MovieChat Forums > Obi-Wan Kenobi (2022) Discussion > Episode 6. What was the reason of Reva’s...

Episode 6. What was the reason of Reva’s existence on this show?

Honestly I expected them to have some big plan since they were forcing her so much in everyone faces. As if she was some Big Deal.

But nope. In last episode she was chasing and scaring fo death Luke and his parents. Only to realize in the end that she was searching for herself all this time. Then wondered off.

Why the hell was she is this show and why producers decided we need to spend 6 episodes watching this obnoxious annoying villain to "search for herself"? When it was Kenobi and Darth Vader showdown?

Take out all her scenes and nothing important will be missed.


Reva was a plot device. She triggered the events in the series. By capturing Leia she brought Obi-Wan back into the fold and the showdown between Vader and Obi-Wan happened.


There was no need for her.


Once you realize why she was in the show you’ll understand what’s wrong with the USA right now.


Oh, lots of us did realize why she was in the show.

We are just questioning her character presence in the story :D


She checked another box for the social justice warriors. This should have been about a 2 hour movie, but instead opted to do a streaming series and as a result, they have to put extra filler material within.


I'm sure someone somewhere is already working on making a 2 hour fan edit of this series and cutting out all the filler stuff.


Technically she was the main character as of being the only one with real character arc. Everybody else ended exactly where he started.


I don't agree with that. Ben was the main character and he totally changed throughout the series. At the beginning he was defeated, exhausted, not caring about anything (think of the scene where he was buying parts and knew the jawa was stealing from him). He wasn't practicing the force, wasn't training, and lost his abilities. He knew the jedi were being slaughered and was feeling this cloud over him due to not helping. He didn't help that padawan when he came to him in the desert.

He reluctantly did the mission and over the course of the series rejuvenated himself. He got his ass kicked by Vader in the beginning, but at the end he beat the crap out of him. He was invigorated and had a second life. THAT'S when Jinn showed up. "I was always here, Obi-Wan. You just were not ready to see. Come on, we’ve got a ways to go."


Exactly. Obi-Wan had a great arc in this series.


Yeah, it seems like they could have removed her from the show and replaced her with any of the Inquisitors or Vader himself.


Exactly. You could have told this same story without her. She's a backdoor pilot. That's it. And if she was only in one or two episodes, that would have been fine.


You really need to feel for characters in entertainment.
Spoilers ahead.....
You did notice that the Obi Wan-Vader fight was interwoven with Reva going after Luke, right? The reason for that may have been to give fans something. With Obi Wan and Vader we got sadness because Anakin could not be reached by Obi Wan to be redeemed. With Reva we got happiness because she forsook the dark side and ended her quest for revenge. This fits perfectly with the message of Star Wars-the joy of someone who is redeemed.


If it was going to be a mini-series then I would have utilized more flashbacks with Obi-Wan and Anakin before Attack of the Clones.

I don't mind Reva's story but it's just a bit bland and predictable and I didn't buy into it at all. Just have her be a villain, I didn't need her or Kylo Ren to be redeemed, it makes it seem like it's easy to come back from the dark side.

I'd have had episode 5 end with a duel between Obi-Wan and Reva and he defeats her but has no choice but to leave her for dead because Vader is on the way. Have Reva find Bail Organa's message on Obi-Wan's transmitter and she goes after Luke and it's ultimately Owen that has to kill her to protect his son. They could have even had Obi-Wan give Owen Anakin's lightsaber to use to protect Luke if anyone came looking for him in the first episode, it certainly would have been more credible than Owen fending off Reva with that pipe.

So tl;dr version I don't mind Reva, I just wish they'd kept her as a villain and not given her the lame redemption arc.


“Just have her be a villain, I didn't need her or Kylo Ren to be redeemed, it makes it seem like it's easy to come back from the dark side.”

Exactly how I feel about Disney Star Wars. Why can’t villains be villains. It takes away from the fact that Vader in “Return of The Jedi” finally turned from the dark back to the light. It should’ve been something that’s next to impossible to do, but Vader/Anikan being who he is managed to pull it off to save Luke. Turing to the “Dark-side” should be akin to “selling your soul to the devil” for power etc.. Something that once you do that, it’s done. You are done.
Now it’s as if everyone can just flip flop back & fourth whenever they feel like it. Depending on what mood they’re in. Making it all less interesting & watered down. I feel only Anikan/Vader should’ve been able to pull that off.

Same goes for people getting stabbed with Light Sabers - then being totally fine. I didn’t like it with Maul either.
The only time I think it should’ve worked was when Palpatine saved Anikan/Vader. Because Palpatine knew “Dark powers”. But if everyone can do it, it’s pointless.


Agreed with both points.

It’s the tragic nature of the dark side that you shouldn’t come back from it.

Reva could have really worked as a secondary antagonist in this series but the writers just didn’t want to commit to that idea for some reason.

Also yeah Maul surviving is a load of crap, same with Palpatine after his death in Return of the Jedi. It’s why I see the sequel trilogy as just fan fiction.

There’s even that Darth Maul fan film on YouTube that’s set before The Phantom Menace and it’s so much more enjoyable to watch than seeing Maul with his robot legs.


"Just have her be a villain, I didn't need her or Kylo Ren to be redeemed"

You mean like Vader?


Why the hell was she is this show and why producers decided we need to spend 6 episodes watching this obnoxious annoying villain to "search for herself"?

Well, they couldn't really defend their very expensive licensed fanfiction (for lack of a better word; I don't believe for a second anyone in a decision-making capacity at Disney is an actual fan of Star Wars) by simply calling every critic racist if she wasn't in it, now could they?


Where does there have to be a "big plan" for everyone?

She brought Obi Wan out of hiding and was the reason Owen let Obi-Wan meet Luke.


You are no longer welcome in these KKK neo Nazi meetings. >=|


This is a Wendy's, sir.
