enriquesingh's Replies

Being a life long fan of his I would bet that he is doing a little stunt in the same style as one of his idols Andy Kaufman saying that he was broke just to generate headlines/confusion/get a reaction. To throw off the audience. Both 1960s and 1980s series revolved around a team... there was no Ethan Hunt lead character on them... so this movie began as a team as well... but quickly evolved into a Tom Cruise vehicle. The tv series's had been around for 3 decades and had over 200 episodes produced (between both versions) so I guess it had a following and they presented a similar format at the beginning of the film. Pretty clever and solid way to do it... imo. I hope so. I'm a fan of the broadway show... due to her latest comments I will not be watching this movie in theaters. I wanted to like it but didn't... huge fan of the first two movies... perhaps my expectations were too high due to some positive word of mouth. Andy was imo the highlight of the film. But I wouldn't rate the movie more than a 5/10. Perhaps I should rewatch it in a couple of months with a more neutral mindset. I had never seen him until Star Wars and have always thought he is a lucky sob... physically he looks like a background Men In Black character and a very average actor. Joker 2's performance reminds me of Ang Lee's Hulk back in 2003... which also fell off a cliff in its second weekend... I think Joker is going to be even worse though. Toomer I'm on your side... lol. I think he's 'somewhat' right... I do believe an artists's creative peak is real. But its not like an athlete that once 'father time' knocks on their door its completely over. Scorsese is over 80 and still making amazing films. Kubrick's very last film when he was 70 is my favorite out of his entire filmography, Eyes Wide Shut. Fincher is in his early 60s (+3 decade career) and I still look forward to whatever he's making, his recent films I haven't enjoyed as much not because of his directing (which is as good as it was in the mid 90s if not better), but because of the content he has chosen. Imo those three are examples of filmmakers making movies as good as the ones they made decades ago during their 'primes'. I cannot say the same about Clint Eastwood... nor Ridley Scott... Spielberg hasn't made a film I have enjoyed in almost twenty years... don't even get me going about Zemeckis :( This biased documentary repeatedly blames the police for the amount of lives lost, basically hinting they should have just walked in there and SACRIFICED their lives in order to take down the active shooter - which is a ridiculous and irresponsible request - that is not a cop's job. The filmmaker even has the audacity to ask one of the higher ranking officers if they lacked "guts" that day? WTF. From what I was able to see the police did their best taking into account the information they were handling, training and technology available at the time. 0/10 I understand their reasoning... but I think its flawed... and they should have used him way more this time around since his appearance was somewhat of a mystery on the first movie... but "the cat's out of the bag". Despite not being on screen he did keep being mentioned throughout by every other character which is a sort of "presence". This time around perhaps they shouldn't have him the entire 104 minutes-every-single-scene... but could have used him let's say 30 minutes instead of 17. But not a huge deal I guess... just my humble opionion... I just hope its a good movie that lives up to the original. Hollywood has always done this... even with actors in their late 20s/early 30s. Why? Mostly due to restrictions regarding the amount of hours children can work. Ortega still looks the part (to me) so I have no issue. Yeah, I was extremely excited, thought it was going to be very close to a continuation of The Animated Series... some visual differences and modern techniques, but I was really hoping a similar tone... I was wrong and stopped watching midway through the second episode. I watched 2 episodes and also found it boring af. Unfortunately, yes... Twisters despite a decent opening is going to end up being a bomb. The original grossed 500 million worldwide on a 90 million (production) budget. I doubt this one will make it much past 300-350 million WW on a 200 million (production) budget... it probably needed around 400 just to breakeven-ish... huge gamble... they spent way too much. I'll watch because I already have Prime... but so far my level of interest is about a 6/10. I dislike The Penguin being gender swapped too. Nah, you are just talking bs... this is going to be a huge moneymaker. $$$ It's the highest grossing of the trilogy, what more do you want? Today that wouldn't be allowed... now John would probably be RESCUED from a beating from Maggie Q... by his civilian-untrained daughter. +1