Time to waste some time. Ok. Hey! You smell what the Benny Cuckpiro-sounding OP is cooking? Mmm, it’s.... it’s.... it’s projection altright!
This post and the other whiny ass posts by this O’ so un-pc one: sooooooo eddddgyyyyyyyyy and originaaaaaaal!
Damn, social injustice neckbeard propagandist! Ya couldn’t sound more like the stereotypical small dick energy manbaby reactionary that cries about the big social justice radicals that offend, make you cry, and have you ranting like the woefully unoriginal maga raging white bro chud that you are if you tried! PC? Aww, shucks! Hea is another one who wants to go back to the good ol’ days when Hollywood and society as a whole would cater to its narrow-minded AF+privileged kind all the time with that REIGHT WING POLITICAL CORRECTNESS. XD Unfortunately for it, it should be obvious by now that reich wing-hated Hollywood no longer cares to pander to the “edgy”, fear-mongering and reactionary reich wing that for decades lived in such a safe space bubble where relatively no one ever challenged their privileged asses. And so what do you see from these vIrtUe sIgNaLiNg Pc SjW dEep StAte-screaming reactionaries on these boards and social media overall? Just these broken record rants against modern Hollywood and non-regressive/non-fascist people in general. But what these “edgy lords” really show more than anything else, is that they’re such projecting pc snowflakes who are insanely fragile, weak, entitled, insular (duh), and whiny beyond belief as it pains them to know that - luckily - they only have a small voice in the land/town where progress, not regression, is rightfully the thing. Ha ha.
But I see... it right here is one of these rightist trolls that come to spew its totally original and hardcore fascist garbage (Marvel & Disney is naturally trolls’ go-to targets as these studios give the finger to many in the reich by daring to offend their bigot asses) and then quickly disappears. It’s so easy to tell. While MANY regulars on here share this horrible propagandist’s horrible views, I can tell this one will be gone in no time like a bunch of other bunker boy-loving chuds. But if not... then don’t let this one think for a minute its being edgy and worth taking seriously. Now it, go watch some classic wise guy flicks that’ll make you feel both tough and jovial, or any flashy and one-dimensional boomer-approved picture that focuses on truly rotten characters that remind you of super pc yourself.
Bish bye