Sacha Baron Cohen has lost it

He used to be kinda edgy and daring. Now, he's just hopping in on the "fuck Trump" bandwagon every libtard, Hollywood celebrity is. If he honestly thinks this is subversive or risque in anyway, then he needs to get his fucking head examined. This is the most trite, cliche, inoffensive type of modern satire there is.

Matt Stone/Trey Parker >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sacha Baron Cohen


Fuck Trump.


Wow, good job! You're almost as edgy and subversive as Sacha Baron Cohen! Keep it up, and you should earn yourself a place in the F.A.G. in no time.



Whoa, so much edge there! Be careful with that, son. You might just end up tickling someone.


Whatever, dude. Go tuck Rudy's shirt.


Thank you for deleting your idiotic response. : )


That's kool. Put that on a T-shirt and take it to the terrorists gatherings in the North West and in NYC. You'll make a bundle of cash.


De Niro was right. Simple. But right.


Nah, he was fantastic here. There was a lot more to the film than just mocking Trump.


Sounds like your little ass is sore because he dared to say something about your Orange Fuhrer you didn't like. Well, as you Trumptard's like to say, fuck your feelings, and suck it up snowflake.


Ooh yeah. Anti-Trump material. So novel. So daring. So courageous.


Ya hes the president. and the Op is crying about a movie being anti trump. You re triggered Effie said something about Trump?

Jesus how fragile are you guys.


"Ya hes the president. and the Op is crying about a movie being anti trump. You re triggered Effie said something about Trump?
Jesus how fragile are you guys."

You seem to suffer from reverse Alzheimer's, buddy. You're remembering and responding to things never said. I could care less if Trump is mocked. I always thought he was an asshole. But, that Cohen even pretends that anti-Trump comedy is even remotely edgy or novel is pathetic. It's damning evidence that he ain't got no game left, or else is just willingly serving as a political whore.


Who is pretending its "edgy"

Jesus i've heard this nonsense narrative from you guys before. which right wing media source are you all reading to get your buzzwords?

lol you are still crying and whining.. Like I said you guys are doing


Looks like someone predictably and seriously got triggered (its far from alone, duh.) Aww, you po’ thing! What a woefully stereotypical qanon-believing klanservative snowflake that’s projecting hard AF (taking after yer beloved bunker boy). Breaking news: broken record propagandist magatards who believe Cohen changed his ways to align himself with the awesomely reactionary-triggering Hollywood (and many in ‘’Murica, in fact) never understood him in the first place; how typical of the poorly educated maga cultist who wants its fascist Jim Crow days back. Shocker!

The free-thinking, ingenious, actual ballsy and real news-spreader Sacha Baron Cohen>>>>>>> those eDgY South Park libertarian bootlickers (though every now and then they break from their bootlicking ways and upset their reactionary crybaby fanbase, like when they dared to rightfully mock the Fuhrer in the last election and thus magatards lost it) and the several other “brave” fascist-approved celebs in the entertainment industry that don’t offend the chuds since they support that maniacal pos that should never stopped being mocked and exposed for the evil tyrant that he is. Keep doing you, anti-fascist Hollywood and everyone on the GOOD side of history in general!

Fuck Mango Mussolini


Err, he did - there’s that cringe footage of Cohen supporting the ADL - the biggest Cancel-machine out there. He’s gone from edgy comedian speaking truth to power... to sellout, pro-censorship establishment whore.

God knows why you’re supporting this 🤷🏻‍♂️


The left supports BLM and Antifa. That is why you will lose again.


So which redneck are you?


So which libtard are you?


Another butthurt redneck 🎣


Modern Left hasn't realized yet that you can't be subversive against the status quo... when you are the status quo. 😄

It's a common trend. People who want to be identified as left (as Sacha Baron Cohen) often want to emanate some "rebel/subversive" aura, but that heavily conflicts with that modern left holding most of power assets in western countries.

If Sacha Baran Cohen was really subversive, he wouldn't have been released in Netflix and he wouldn't have been covered by media. And he'd be very lucky if he got a theatrical release instead of just being silenced by media and releasing it in youtube.

When you stop being some isolated voice that rebels, and you start being part of the herd beating the same horse than everybody (mainstream) else, you move from being "subversive" to be propaganda of power. And that's a hard pill to swallow.


Oh shut up. You spout nothing but drivel.


You still believe in the "silent majority" crap? Lol.


honestly what the hell are you talking about...

yaa man I saw it cause I thought Cohen was "such an anti establishment, subversive rebel"

honestly what drugs do you take to come to these conclusions? How does someone make up such an insane unfounded and particular delusion in their head?


The bottom line is, this film was not funny (and anyone saying otherwise is over-compensating and/or lying to themselves)

Regardless of your political-leanings, the movie took the uber-safe route of 'Trump-bashing (how original?) It should have kept it on a level playing-field and mocked both parties (imagine the 'pranked' reactions from Biden, Pelosi, Cortez or even Obama) at very least, would made for a much funnier movie.

The problem staring all viewers in the face here, is that *no-one* dare attack the left (I wonder why?) If I'm wrong, please feel free to send me links to mainstream releases that mock Democrats (I'd be genuinely grateful)

Most online reviews for this movie start with (quote) "I rated this movie a 10, to counteract the 1 ratings" whilst conveniently forgetting that all reviewers are here out their mutual appreciation for (the usually funny) Baron Cohen in the first place.
The movie was rushed, forced and (sadly) lame, and please don't let your TDS say otherwise?

I'd like to see Baron Cohen do a spoof on 'Amazon'....although considering they bankrolled this 'agenda-driven' bore fest....his lack of funding (if not 'edge') prevents him from doing so...


Another triggered conservative mad they insulted their dear leader.

sad you guys are such pathetic cult members
