DracTarashV2's Replies

Yesssss!!!! I personally was always up for more films myself. Now as everyone obviously has heard by now, Scream 5 is official! Though it’s unfortunate Craven won’t be involved, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want to see more of this series with or without Craven (the tv series that had one great season notwithstanding). Excited for film number 5 I am! Not initially. But now I see it. :) I always did thought it looked familiar, though. So true XDD Looks like someone predictably and seriously got triggered (its far from alone, duh.) Aww, you po’ thing! What a woefully stereotypical qanon-believing klanservative snowflake that’s projecting hard AF (taking after yer beloved bunker boy). Breaking news: broken record propagandist magatards who believe Cohen changed his ways to align himself with the awesomely reactionary-triggering Hollywood (and many in ‘’Murica, in fact) [b]never understood him in the first place[/b]; how typical of the poorly educated maga cultist who wants its fascist Jim Crow days back. Shocker! The free-thinking, ingenious, actual ballsy and real news-spreader Sacha Baron Cohen>>>>>>> those eDgY South Park libertarian bootlickers (though every now and then they break from their bootlicking ways and upset their reactionary crybaby fanbase, like when they dared to rightfully mock the Fuhrer in the last election and thus magatards lost it) and the several other “brave” fascist-approved celebs in the entertainment industry that don’t offend the chuds since they support that maniacal pos that should never stopped being mocked and exposed for the evil tyrant that he is. Keep doing you, anti-fascist Hollywood and everyone on the GOOD side of history in general! [i]Fuck[/i] Mango Mussolini As a matter of fact, True Blood is one HBO show I have yet to watch. If memory serves, I saw a few episodes of the first season when it originally aired, but for some reason I never continued and watched the whole thing. It’s definitely on my watch list, though. I will say I really liked the William character in Lovecraft. The actor who plays him did remind me of Alexander Skarsgard in general almost right away. I most certainly will be watching! And tbh I don’t know what to expect (one can say I expect the unexpected, hehe), but I’m pretty excited to see how things will go down :} Stellar season I couldn’t be more excited for this, myself. While it was rather disappointing to learn that Charlize wasn’t going to be returning as Furiosa, frankly I am now as excited as I can be for this prequel with Anya taking over the role. Imma big fan! (Truly, she’s an amazing talent.) Plus, Hemsworth is also going to be in it? Of course he is! :D Exciting Good eyes. Anya does, that is. But yah, I have taken notice as well ;) Gotta wait until IMDb changes it (that’s where it’s basically taken from). It’ll have to do for now :) Click that. One mustn’t. Free will? Anyways, new trailer is cool Indeed he was! (He’s no stranger to that, hehe.) Although to be [i]kinda[/i] fair, considering how poorly this movie did at the box office back when it was originally released (still makes zero sense releasing it in July), nobody - that includes the cast and crew - could have expected/predicted Hocus Pocus to become the phenomenon it is today. It’s a movie that definitely could have (not should have) been forgotten, yet luckily it achieved cult status and it’s now widely considered to be a bonafide holiday classic. But yeah, he was wrong in every way. This movie rules. Mid-level at most, huh. Mid-level at most. Mid-level at most, X says. Well, that’s like, [i]your[/i] opinion, man. And yes, this is clearly and [b]predictably[/b] how others up in this joint feel. However, fortunately the meh ‘reviews’ this film is getting in this reactionary-filled place isn’t reflective of how the majority feels. No really, it’s cool to know reality paints a way different picture for this - rightfully - highly acclaimed film (and the same goes for many other beloved films, particularly newer films, that usually get thrown shade by raging film nerds). Coco A+++ La La Land Easy A Birdman They both deserve each other and should end each other. Real talk. :D Yelling match? That would maybe last for a minute, but then you’ll quickly forget about it once the dishes and musical instruments (I mean fists lol) start flying. Fletcher is a grade-A prick, but would love to see him wreck Ramsey. Time to waste some time. Ok. Hey! You smell what the Benny Cuckpiro-sounding OP is cooking? Mmm, it’s.... it’s.... it’s projection altright! This post and the other whiny ass posts by this O’ so un-pc one: sooooooo eddddgyyyyyyyyy and originaaaaaaal! Damn, social injustice neckbeard propagandist! Ya couldn’t sound more like the stereotypical small dick energy manbaby reactionary that cries about the big social justice radicals that offend, make you cry, and have you ranting like the woefully unoriginal maga raging white bro chud that you are if you tried! PC? Aww, shucks! Hea is another one who wants to go back to the good ol’ days when Hollywood and society as a whole would cater to its narrow-minded AF+privileged kind all the time with that REIGHT WING POLITICAL CORRECTNESS. XD Unfortunately for it, it should be obvious by now that reich wing-hated Hollywood no longer cares to pander to the “edgy”, fear-mongering and reactionary reich wing that for decades lived in such a safe space bubble where relatively no one ever challenged their privileged asses. And so what do you see from these vIrtUe sIgNaLiNg Pc SjW dEep StAte-screaming reactionaries on these boards and social media overall? Just these broken record rants against modern Hollywood and non-regressive/non-fascist people in general. But what these “edgy lords” really show more than anything else, is that they’re such projecting pc snowflakes who are insanely fragile, weak, entitled, insular (duh), and whiny beyond belief as it pains them to know that - luckily - they only have a small voice in the land/town where progress, not regression, is rightfully the thing. Ha ha. But I see... it right here is one of these rightist trolls that come to spew its [i]totally original[/i] and hardcore fascist garbage (Marvel & Disney is naturally trolls’ go-to targets as these studios give the finger to many in the reich by daring to offend their bigot asses) and then quickly disappears. It’s so easy to tell. While MANY regulars on here share this horrible propagandist’s horrible views, I can tell this one will be gone in no time like a bunch of other bunker boy-loving chuds. But if not... then don’t let this one think for a minute its being edgy and worth taking seriously. Now it, go watch some classic wise guy flicks that’ll make you feel both tough and jovial, or any flashy and one-dimensional boomer-approved picture that focuses on truly rotten characters that remind you of super pc yourself. Bish bye Its reception aside, for Chastain alone I’ll watch it. Good cast overall, though. In... your opinion. And in current time. [quote] I don't think that it was meant to be taken that seriously, [b]at least not as much as people these days take the sci-fi genre.[/b][/quote] Dis tho... How dare these people?! So unacceptable! This unrealistic genre started being taken more seriously over time like many sci-fi novels and stories were always meant to? Pftt! Real, super serious film fans know only overpraised wise guys flicks focusing on troglodyte sleaze balls, glossy and mundane anglo-driven period pieces, doom and gloom arthouse flicks, your 2001: A Space Odysseys and Blade Runners (wait a minute...), and basically anything that ISN’T inclusive, fantastical and special effects-laden regardless of how well-crafted and satisfying a lot of it apparently is (especially virtually everything modern and that’s supposedly all superhero stuff... look at me being smart, edgy and original going after the biggest IP’s today in kewl contrarian boomer xoomer fashion, awe yea... that haunts me and offends my snobbish sensibilities as well as the maga chud-disapproved stuff that also triggers us ultra-fragile proud boys type big time) should be taken super seriously. Blah. I see where you’re coming from, like many of the fascistic klown bridgade on this site. What?! Okay boomer! When the first trailer for this dropped 3 years ago, to me it looked like Fox had another big win (specifically in terms of quality) for their X-Men franchise. The film looked like it was offering something the genre hadn’t quite done before, and overall it looked like it could be one of the great comic films But alas, The New Mutants did not live up to the expectations of many. Nevertheless! I still liked it better than many did. Certainly not as exciting and compelling as it could have been, but it did entertain me and I found to be pretty engaging for the most part. While not one of the best in the genre, it also isn’t one of the absolute worst like some have suggested. It was fine 2020... nah, this [i]hellish[/i] year shouldn’t count. Scarlett and everyone else should just skip it! :) But she’s been going strong, that’s for sure. Looking forward to seeing what she does next. Go ScarJo! It would be scarier if this was handled the way it wasn’t in real life? Hmm. I mean, perhaps that would work if the show (like the source material) wasn’t going for [b]realism[/b] in this aspect. But yo, when it’s mostly the white reich wing revisionist brigade and a sell out or two “waaah everything that challenges and triggers me is evil woke sjw! Diversity and equality is white genocide! Sheep! Climate and the chyyyna flu issa hoax! Fake news! My actual feelings over your facts!” debating the authenticity of this. Typical but SMDH. It’s the real propagandists screaming propaganda as always.... hardcore reich wing projection. But how realistic? Very, very realistic. Let us begin... fact-checked history books and the numerous Emmett Tills from back in the good ol’ “anti-pc” days (actually very PC days for reactionary privileged white bros) and even these days aside, why not look up what’s been going on with those small dick energy armed reich wingers that have been showing up at BLM/pro-social justice protests ready to HUNT? “Waaaa BLM are terrorists! All lives matter, even the ones I want to eliminate and also eat! Protest police brutality peacefully by taking a knee? REEEEE TRAITORS! Broke a window and looted? You’re all the same savages! Your lives mean nothing compared to property! Only us white bros are allowed to destroy shit, like when our favorite sports teams win! F BLM!!!”... [i]IMAGINE[/i] how their hate-filled and bootlicking kind would have rolled back in the pre-60’s Civil Rights days. They would have made a killing back in the day! (Literally.) Or hell... look at this board or any board dedicated to supposed woke material (give me that glorious reich wing-disapproved material over maga cultist and fascist news material anytime!) and read the cliche AF but always asinine anti-social justice rants by bigot ‘Murica first chuds. Unrealistic overt racism, huh? Yeah, it’s all fake news deep state propaganda! Q’s R Us! 🙄 Ignorance is truly bliss for the projecting regressive. I’m out