MovieChat Forums > Never Been Kissed (1999) Discussion > 25 year old being able to pass as high s...

25 year old being able to pass as high schooler?

I don't know if I could buy into this. But most of the cast playing high schoolers were much older except for LeeLee and Jessica Alba so Drew playing a high schooler blended right in as most of the cast was much older playing high school age. LOL

Would you believe it if a 25 year old walked into your high school and said "hi, I am 17 and new" like almost ten years older than the last year of high school age? She wore no makeup but I don't know if this was realistic for her to pass herself off as high school age. Guy was even older in real life than Drew and I don't know if he really could have passed as high school age. His face did not have that young boyish look high school guys have. It looked young but aging more than a high school kid LOL

Dave Arguette was the biggest joke going back to high school. He clearly looked 28-32. LIKE wtf??


Can it happen in real life: yes, at least two real writers have done it (Cameron Crowe and a guy who wrote for, I think, The Atlantic - there's a thread here somewhere with a link, if it hasn't been deleted).

The actors in this movie: close enough to pass; it's a dramatic movie, not a documentary. The audience is expected to have some minimal ability to suspend disbelief.


Josie really did look very young for a 25 year old, and some of the kids at the school looked really mature for 17 year olds, so Josie did look passable for a mature looking 17 year old.


I am 25, and get mistaken for a teenager on a regular basis. I'm not saying that to brag at all (It actually gets annoying). My older brothers are the same way. That's why I teach at an elementary school. I would not be taken too seriously in a high school at this point.


28- got carded at the movies -__-

So totally possible. Helps that im short and boyish shaped.



I didn't think they looked THAT out of place. 25 isn't that old anyways but then again a lot of my old high school classmates who are in their mid-twenties look mid-thirties instead. Yikes. I think it all depends on how well you take care of yourself in your early 20's.



I'm 28 and get mistaken for a teenager all the time. It can get annoying. I get hit on by teenaged boys all hr time because they think I'm their peer.

Shoot for the moon, and if you miss you are still amongst the stars



I guess it depends on what the person looked like, if they could pull it off. I am almost 28 and would probably have no problem going back to high school and people thinking I am 16-18 years old.

Someone like Rob on the other hand-not really.




When I was 30 I could still pass for a 18 or 19 year old and even now when people ask my age they usually start from 25 and move downwards to 20 or 21. Although its nice for the ego of a mid 30s person to be asked if I am still in my early 20s it does get annoying coz people generally treat you like a kid, even within a business setting (not that I am complaining too much lol).

Its down to genetics at the end of the day... as both my parents look really young as well (about 15-20 yrs younger than their real ages). However this a rare thing and thus totally unrealistic when you see it on film.

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