MovieChat Forums > Never Been Kissed (1999) Discussion > 25 year old being able to pass as high s...

25 year old being able to pass as high schooler?

I don't know if I could buy into this. But most of the cast playing high schoolers were much older except for LeeLee and Jessica Alba so Drew playing a high schooler blended right in as most of the cast was much older playing high school age. LOL

Would you believe it if a 25 year old walked into your high school and said "hi, I am 17 and new" like almost ten years older than the last year of high school age? She wore no makeup but I don't know if this was realistic for her to pass herself off as high school age. Guy was even older in real life than Drew and I don't know if he really could have passed as high school age. His face did not have that young boyish look high school guys have. It looked young but aging more than a high school kid LOL

Dave Arguette was the biggest joke going back to high school. He clearly looked 28-32. LIKE wtf??


When I was 33, I was asked by a guy I met (who was my own age) if I'd graduated from high school yet. When I was 27, I got carded everywhere I went in Vegas, while my younger friends didn't. That same year, I was at a doctor's appointment, and the physician's assistant asked me if my mom drove me, because she didn't think I was old enough to have my license yet. It happens.


Is there no way that a movie like this could be made today:

The biggest problem with Never Been Kissed would be the social media presence of the actual 25yrs old reporter. While pretending to be a teen, she could always say her parents wouldn’t let her have social media until she turned 16 or something to work around that. I suppose the reporter could scrub her accounts and change her hair color to confuse anyone who might see her image online.

As far as the romance with the teacher, I don’t think anyone would have a problem with it because 1. The actress and character would be far above legal age, 2. The teacher never did or said anything inappropriate when he thought she was 17. I think that humans know, young teachers (or a young adult) may think a 17/18yrs old student (who’s got the physical characteristics of an adult) is attractive- that doesn’t make them a horrible person who’s disgusting. ACTING on it, or using their power to sexually exploit a younger person is what makes them a creep and disgusting.


Are you kidding? I'm 32 and people mistake me for a teenager! It helps if you're short, have a high voice, and a very young-looking face.
