MovieChat Forums > The Mandalorian (2019) Discussion > Pedro Pascal calls 70 million Americans...

Pedro Pascal calls 70 million Americans Nazis

Pedro Pascal calls Americans Nazis. His post on instagram:

Mandalorian On Social Media - Pedro Pascal ATTACKS Fans


Yay more identity politics!


calling 70 million americans and millions of Trump supporters in Europe and the rest of the world nazis, is a bit more than identity politics.....


It has become the norm though and the ones who play this game fail to see it just creates more division. Which is ironic because they are meant to be about unity and acceptance. Biden even said he wants the country to heal.

Not sure how that will happen when you have a very divided country going by the election results and this idiot saying American's or Republican American's are Nazi's.

Another irony, Nazi's were socialists something that he no doubt doesn't understand.


Exactly.... and Pedro is From Chile, how did the socialists fare there. Not that well


Socialism has failed in every country that has tried it. But ol' Pedro is just toeing the company line, nothing more. He would be beating baby seals over the head if his masters told him to.


True, just like Jimmy Kimmel went from "The man show" to the "No balls show"

All for that sweet lib money in Hollywood.


It won’t fare well here either.

Just as when the Pilgrims tried it in 1621-1623, and half of them died, the same might happen here.


Ugh Nazis were NOT socialists. Talk about history revisionism. They were fascists that called themselves National Socialist. Far different. Did you skip school?


Ugh NAZI's were National Socialist's because it is in their name and even Hitler said he borrowed from Socialism.

Did you skip school? Oh yeah... they don't like teaching the truth in school anymore.




Socialism is a fascist ideology.


There are no Trump supporters in Europe. They rang the church bells in Paris when Trump lost. People celebrated in the streets the world over when Biden won.


Millions of supporters in Europe??


Of course, i am in europe....lots of people backing him on forums and news media comments sections.


Plenty of anarchists all over the world. Fed a steady supply of lies by Bannon.


Another socialists millionaire, how does that work?


Payyyydro needs to move back to Chile.


They'd take his wealth away!


Funny how they all seem to be rich isn't it?


American socialists are really just capitalists with reservations. They want some balance to the current system, not even equal balance.


Wow can see you kiddos have been brainwashed. Look around you. There's homelessness and desperation throughout America, most of the population living paycheck to paycheck. In Democratic Socialist countries they have free health care, faster cars, fast trains, higher tech. Even the damn atms work faster. They were 20 years ahead of us on chip cards for crissakes. America is turning into Tattoine while you all blame cities paved on gold.


You’ve obviously never been to Denmark or Sweden.


I think we need to modify the tax code in the US to give these celebrity ass hats what they are clamoring for. Anyone working in the entertainment industry needs to be taxed at a 100% for every dollar they make beyond the living wage they are always yapping about... which if 15 an hour would mean they need to be taxed 100% on every dollar beyond 30,000... and all that money could be handed out to the homeless they also want everyone else to take care of... I think you would very quickly see the socialist fucks change their tune.


A pity those fools aren't aware that in a socialist takeover, the rich are always the first to be targeted, their bank accounts gutted, and if they protest, they're either shot to death or sent off to a gulag to keep quiet.


Exactly and all their precious teachers are taken away and their media and freedom of the press gagged.

Not to mention it is just bad business to brand 70 million of your potential and in some cases actual audience NAZI's does he think only Democrat voters watch his show?


Luckily, Pedro Pascal is not his character.


You're so confused the rich, aka fascists have been trying to take you over and have been ever since there was land ownership and currency. This goes back 1000 of years. We're still just on the verge of getting our freedom back but the rich are always brainwashing the dumbest levels of society.


Then why did the Socialists fight against the Nazi's who wanted to control the banks? Why did the Socialists kill so many millions of people?

Why are Socialists so fucking stupid and evil?


You're making the same mistake he is, but from the other side. Supporting Trump does not make you a Nazi, and opposing Trump does not make you a socialist.


True, but to be sure. I'll vote with my wallet.


That's illegal. Only legal votes count.


Imagine what a problem 70 million nazis would actually be. The only reason the South was manageable is it was a small contained group of people. These lunatics don't even know what nazis are. They're afraid of bogeymen invented by Hollywood. The Crusades were a way bigger more relatable problem.


Exactly. 70 million NAZI's would have already claimed the "Red States" as their own. Ironically the only USA state that has spoken about seceding is California which is hard core Democrat.


There weren't that many hard core Nazis in Germany in the 1930's. There was a large population of people who supported them to some degree though, or didn't but were too afraid to speak up (understandably in the end). The 2020 Republican Party is the culmination of decades of swinging toward the extreme right - this is what happens when your system enables minority rule. When you have gerrymandering, the Electoral College, and a Senate that gives four seats to the nearly unpopulated Dakotas and only two to massively populated California, zero to the DC area (which also has more people than the Dakotas).

A lack of accountability, being able to ignore what most Americans want and take power anyway, leads to the sneering arrogance, out of control disinformation campaigns, and disconnect from reality that we see in the modern GOP. The Reagan Republicans are long gone. Crazy conspiracy theorists and religious nuts are in charge of the party now. We should be concerned. A splitting of the country into two independent nations is a distinct possibility if the power grabbing and ever more extreme policy positions continue. Maybe it's for the best. The red and blue state populations have VERY different visions of what America should be. Maybe we should just admit we have irreconcilable differences and divorce as amicably as possible. Nothing good will come of the path we're on now.


uh huh. Another brainwashed Leftard. Pointless trying to discuss anything with you.


Calling names. The response of someone who has nothing to say.


Talking through your arse, the response of the ignorant.

I grew up around people who lived through that era in Europe. Don't peddle your Woke nonsense to me and expect me to believe it.


So ... still all insults and no substance. Hey, you gotta get the last word though, right? Every troll does. Come on. Say something else meaningless. Gotta have the last word! 😎

If you really did know what you were talking about, you'd realize there are a lot of striking parallels between Hitler's supporters back then and Trump's die hard MAGA crazies now. The Republicans literally didn't even have a platform this year. Going along with whatever the Dear Leader says. That was their platform. I wonder if guys like Lindsey Graham and Matt Gaetz get down on their knees and call him Sire, or My Lord, when they meet with him? With any luck the more sane and rational among the GOP will split off and form a new party. Let the far right trash see if they can keep things running once the business conservatives have all left (i.e. the smart ones).

By the way, the term "woke" is way past its expiration date. You only hear it from right wingers anymore, as an attempted insult that ends up sounding foolish.


More long winded bullshit.

Standard Leftard.

Don't you have a black community to burn down and people with different opinions to assault?

There's simply no point in trying to converse with bigoted zealots like yourself. You can't get passed your programming.

Now, stop wasting peoples time with your stupidity.


At least I laid out my opinion and said something. Looking back through your responses you haven't done a thing but hurl insults. In my experience a person who can actually refute what you've said does so. It's the ones who can't that say they owe you nothing and call names instead.

So you're just another waste of space troll. Feeding time's over. I won't bother checking this thread again, even if you respond, since you clearly have nothing to say. By all means get the last word in though. Gotta have the last word! Adios amigo. I'd say it's been a pleasure ... but I'd be lying. 🤪


"If you really did know what you were talking about, you'd realize there are a lot of striking parallels between Hitler's supporters back then and Trump's die hard MAGA crazies now."

Who was out on the streets attacking police og looting stores? BLM and Antifa.
Not Trump voters.

It was Biden voters.

The left and Antifa = Sturmabteilung.


Wow. What ignorance. Not that that’s any surprise from a Constitution hating leftist.

We are a constitutional republic. We are a union. We are not a monolith. We are not a democracy. It is a blessing that every state is treated as an equal. And it is a blessing that we have something like the Electoral College to keep NYC and LA from dictating anything to the rest of the country.

If CA wants to secede - let them try. And if they did, then the US would go in, overthrow the government, and install someone who actually wants to be in the union.



Gina Carano is a Republican. She got in trouble on twitter for listing her gender as beep/bop/boop!


Carano is totally non-political?


A bit of Googling seems to suggest she is non-political, though lefty trolls have called her right-wing or Trump supporter.


Anyone that cuts against the grain is considered a right wing Trump supporter.


People are escalating that post to mean things( like assuming he's a socialist who hates his fans) just not there.




Why must they spread hate.
Oh well. It was fun while it lasted.


He could have been calling them confederates or rebels.

Really he was just calling them what they are, though, losers. It's right there in the meme.


He compared Trump voters to Rebels and Nazis.... there is no denying it.

IF he just wanted to compare them to other losers in 2020, he could have used the Miami Heat and Tampa Bay Rays.


Great another SJW. He wasn't addressing the Americans. He was addressing the traitors that voted for Trump.


Yeah, you’re a douche. You honestly wouldn’t recognize the Constitution if it smacked you in the face or know what being an American actually means.
