MovieChat Forums > Never Been Kissed (1999) Discussion > 25 year old being able to pass as high s...

25 year old being able to pass as high schooler?

I don't know if I could buy into this. But most of the cast playing high schoolers were much older except for LeeLee and Jessica Alba so Drew playing a high schooler blended right in as most of the cast was much older playing high school age. LOL

Would you believe it if a 25 year old walked into your high school and said "hi, I am 17 and new" like almost ten years older than the last year of high school age? She wore no makeup but I don't know if this was realistic for her to pass herself off as high school age. Guy was even older in real life than Drew and I don't know if he really could have passed as high school age. His face did not have that young boyish look high school guys have. It looked young but aging more than a high school kid LOL

Dave Arguette was the biggest joke going back to high school. He clearly looked 28-32. LIKE wtf??


I'm 31 an can pass for a high schooler.


When my cousin was 23, she was a teacher and on the first day of school, the other students thought she was also a student.


Michael J Fox was 22 when he played Alex Keaton on Family Ties, and at the beginning he was like 16 or so on the show. And Jennifer Grey was 28 and playing 17 year old Baby in Dirty Dancing. I thought she was maybe 21, but not 28!

I used to get carded all the time at 25, it was annoying after a while.


I know I could. I don't look my age (24) at all. If I don't wear mascara, trust me, I could easily be 17/18.


Totally possible. Many people look much younger for their age (myself included) I'm turning 36 in a couple months and a few people tell me I look like I'm in my early 20's.


What's funny is this movie would be even more plausible today, with the way most teenage girls do their makeup. I'm almost in my mid-20's but I see some teenage girls with better makeup skills than myself. So it depends on a lot of different things. I myself could easily pass for a HS Senior. I think everyone in that movie could pretty much pass.


only can happen if youre black or asian


I'm 43 and still get mistaken for a teenager, even a pretty teen sometimes, and I HATE it! Everyone who is waaay younger talking down to me like I was born yesterday when I'm old enough to be their mom or even grandma really gets annoying! Also, almost all teen characters are played by older actors, probably because of child labor laws. Connie on Just the 10 of us was 14 played by a 24 year old. Michael J Fox was 24/25 when he played 17 year old Marty McFly in Back to the Future (BEST MOVIE EVER MADE!!).... So yes it's very common and very believable for young characters to be played by older actors.


That was supposed to say PRE TEEN, not pretty teen... stupid auto correct!! :/
