You have gender swaps, race swaps, and a whole lot of artificial diversity shoehorned in for good measure.
The Wokes hate you. Their goal is to ruin everything you love. To undermine all social and cultural norms.
Remember, Wokes are not human beings so don't treat them like they are. Do your part to push them out to the fringes of society where they belong.
Yeah lately no comic related property (other than Fantastic Four, apparently) can have their characters in their original ethnicity. How about creating new characters, instead? So you don't want a white Jim Gordon? Make a different commissioner who happens to be black. You can introduce Gordon later. Don't want a white Harley? Invent a character that Harley is inspired by to become Harley who happens to be Asian. Don't like that Penguin is a man? Create another bird motif character who is a woman. Strange that no changes were made to Catwoman since Matt Reeves is an executive producer of the show and Catwoman in his movie is black. It is not difficult people! Fans who are disappointed with racial and gender changes are not necessarily racist, they just don't want their favorite comics changes just for the sake of change.
'Fans who are disappointed with racial and gender changes are not necessarily racist, they just don't want their favorite comics changes just for the sake of change.'
That's what sucks, from the looks of it, the animation and the setting is really cool. Batman looks really cool. But the writing sucks. Batman is barely in it. And you have all this artificial diversity that is just absurd for the time period. Oh, also two of the female characters are lesbians and kiss.
The artificial diversity that you speak of seems to be everywhere, but it is not all bad, just most of the time adds nothing to the story. Also in the 40s, lesbians were around but they would not have been so public with the kissing and everyone just acting as if this was the social norm. So far no trans character, but I am sure that they will include at least one at some point. Just for fun, it should be a female to male Bane or Killer Croc!
I can't stand it. I was once like you where I didn't see any value in it, but as long as it didn't take a way from the story it didn't bother me. But over time, seeing one thing after another be wokified, and this constant obsession with pushing diversity, just started to become obnoxious. And now you can't get away from it it's everywhere and it makes me want to vomit.
I get what you are saying, but it is not a bad show. It does do a poor job with changing characters for no reason especially Penguin, but it is well done in most areas. And as I mentioned earlier I found it odd that with Matt Reeves as an executive producer that the characters of Catwoman and Penguin were changed from how they were in his Batman film. Also Barbara was never a lawyer, was she?
Yeah, I was extremely excited, thought it was going to be very close to a continuation of The Animated Series... some visual differences and modern techniques, but I was really hoping a similar tone... I was wrong and stopped watching midway through the second episode.
I'm really a fan of Batman and was looking forward to this. I remember hearing about this a while back and thought it might be good. And then they give us this. Needless to say I'm disappointed. And I'm also pissed off that the people I hate the most have ruined another thing that I like. So forgive me if I come off a little more aggressive than usual. I really can't stress enough how much I hate these people.
Which people that you hate are you talking about? JJAbrams? Matt Reeves? Bruce Timm? All three have made good and bad, so I don't hate them but especially with Timm I agree in being disappointed.
The Wokes, Wokesters, Wokerati. The people who are forcing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion into our media. Who are centering sexual and racial minorities and de-centering and degrading straight White males.
These are the people I'm talking about. These are the people I hate with every fiber of my being. I find them absolutely repulsive. I don't even consider them people, they are a disease.
I get what you're saying now. Even Scooby-Doo was not immune from this treatment. I don't know what they were thinking with that awful Velma show. Shaggy was changed to black and vegetarian. Daphne became Asian and bisexual. Just too much.
That's it. And nothing is immune. They are doing it to all beloved characters. It's a way of undermining culture.
Everything now is forced to be diverse. In fact, I challenge you to find a show or movie where the cast is all straight and White and normal. It's pretty rare these days.
There are people who unironically think that it's a good thing. White people have had it too good for too long so now we can't have our own shows anymore. We are not allowed to celebrate our culture without including others and celebrating them too. At least that's the woke logic behind it.
These people, who churn out these woke shows in order to piss off normal people, need to be purged from the industry. Blacklisted, and never allowed to work again. They should be turned into pariahs.