MovieChat Forums > Underdog_73 > Replies
Underdog_73's Replies
Wow. Not one person picked up on the fact the OP was making a joke. Actually one might have....
To everyone that replied that a realistic werewolf movie is a ridiculous expectation, be on notice, you're definitely the bottom of the barrel when it comes to intellect.
I doubt it'll get picked up. Sadly this show is one that was deserving of cancellation. Too bad. It had potential, but they hired some of the worst writers. Making every main villain a sniper, just because he was a sniper, is idiotic. And that wasn't even the worst of it. Tying his father's past into everything was a special kind of dumb. I stuck with it, but I'm not sorry to see it go
I think her character is a big part of the reason it was cancelled (one symptom of the bad writing). Her character was, at least in my opinion, extremely unlikable, and her acting was horrendous. In small doses she was tolerable, but they kept trying to find ways to give her more screen time in nonsensical, pointless side plots. Her looks weren't enough to overcome the rest. Maybe I'm in the minority.
I shouldn't be at risk of reading spoilers to QT movies on a Psycho board. You're a true piece of shit. It makes sense why a scumbag like you has so much time to write novel after novel on this site. You're a lonely lowlife because of this type of behavior. No one in real life can stomach to be around you, so you have to annoy the shit out of strangers on the internet. What a sad, pathetic degenerate.
Right. You said that.
Her feelings for each guy is significant, but there are better ways to show it than that. The length of the scenes were exaggerated as well. I'm far from a prude, but I really don't need to know her stance on which guy can cum in her, as well as how and when. I also don't need to see a guy's ass pumping her as she has no expression on her face, in order for me to understand her mindset. It's childish writing. It's something middle school boys would write after just hitting puberty and hoping to see "boobies".
Sex for the sake of sex is getting old. And the escalation for shock value is cheap. There's a place for soft porn. Network television is not it.
Yeah, that made zero sense. J went full psycho despite the fact it wasn't consistent with his personality. It came out of nowhere and just fell flat as a result.
I thought the same thing when I saw the beginning. I thought it was parodying itself. At least then it wouldn't have been so embarrassing. Sadly it was serious.
Since the term "Jumped the Shark" is so over used, maybe people can start asking when a show "Flew the Zombie". It will be a phrase that explains a show that jumped the shark so long ago, but remained on the air regardless, to turn into something so sad and pathetic, it's beyond words
That doesn't make even a little bit of sense.
That said, she was involved with the only Indiana Jones movie I wish was never made, and she's one of the few people that could turn Star Wars to crap. Though she was involved with a lot of good stuff prior to 1993 and only The sixth Sense post 1993. Maybe she should retire.
Demonstrated his utter ignorance and stupidity again today, during an intro to King Kong (1933). He claimed Merian C. Cooper enticed Fay Wray to Star in King Kong by promising she would appear opposite the tallest, darkest leading man in Hollywood. He continues to claim Wray thought Cooper was referring to Cary Grant, until he showed her a picture of Kong.
First, these were contract players, so it doesn't seem likely that enticing was really necessary. Second, and much more important, is the fact Cary Grant was years away from being any type of leading man in Hollywood. He had only done his first movie the year before. He was far from a star, and unlikely even huge a household name.
This idiot needs to stop making up bullshit, or stop believing what everyone tells him, or everything he reads online. Two seconds of research couldn't have prevented him from looking like a brainless twit, but I guess a brain is required to have that foresight.
No, just the 3. You're free to enjoy the prequels, but as far as I'm concerned they're no better than the recent garbage pumped out by Disney. The same goes for the "enhanced" and updated originals. Junk. I only recognize the the original 3 theatrical releases.
Or she simply lets you believe that since she doesn't want to marry you. She's dodging the bullet while making you believe you are. :-)
Now THAT'S skill.
You're assuming 20 years of profit and no losses. Twenty years of good investments, no bad. You can't assume all positive outcomes and forget any possible negatives.
I won't debate what they could have done with that money or what would have happened if they didn't buy Star Wars. Maybe they would have made a worse investment instead, and in reality, they're better off since the purchase of Star wars prevented them from making that worse investment. These are assumptions we just can't take into account.
Yes, the opportunity is there to make a lot of money when everything works out favorably, but one simply can't assume that will or would happen. In your scenario no one could ever break even. Breaking even simply means getting back to where you started.
Will Star Wars make the money that $4 billion would have made without the purchase? It doesn't seem likely, but even if we forget all of Disney's other profitable assets, as long as that money recovers the initial investment, they've broken even, but lost any other "possible" income, had they gone a different way and made all the right choices. Again though, an assumption that can't be made when simply referring to breaking even.
Breaking even is simply getting the the $4 billion back, not the profit they could have made on it had then not completed the purchase. From a financial stand point, had they invested that money better, of course they could have done better with it, even interest alone, but breaking even doesn't take that into account. If they simply get the $4 billion back, they've broken even, which is where they started. Even.
But if your point is they can make $200 million off Star Wars forever, and never make the same money, had they simply invested, then you're right. It's the use of the term "break even" that doesn't fit.
I'm not saying I don't agree with your synopsis, but I'm not following your math. If they make $200 million in pure profit, from Star Wars, every year for 20 years, they hit $4 billion. How is 20 years "until the end of time"?
[quote]Also, Superman doesn't become mortal when exposed to Krytonite, he actually becomes much weaker than a human and he gets very ill.[/quote]
Actually it depends on the color of the kryptonite. Different colors have different effects. If I remember correctly, gold kryptonite removes his super powers and leaves him a normal, mortal "human". The effects are supposed to be permanent, so I can't remember if he was ever exposed to it.
I was only speaking of new episodes, and whether or not they aired in the order in which they were filmed. Chloe was interested in Pierce, then she wasn't, then was, then wasn't, then was interested in Lucifer and then was marrying Pierce. The progression was nonsensical and way too abrupt.
Not to mention those 2 bonus episodes that aired after the finale. They came before the finale as far as the story goes, though I have no clue where they would have fit. They were just odd.
Trust me, you're superior to none. You're connecting dots that aren't even there. The only questionable education seems to be yours. The rest of us learned to connect the dots in preschool. Let me guess, while the other kids created proper pictures from those dots, you produced an nonsensical mess of intersecting lines. It's clear your ability hasn't improved.
Maybe next you'd like to tell us there's a correlation between TV shows and the tides....