Surprisingly Bad....
I actually believed the hype on this one. I blindly bought the DVD. What a mistake. The horrible overacting and cartoonish fight coreography were only eclipsed by the terrible and inconsistent accents.
A better title would have been "Double Oh Panther and His Sister M". What was with the pathetic James Bond ripoff? I don't even remember him having a sister, let alone a mother. I'm pretty sure she died when he was young and he had a step mom who ran away or cheated on his father or something similar.
Even if I overlooked the disappointments I just mentioned, the biggest travesty was the idiotic decision to give him super strength. What a moronic idea. Why completely change the character? He's a master in many forms of combat and has the ability to think far ahead of everyone else. He also does have advanced technology thanks to vibranium, but that was grotesquely exaggerated here. It wasn't necessary to nonsensically give him the strength to lift a moving car, because he ate a magic flower. What idiot thought this was a good idea? I think this is even more ridiculous than Captain America being able to overpower a helicopter with one arm.
And speaking of powers, which he's not supposed to have, didn't he find all superheroes a threat to Wakanda? So giving him super strength is even more idiotic under those circumstances.
Did this character need this idiotic change? No. So why take a perfectly good character and distort it? I'm normally at least in some agreement with the majority, but this time I couldn't disagree more. They bastardized an otherwise great character.