DracTarashV2's Replies

You won’t be surprised to hear that the sound mixing of this film has been criticized by many (the majority). While this has been a very common complaint when it comes to Nolan (ever since The Dark Knight Rises), the general consensus is Tenet is easily the worst one yet in this department. I know some people who thought others were exaggerating when they said they had a hard time hearing/making out so much of Tenet’s dialogue felt like the film could have benefited from some subtitles once they saw it, lol. Nolan “apparently” did this intentionally for the sake of realism, but... if you can’t hear what the actors are saying in so many scenes, especially in a complex film like this one, then that’s a problem. Keep in mind his voice isn’t [i]that[/i] deep in real life -- at least compared to how he sounds in most of his movies. In fact, he sometimes sounds... feminine. :) The guy does have some voice acting talent, though. He can get his voice quite high, lol. If you watch some of the footage of him doing the Baby Groot voice, you’ll see that there was less audio processing involved than one might think (I remember Vin himself made that claim before footage of it came out). Probably. Vin as Groot - perfection. Not much to it, but it’s gold That didn’t sound cliche at all. I mean... wow, people still make the “not enough explosions for you” excuse/argument? That’s right, the good ol’ “if you didn’t like this slow-paced film that’s grounded in reality and I personally felt didn’t insult my intelligence since it didn’t dare to make things exciting and fantastical, then you must be one of those low attention span philistines that needs special effects and explosions every minute in a movie” rant meant to disparage other film fans and blame them for certain films not being received well and not gaining enough traction. (Seems clear to me that many wanted to give this film a chance but ultimately found the acting to be far and away the best thing about it btw. Those calling it anti-religion/anti-Christian though? Gee, I wonder why this angry crowd would bitch about this film like they do about most modern films... I know it ain’t because of its quality.) Well duh, of course they do - this site alone is proof of that. It’s certainly what one would expect to hear from [i]tru[/i] film fans in particular; the high and mighty Scorsese types. ;) Okey-dokey, boomas Now THIS is a fan! (Samesies) She did such a [i]killer[/i] job in this role. ;) She’s awesome in general Looks like a bunch of people but mostly young Burt Reynolds apparently. :D A mix of Jeremy Renner and Nathan Fillion? Okay, now that seems accurate to me! Bottom line: he has a cool look. And voice. The typical fascist reich wing trolls btw be damned. You got that right you know! Good for these characters I say... Jelly I be ;) [url]https://media.tenor.com/images/9d12106f8a0f686ee89dacfa0c3532d3/tenor.gif[/url] Naysaying snobs and salty reactionary brohos dedicating their time to watching a film+show these days only to end up getting mad triggered by said film+show.... LOL. (‘Course many of these hos go in knowing whatever new IP they’re going to watch will potentially trigger them unless it’s made by or stars someone they approve of, so they hate-watch many IP’s.) Hilariously sad... po’ reich! 😂 Oh, you’re seemingly still sticking with it even though u bored? Or just referring to the first few episodes you watched before you gave up? Heh. Well regardless, I disagree one of the many complainers of this show up in this privileged raging white bro-filled joint. Sure, I get why some will take issue with this aspect of the show (same goes for a show like Peaky Blinders and its noice - much more frequent - usage of modern music), but I like what they’re doing with the modern music here. It’s been appropriately used (never overdone) and I think it works for a fairly unsettling and [i]surreal[/i] show that in many ways feels, well, modern. Btw, keep being salty social injustice ‘Murica first chumps that cannot stand seeing their kind be accurately portrayed like the bigots they are. [b]For you[/b]. And sure, for all the kewl detractors dedicated to complaining about many films/actors up in this mofo, but dats it (praise the majority!). :> Whoa... such super surprising reactions up here (that is sarcasm indeed). Well, it unquestionably looks like a film Denis Villeneuve made. And you know what that means to me? This is likely going to be nothing short of... magnificent. Possibly. In fact, providing it maybe [b]isn’t[/b] a disappointment in the eyes of the majority (not simply the relatively small but vocal online haters/snobs that, you know, gonna hate - and especially those that flat out said months ago they were expecting to be disappointed by this film and yet are still calling the trailer a disappointment lmao *wink wink*), then I [i]know[/i] this film is going to be vastly superior to Lynch’s travesty - and I didn’t need to see a trailer in order to feel such way (that’s right, snob xoomers). Funny, I’m not particularly fond of the story (sacrilege!), but the fact that this is Villeneuve... underestimate him I cannot... is what fortunately excites me and makes me have faith in this film overall. Obviously, this isn’t the way many who worship the book feel... He’s a “style over substance” director according to some of ya boomer xoomers? Pftt... ok xoomers. I’d say stick to the book, but I know you lot can’t wait to whine about what this modern adaptation (that’s where it went wrong for many of you back in my day’ers, huh) did wrong and how it pales in comparison to Lynch’s piss-poor version ad nauseam. But at any rate, non-contrarian me likes what I‘m seeing. Quality AF. The guy is in a league of his own, no question. He’s easily my favorite. And it’s impressive how good of an actor he is as well (he’s that talented). Detractors (the usual ones you hear from up in this place... Zzz) be damned. Taika rules All that wine also [i]goes well[/i] with the show’s aesthetic, don’t you think? ;) Anyway, first response from the old timey righty had it right (moreso than the second response anyway, smh). Such a good show. It’s going to Netflix for a reason. And they say it’s going to be completely different from the first film, they’ll be taking a whole new direction with it. And from what I’ve read, it sounds cool AF. But I know.... grrr, they don’t make ‘em like they used to! Hollywood is out of ideas! Remakes, sequels, reboots, cheese and crackers! Only profits matter! Just a few things worth a damn these days! The latest Nolan joint is better than almost everything else that’s new cuz Nolan! (Yet the film didn’t get the critical acclaim everyone expected and most seem to be divided on it. The newest and most EXCELLENT Keanu Reeves film, Bill & Ted 3, that was far better received lol> Tenet.) But yeah, films nowadays make me so... grrr! *boomer angry fuse overload* I wonder how long it’s going to be until many of the anti-Hollywood reich who keep crying and sounding like the broken record reactionary chuds that they are realize (maybe accept) that this industry - and many in society, thank fuck - won’t regress and go back to the good ol’ pro-exclusionary (bigot-friendly) days just to appease and not offend the actual PC regressive brigade who happily had Hollywood tell them many, many stories that were catered to their small-minded and privileged kind for a century. Yeah, unless Faux News starts their own film studio and produces flicks that keep it old school... to hell with inclusion, F science, F different people existing, F stories based on “preachy” reality, etc... and they take off like crazy, then don’t ever count on the agenda that your social injustice chuds have an agenda against to “dry out.” Sure, things/ideas that are the total opposite of woke, like fascism, may be kewl again with certain loud people (the reich). However, as with reactionary-triggering Hollywood, that stuff will never be accepted by the unkewl and un-regressive majority. Go woke go broke? Lol, providing ‘Murica doesn’t destroy itself, ya chuds will be saying this 50 years from now when things are only going to look less vanilla than they do now... the horror... and yet “somehow” the industry will still be riding high. Sorry not sorry, propagandist chuds.... That was most Sectumsempra! I mean.... Potter on, Dudes! Yeah, hard not to see it. :D Why don’t you make her, booma... https://media.tenor.com/images/e87cea8b332127b78bb85bf2be6b0ef0/tenor.gif And the salty AF tears coming from actual propagandists just don’t stop! XD Needless to say, the more reactionary manbabies get triggered by H Town, the more it’s... well... gonna happen! Now just wait until the next iteration of Bond comes around — the meltdowns the chud brigade is guaranteed to have will be [i]nothing[/i] compared to the whining you’re already seeing over No Time to Die (golly gee, many of them are already rage crying over what’s to come). Ya know, we may be living in an altreich reactionary neckbeard era, but thank fuck the film industry (and many in society) ain’t down for that... Ergo, chuds obviously gonna waaa waaa over the resistance to [b]their agenda[/b] for years to come. In closing, keep playing them broken records up in this altreich manbaby safe space *Laughs Deadpooly* Well, I expected nothing less. The trailer looked exactly how Matt Reeves has been describing the film like, if u ask me. But the darkness and grittiness aside, this film is looking incredible (to think only 25-30% of it has been shot so far). And not the biggest Dano fan myself, but he does sound great in the trailer (I now feel more optimistic about him). Looking forward to Pattinson’s portrayal the most. Oh please, T. The clickbait/misinformation and the certain trolls it clearly attracts... smh A more original take on it: Better than ok it was, I certainly say so myself! Wicked, well-done, fun, and overall a most triumphant and justified return for these dudes! You read that correctly. 😎 And oh boy, how unshocking it is that the true politically correct crowd that’s the pro-exclusion and pro-social INjustice reactionaries (in short, reich wingers) who see consider themselves tough and edgy cuz the majority of them grew up in a super duper vanilla world where their white privileged selves were never offended (like they are now 24/7 by modern films and many non-regressive humans in general since back in the good ol’ “un-pc” days the reactionaries were never challenged on anything and “pc” things like representation and human decency were a big no-no) were going to get mad triggered by this third film for daring to keep the message of the [b]original film[/b] alive and well but only this time things are a bit more inclusive, so obviously the reich gotta rage. Meh, what you’re seeing here is just the usual whining and projection coming from the easily offended reactionary xoomers/boomers babymen - and yo, this site has no shortage of these chuds. On that note, let’s not pretend like Bill & Ted were ever some of the crudest, raunchiest and douchiest movie characters from their supposedly edgy AF time. Other than perhaps “69”, their characters were nowhere close to being the edgiest of edgelords back then. Nope, that’s not what they and their movies were all about. They were pretty wholesome dudes. What’s that? Their movies still did things that would offend those your super duper tough kind think of as a soft generation? Ignoring the fact the new Bill & Ted is the first film in the series to receive a higher rating than a PG, aww that’s cute. XD Anywho! Bill & Ted the lovable headbanging airheads who always said be excellent to each other (that doesn’t sound reich!)> so-called tough reactionary neckbeards who cry about equality, inclusion, and all these “forced things” the tHiS iS vIrTuE sIgNaLiNg-screaming modern reich hates... hate is what they live for of course... not just about Hollywood but of society as a whole. Hehe, y’all gonna keep crying about the agenda that’s against YOUR agenda. Good. [quote]but what movies are as fun as 80s/90s movies anymore [/quote] As someone who grew up watching tons of movies from those decades (many of which remain my favorites), I say... oh, just many today! Like? Meh, what’s the point of that... nothing will ever compare to the good ol’ days for the xoomas and boomas. (The rest of the internet aside, this site is enough proof of that.) Y’all do y’all. Face the Music [i]slaps[/i]