MovieChat Forums > Yellowstone (2018) Discussion > I really hope Jamie kills Beth and John

I really hope Jamie kills Beth and John

Thats how i hope the show ends, Jamie killing both of them and standing tall, its been insufferable watching how Beth treats Jamie, and also insufferable watching John not caring how she treats him. Now John takes away his shot at becoming Governor, and Beth stood there loving it just itching at the chance to get in Jamie's ear and rub it in.

Beth's like John's personal demon bitch from hell he uses to assault his enemy's with, he saw how cruel Beth has been to Jamie and he's never once cared, couldn't even bring himself to say he loved Jamie as much as his other kids when Beth asked him to say it.

John and Beth are just insufferable together, he knows shes an evil uncaring bitch and he still kisses her on the cheek and loves her unconditionally while he treats Jamie like shit.


I totally agree with you . Dutton never questioned for years why Beth treated Jamie like crap.

Jamie became a lawyer because Dutton wanted to have someone that could deal with the law , know the loop holes .. he has been an asset in keeping the family out of trouble with the law.

Over the years , Jamie has done as much as Beth to keep the ranch going too.

And in return Dutton gives Jamie yet another punch in the guts taking away his possibility to become Governor .. he could have spoken to Jamie, explained

and Beth of course was there to gloat and take her piece of flesh saying : this is only the beginning.

Jamie is about to snap and I hope when he does he snaps Beth’s neck .

And leaves Dutton to mourn.

The only one that has always loved and treated Jamie as a family member is Kayce.

His foster father is no better than Dutton and Beth…all three have been abusive towards Jamie.


Jamie went to law school, became a damn good lawyer just cause John told him to, and has always helped the ranch, i mean Jamie has killed to keep the ranch going. He was always dedicated to John and helping him, and John never gave him anything in return, not even an "I love you" he's completely used Jamie and threw him away like trash. He watched Beth physically and mentally torture him for years without ever interfering to even find out why.

Now John kills his shot at becoming Governor, and doesn't even talk to him and tell him in private, he lets him come to the press conference and find out right before he walks down to accept her recommendation just adding humiliation to it. And of course brings Beth with him so she can gloat to Jamie about it.

Yeah Kayce is the only who truly loved Jamie and truly sees him as his brother, John always looked at Jamie as an outcast and like a mangey stray dog he took in and moderately tolerated being part of his family.


Jamie didn't kill to save the ranch, he killed because he ratted in John and all their secrets would have been out in the open. He has a direct interest in not destroying the ranch and all John 's legacy.
And John didn't give him anything? Really? Jamie will inherit part of the ranch ( he would have before he chose his chose his murdering biological father), he has a good education, he has the Duttons name. Who do you think would vote for Jamie Randall? Jamie would probably be in jail or dead if John didn't adopt him.


I didn't mean he never gave him anything in terms of physical property, i meant emotionally, so he's never gave him anything in that regard like a father should to his son.


I have only watched bits and pieces of this show. It's well-made on all fronts: acting, sets, costumes, all great. But I have a hard time getting into it. I hate all of these people, particularly her, John, and Rip. Fucking hate them. Beth and Rip are trash and John blindly supports them. Hell, John is trash too.


LOL, this is a menagerie of scum to be sure. The only character I really like is Rainwater's bodyguard/enforcer Mo.

Of all the scum characters, I like Rip. The scene where he took care of that bike gang is gold.


kaycee is a good guy though. The only issue is that his character gets annoying because his connection to Monica and Tate, who both suck


A good guy who killed a minimum of 5 people in the first 2 seasons. Even if those were criminals, anywhere on the planet except Paradise Valley, Kacey would be considered a murderer.


You and me both brother.

Sheridan is going to have to come up with a better plot, because real fans don't buy that John hates Jaime because he's adopted or that Beth hates Jaime that much because he allowed an abortion clinic that caters to Native American woman to remove the reproductive organs of a white woman in the late 80's.


People don't need a rational reason to hate someone. Beth is part psychopath after all. I don't think John hates Jamie at all, but right now, he doesn't trust him, and that comes from Jamie's actions and not because he's adopted.


Jamie being the whipping boy character has really went from bad to unwatchable. The scenes have become so repetitive it's beyond tiresome. Give me more scenes like the Jamie/Kaycee scene. Hell we don't even get anymore John and Jamie scenes anymore. But they're making it very obvious that Beth/John will inevitably push Jamie to go against the family because this show mirrors the godfather, and Jamie is Fredo.

But I agree Jamie needs to kill Beth


100% my thoughts too. I feel like the writers are trying to get us to root against Jaimie and think of him as some kind of screwup while Beth is supposed to be this tough as nails bitch but really I cant stand her and I cant see any justification for the way jaimie is emotionally abused by his family. He's the only character I'm rooting for at this point.




That seems to be the plan. It looks that they keep pitching Jamie deeper and deeper into the abyss as if they plan to remake him like the Phoenix in the series finale.

Personally, I don't care who really "wins" at the end. There are few redeemable characters in the whole show. Forced to pick one or two, I'd go with Rainwater's bodyguard Mo and Kaycee.


Beth herself is insufferable and hardly the tough bitch she is supposed to be. The actress who plays her is way too old looking to be in her 30's which is what Beth is supposed to be.


Forgetting that I think the actress looks great and is doing a great job playing Beth (and doing a great job with her American accent), why is a 44 year old actress playing a 38 year old character a problem? I think the 58 year old Stockard Channing playing a teen in Grease was a bigger stretch.

I think Kelly Reilly is doing a great job overall and was a casting coup IMO.


I think Beth is slightly younger than 38. I don't think anyone could play Beth as she is written, well. Beth is just annoying and weak.

Stickers wasn't 58 in Grease but still looked better than Reilly.


According to the Yellowstone fan Wiki (LOL), Beth was born in 1984.


Beth is unbearable and the actress who plays her looks every day of 47 plus yet Beth is supposed to be in her 30's. The way she behaves is more like a petulant teenager.

I would be more than ok with seeing her get comeuppance.


Well, Jamie is not his child. So he can't love him as much as the others.
Plus Jamie chose to forgive his psycho father who killed his mom, and who tried to kill all the Duttons and said he will keep trying until he succeeded. I get him hating Beth, but John raised him and Kacey treated him like a brother. There's no possible reason for him to hate John THAT much.


Jamie hasn't exactly been a standup person either.

I think if they start "reclaiming" his character in the first few episodes of the last season half, then the scenario of him offing John and Beth would be a real possibility.
