MovieChat Forums > Obi-Wan Kenobi (2022) Discussion > Episode 6. What was the reason of Reva’s...

Episode 6. What was the reason of Reva’s existence on this show?

Honestly I expected them to have some big plan since they were forcing her so much in everyone faces. As if she was some Big Deal.

But nope. In last episode she was chasing and scaring fo death Luke and his parents. Only to realize in the end that she was searching for herself all this time. Then wondered off.

Why the hell was she is this show and why producers decided we need to spend 6 episodes watching this obnoxious annoying villain to "search for herself"? When it was Kenobi and Darth Vader showdown?

Take out all her scenes and nothing important will be missed.




I agree that Reva was not integrated particularly well into the series and the conclusion of her character arc shouldn't have been inserted into Obi-Wan and Vader's duel.

In 'Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones', Tusken Raiders kidnap Anakin Skywalker's mother, Shmi Skywalker. Anakin eventually finds her, but she is mortally injured and dies in his arms. Seized by a violent rage, Anakin slaughters the entire tribe including the women and children. In 'Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith', he totally embraces the dark side to save Padme, slaughtering the Jedi children.

Reva survives the youngling massacre, becomes an Inquisator and committed all kinds of atrocities for the Empire in order to get close enough to Anakin to extract revenge. She realises that she can't overpower Vader, but gets the chance to kill Luke and inflict the ultimate revenge, the death of Vader's son. However, unlike Anakin, this is the line she won't cross.

As opposed to Anakin, who becomes an unrecognizable monster, obsessed with vengeance against Kenobi, Reva shows that it is possible to turn away from the dark side and that the cycle of violence and retribution could be broken.
