only assume that was another moronic storyline created within thebl last 20 years by pathetic writers who can't create their own characters so they drastically change the creations of others, as if that makes them creative.
As in this topic? What pressure is there for a woman to resemble a shapeless prepubescent boy? None. If anything, the pressure here is to not look sickly.
Your SJW attempt fell flat. The question here is why did a perfectly attractive woman turn her body into into an unhealthy, emaciated shell.