MovieChat Forums > Never Been Kissed (1999) Discussion > 25 year old being able to pass as high s...

25 year old being able to pass as high schooler?

I don't know if I could buy into this. But most of the cast playing high schoolers were much older except for LeeLee and Jessica Alba so Drew playing a high schooler blended right in as most of the cast was much older playing high school age. LOL

Would you believe it if a 25 year old walked into your high school and said "hi, I am 17 and new" like almost ten years older than the last year of high school age? She wore no makeup but I don't know if this was realistic for her to pass herself off as high school age. Guy was even older in real life than Drew and I don't know if he really could have passed as high school age. His face did not have that young boyish look high school guys have. It looked young but aging more than a high school kid LOL

Dave Arguette was the biggest joke going back to high school. He clearly looked 28-32. LIKE wtf??


I just turned 29, and I could easily pass for a high schooler. I still routinely get carded for alcohol, and a cop the other day, when I was walking around the neighborhood, asked how old I was. Basically just to verify that I am at least 18. Considering that it's seen as rude to ask a woman how old she is, I don't think anyone would think it is appropriate to ask me how old I was if I looked my age. The only times people would ask that is to see if I'm under or over 18.

I think this is more common for females, really. Girls generally don't change all that much between 18 and 25, while guys do.



I turn 25 this year and I still think I look quite young in a way, which is annoying. But the weird thing is some people assume I'm older and some think I'm younger.

25 isn't that old, is it? I remember watching Never Been Kissed at about 16/17 and thinking 25 wasn't that much older. I wondered why Josie's character wasn't about 27/28, but then I suppose it would need for her to be believable passing for a teenager still.

I agree about David Arquette's Rob. How old was he? I think Rob was supposed to be about 23.

I think the actor who played Guy looked convincing as a young guy. I wouldn't have thought he was about 26/27 in reality, despite his character being younger than Josie.


When I was26 I had a 2nd job at a convenience store to save up for my wedding and the high schoolers mistook me as one of their own often, it was pretty funny. So yeah, it's believable to me... Some days I still wish I could pass for a high schooler. I'm 36 and sometimes still get people thinking I'm 19 or 20, though, so I guess that's pretty good.

When a cold momma gets hot, boy how she sizzles!


Everyone thinks or wants to believe they look younger than their age. LOL! Aside from some Black and maybe Asian people,most other people look their age plus or minus a few years or much older.


Well I don't know about everyone but I'm 25 and a few days ago I went to see a film with my sister, who is 20, and the employer went to give us two teen tickets until we corrected him and told him our real ages. He was stunned, and then gave us student tickets instead lol

It’s immortality, my darlings


Dude, I just turned 27 and look the same as I did in high school. Nobody ever believes that I'm 20-something. (And yet, some people from my class do look a little bit different now. I still think they could totally pass as high schoolers, though.)



I don't think Drew really looks 17 here, but context can make people believe a lot of things. Because she was there and dressed as a teen, the students believed her.

I am sure I do not look like a teenager (I am 30) but when I took my teenaged niece to a concert, some other teenaged girls there guessed I was around 17/18. I do not look old enough/motherly enough to be mistaken for her mother, so they assumed I was a friend or classmate.


Nothing about Drew Barrymore looks like she is a teenager in this movie.

She definitely looks like she was at least her age (mid twenties).


Michael Vartan looked at most 20 in the movie, and I think he was older than 20 in real life when he got the role.


I think she looks like she could pass as a teenager. Yeah, she looked to be about 22-24-ish but Like the poster above you said, context can be powerful. Sure, it wouldn't be believeable if they tried to pass a 40+ year old off as a teenager but Drew/Josie was only in her mid twenties. She was in a high school dressing like a teenager going to classes she was enrolled in so it was just assumed she was actually a teenager. They all probably thought she was just one of those people that looked older than their age, if they even thought she looked to old to be in high school in the first place.

This is my signature.


The weird thing being 25 now is that if people assume my age it seems more often they either guess I'm around 21/22 or about 28/29.
When I was around 16/17 I used to get mistaken for being older pretty much all the time. My friends would get me to buy their drinks for them as I didn't get ID'd much at all, and once at school was even mistaken for being a teacher!

I think Josie can totally pass for being in her late teens or at least just looking slightly older for her age.
I think when watching this as a teenager I didn't quite understand why they had a character only a few years out of her teen years go undercover, but I guess it had to be somewhat believable.




In US high school films most students look about 30!

Its that man again!!


I would have bought Drew as a high school student, but it would have made more sense for them to attempt to pass her off as a fifth-year senior (she failed senior year at her last high school so she transferred to try again) just so that there was less of an age gap, you know? (lol again, no one is watching this movie for the flawless plot)

But besides that point, there were girls I graduated with who looked way older then that rest of us, and there were others who looked like freshmen still. Everyone matures differently.
