MovieChat Forums > chrisjdel
chrisjdel (2714)
Main problems and unanswered questions [spoilers]
Just watched this on Netflix
Silas - framed or psychotic?
Is this a real thing or not?
Official timeline (for those confused about the sequence of events) [Spoilers]
Being trapped on Europa is a pretty serious problem
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What are the Democratics?
English isn't your first language, is it? Болтуна язык до добра не доведёт.
[i]If the root is strong, the tree will survive.[/i]
You're drooling again, man! Gotta remember to take your meds. Otherwise you start running through the streets naked, screaming about Donald Trump, then we have to come down to the station and bail you out. 🙃
[i]Daniel-san, you look revenge that way, start by digging two graves.[/i]
It took long hours and dedication. And I must say, it's an honor just to be nominated. I'd like to thank my parents, my brother and sister, my manager, the great directors I've been privileged to work with, my terrific castmates, everyone currently alive on Earth and all their ancestors back to the dawn of time. Thank you all! 🏆
[i]To make honey, young bee need young flower, not old prune.[/i]
Yes, resort! I could use a vacation. Sounds good. Someplace tropical I think.
[i]Don’t forget to breathe, very important.[/i]
Initial response? You mean when he grunted, looked up for a moment, then went back to watching Fox? I did absolutely nothing to hinder that.
[i]Walk left side, safe. Walk right side, safe. Walk middle, sooner or later ... get squish just like grape![/i]
Yeah it was me. Totally. Because I was in charge of the national response. 🤣
[i]Man who catch fly with chopstick, accomplish anything.[/i]
[i]A man confronts you, he is the enemy. An enemy deserves no mercy.[/i] 😤
[i]Wax on, wax off ...[/i]
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